Florists in Boscobel, WI
Find local Boscobel, Wisconsin florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Boscobel and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Boscobel Flower Shops
608 Elm St
Boscobel, WI 53805
(608) 375-4821
Boscobel WI News
Jan 26, 2017It's coming up roses for college
Hayward College rose bush.
There might be a whiff of oak
Another David Austin rose, Boscobel, is being released this year.
Boscobel is described as having well-formed rich salmon blooms with a strong myrrh fragrance.
It is an upright, medium-growing plant with dark green, glossy foliage. With good repeat flowering and exceptional health, this variety is promoted as suitable for any garden.
The rose was named for Boscobel House in Shropshire, in the north of England.
Built in 1632, the house is famous because the future Charles II hid in an oak tree in the grounds while being pursued by Cromwell’s soldiers during the English Civil War.
Roses in order
Promoting new and recent releases of the world’s favourite flower is the aim of the New Zealand Rose Review 2016-17.
"We’ve had reports on 91 newer varieties, the most ever," review editor Hayden Foulds said. He believes the reports from around the country will help give rose lovers guidance when ordering for this winter’s planting.
Produced by the New Zealand Rose Society (NZRS) with the support of leading rose nurseries and breeders, the full-colour guide features top roses chosen by members of the society, who vote for their favourites in a number of categories.
Winning roses from rose trials held at Palmerston North and Hamilton are also featured and there is an article on fragrance in roses.
The New Zealand Rose Review 2016-17 costs $9.50, including postage, and can be ordered at or from the NZRS secretary, Mrs Heather Macdonell, PO Box 66, Bunnythorpe 4867.