Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

Forget Me Not

Order flowers and gifts from Forget Me Not located in De Pere WI for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 520 George St Ste D, De Pere Wisconsin 54115 Zip. The phone number is (920) 336-7838. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Forget Me Not in De Pere WI. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Forget Me Not delivers fresh flowers – order today.

Business name:
Forget Me Not
520 George St Ste D
De Pere
Zip Code:
Phone number:
(920) 336-7838
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Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

Find Forget Me Not directions to 520 George St Ste D in De Pere, WI (Zip 54115) on the Map. It's latitude and longitude coordinates are 44.448903, -88.058277 respectively.

Florists in De Pere WI and Nearby Cities

520 George St
De Pere, WI 54115
(1.43 Miles from Forget Me Not)
1190 Grant St
De Pere, WI 54115
(1.47 Miles from Forget Me Not)
3879 Packerland Dr
De Pere, WI 54115
(3.25 Miles from Forget Me Not)
332 S. Monroe Ave
Green Bay, WI 54301
(6.15 Miles from Forget Me Not)
220 S. Bohemia Dr
Denmark, WI 54208
(12.71 Miles from Forget Me Not)

Flowers and Gifts News

Apr 4, 2021

Gardening April 2021 – -

Boxwoods in April, but wait to prune flowering shrubs like Forsythia, Viburnum, Azalea, and Lilac until two weeks after they bloom. Transplant or divide perennials once they are 2 to 4 inches tall. Spring is the easiest time to divide Hosta and Daylilies just as the leaves are showing. Put support rings around Peonies and spray emerging shoots with Bonide to prevent botrytis and spray them again in mid-May. Plant cool-weather crops like Lettuce, Spinach, Swiss chard, Turnips, Peas, and Sweet Peas. The soil needs to be at least 60 degrees before planting other crops. Start Tomato seeds indoors on Tax Day April 15th and gradually harden them off before planting in your vegetable garden in early June. And once again remember you are gardening on an Island surrounded by cold water, so the spring here is a bit colder than it is on the mainland. You will need to protect new plants from the cool winds off the ocean until mid-June. In closing, I would like to draw your attention to two lovely articles in the latest Union Chapel newsletter about two parishioners who are gardeners, Diane Dexter and Janelle Senator. The articles about them are truly inspirational as is the new Union Chapel bulb garden that we will all enjoy. READ THEM HERE ...

Dec 18, 2019

Tom Karwin, On Gardening | Dividing perennial plants - Santa Cruz Sentinel

As our gardens enter the dormant season, we have opportunities to divide perennials. Plants that have been growing in one place for three years or more might grow and flower better after division, which increases their root room and access to nutrients.Division of perennials plants also creates additional plants without cost and enables the gardener to follow the landscaping wisdom that favors assembling like plants in groups of three or five (or other odd-numbered quantities. A third good outcome of plant division flows to friends and neighbors who might receive the gardener’s gift of “extra” plants from the garden. Perennials that grow and divide well are sometimes called “pass-along plants,” and foster traditional friendships within the gardening community. Today’s column describes the process of dividing two less common plants in the Bromeliad family (Bromeliaceae). I wrote about this interesting plant family several months ago. The focus of that column was encouraged by a talk about the genus Puya, which includes some of the largest Bromeliads. This...

Sep 10, 2018

An azalea alternative for shady, damp spots: Georges Plant Pick of the Week

Plants also can be lightly sheared, but that diminishes the natural arching habit. * Great partner: Pairs well with upright shade perennials that also prefer dampness, such as bleeding heart, Japanese anemone, astilbe, goats beard or ligularia. Carex is a good grassy partner. See the archive of hundreds of past plant picks under George's Plant Profiles George's 170 most recommended plants for Pennsylvania gardens are profiled in his "Pennsylvania Getting Started Garden Guide" book ...

Apr 6, 2018

April (Snow) Showers Bring May Flowers: Tips for Fairfield County Gardeners

Then work in compost around plants to fertilize them. If chemical fertilizer is used, follow application directions on container. Divide perennials as soon as you see the plants emerge. This is usually done every three to five years to avoid overcrowding and rejuvenate the plants. You can then transfer the divided plants to another location in your garden or exchange them for a variety of plants with other gardeners. Apply a thin layer of mulch so seedlings can work their way through. Click here to sign up for Daily Voice's free daily emails and news alerts. (Norwalk Daily Voice)

Apr 6, 2018

Egg Harbor: Flower shopping, candy shopping offer cheer

Kaap's in downtown Green Bay, before Port Plaza Mall was there. It had old booths that I learned are now in the Gallagher’s Restaurant in De Pere.Back then I loved the ice cream and sitting in a booth there, watching the dumbwaiter come down with new batches of candy. There were old glass cases full of chocolates.Years later, a friend took me to Manitowoc to Beerntsen's candy store, where we got nests with jelly beans in them and sunny-side-up candy eggs to put in Easter baskets for our kids. That was before I discovered Seroogy's in De Pere and Vande Walle's in Appleton. I may have to do some comparative tasting to see which one I like best.The Kaap's I visited is now just a shop in a mall and I was happy to find sugar-free chocolates.After my visit to the clinic — for a follow-up cancer exam which I passed with flying colors — I visited Schroeder’s Flowers in celebration of the good report. This is a route I follow each time I go to Green Bay, along with the nature center at Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary or the Botanical Garden, and maybe a bakery or art store near there.Wisdom at the YThe "Wisdom Wednesday" program for April 11 at the Northern Door YMCA in Fish Creek is "Prevent Suicide Door County: Know the Signs" It will be presented at 10 a.m. in the social lounge.Contact Mary Anderson at, 920-868-3172, or 8592 State 42, Fish Creek WI 54212.Read or Share this story:

Sep 8, 2017

Green Bay Botanical Garden opens grand garden

Schneider Family Grand Garden at the Green Bay Botanical Garden in Green Bay. (Photo: Adam Wesley/USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin)Diane Vanderheiden of De Pere has been coming to the botanical gardens for the last 10 years. She says she's happy with the upgrades and how the new features complement the natural beauty of the gardens. "It will make your visit here just overwhelming pleasant," she said. "It's always been a beautiful experience to come here for the concerts or to see the flowers, but every time they do something extra and new, it just enhances it, keeps you coming back and makes you want to bring your friends and family to show them." That's exactly what Garot is hoping. img itemprop="url" src="" alt="The... (Green Bay Press Gazette)


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