Florists in Black Creek, WI
Find local Black Creek, Wisconsin florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Black Creek and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Black Creek Flower Shops
Black Creek WI News
Oct 12, 2015Beefs and Bouquets, Friday, Oct. 9, 2015
Proportional Representation!
A BEEF to irresponsible dog owners. Last week I walked in the Bear Creek Park near Black Creek. Signs in the park clearly state that dogs must be on a leash. Of the seven dogs I came across, not one was on a leash! Two of the dogs were pit bulls running ahead of their owners and of course the owners claim that the dogs are friendly! Dogs running off leash are a problem everywhere in this Valley as are dog droppings. Bylaw officers appear to be underfunded. Why then don't we just ban all dogs from public parks or at a minimum have some pet free days or possibly set aside some parks as pet friendly and some as pet free.
THIS BEEF is directed to the middle aged woman who verbally assaulted the young man coming out of the Subway on Cliffe Ave. October 1st around 4:00 pm. He did not deserve your abuse. He made a mistake parking in a handicap spot. It was not very well marked and he just plain did not see the faded markings on the pavement. There was no sign depicting this as a handicap spot. You came out of the liquor store raising your voice saying "excuse me, excuse me, you don't look handicapped and have no respect for my handicapped mother by parking in this spot". He apologized to you and said he just didn't see the markings. You just kept on and on about how disrespectful he is to the disabled. This could not be further from the truth. Next time you decide to make your point please make sure you know the facts before assuming what you think is the truth. Your behavior was disgraceful and you owe this young man an apology for your bad judgment. He also has a disability in the form of PTSD and has had to deal with things that none of us should have to. Thanks for setting him back in his treatment by your actions today.
NOT ENOUGH FLOWERS in the Comox Valley for the bouquet my wife feels Colonial Counters deserves. What a class family operation. About a month ago we had a house full of guests and in her haste my wife placed a very hot pot on our laminate kitchen counter causing a small burn. We were told it could not be repaired without being obvious. We filed an insurance claim and contacted Colonial Counters. Rob arrived and did the measurements. Meghan in the office gave us some samples and told us it would be about a few weeks before they could replace the counters. Last week Rory arrived, removed the old counters and installed the new ones. What a pleasant, knowledgeable and efficient young man. After he left we noticed a couple of small problems and called Meghan who arranged to have Rory come back the next day. He arrived as planned with a partner and in less than an hour had everything done to our satisfaction.
A SUSPENDED LICENCE to the maniac who almost hit me last Sunday at approximately 1:45 PM as I was crossing the intersection of Balmoral and Stewart in Comox. I was clearly visible in the middle of the intersection and within the boundaries of the playground zone. You made no effort to slow down and would have hit me if I hadn't been watching you. Just in case you can actually read, here's the relevant section from the Motor Vehicle... (Comox Valley Echo)