Florists in Charles Town, WV
Find local Charles Town, West Virginia florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Charles Town and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Charles Town Flower Shops
205 W Washington S
Charles Town, WV 25414
(304) 728-1133
Charles Town WV News
May 31, 2019A bouquet for mama, and a history lesson - The Apopka Voice
By Charles Towne
Well, to start with, and in my own defense I must say that we were just boys, and as the old saying goes, “boys will be boys,” whatever that is meant to imply.To the best of my memory, Alvin was there. Alvin was the one my father called, “Dootsie Bobo,” because, as daddy claimed, “That boy doesn’t have the good sense of a hollow stump!”Yes, Buster, Eddie, Roger, and Dootsie Bobo were there and seeing as I am telling the story I guess I was there too.We were playing “war” in old man Heron’s woods which was sort of neat because there was the rotting carcass of a slightly dead cow that had died of some mysterious malady several weeks earlier. The cow, which we had convinced ourselves had been killed by a German bomb, lent just the right touch of realism to our make-believe conflict. We ran around, shooting at each other with our make-believe rifles and machine guns. The woods fairly resonated with our “rat-a-tat-tat, kapow, bang-bang and declarations of, “Gotcha!” Whic...
Apr 22, 2016Loudoun County community calendar, April 17-24, 2016
Blue Ridge Thunder Cloggers Beginner clogging lessons offered in a converted barn. For adults and children 7 and older. 7-8 p.m. Guthrie Farm, 38327 Charles Town Pike, Waterford. 540-454-8639 or $25 per month.
Sterling Ruritan Club bingo Each game has a prize of at least $100. Admission is restricted to paying participants. Benefits Ruritan Club civic organization area programs. 7 p.m. Sterling Ruritan Club, 183 Ruritan Rd., Sterling. 703-444-6039. Admission, $15 for six regular cards; additional cards may be purchased.
Chorus of the Old Dominion For men of any age or skill level who are interested in singing four-part harmony. 7:30-10 p.m. Leesburg United Methodist Church, 107 W. Market St., Leesburg. 703-348-0071 or
Friday, April 22
Knitting and crocheting 10 a.m.-noon, Senior Center at Cascades, 21060 Whitfield Pl., Sterling. 571-258-3280. Free.