Florists in Algoma, WI
Find local Algoma, Wisconsin florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Algoma and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Algoma Flower Shops
300 Steele St
Algoma, WI 54201
(920) 487-3840
Algoma WI News
Oct 15, 2020Fall hiking in Door County: See blooming flowers, animals preparing for winter - Green Bay Press Gazette
Trails program. The former railroad bed covers more than 40 miles along the Ahnapee and Kewaunee rivers through woods and fields from Sturgeon Bay to Algoma, with another section heading to Casco and Luxemburg before finishing in Kewaunee. It can be accessed from parking lots (with restrooms) at the trailhead at 1820 S. Neenah Ave., Sturgeon Bay; or Forestville Dam County Park, 1613 State 423, Maplewood.Cave Point, off Door County WD in the town of Sevastopol, is best known for its spectacular views of the Lake Michigan shore that can be accessed on a narrow walk, although hikers should know that there is no fencing or other protection from the steep dr...
Mar 23, 2018Judy Russell faith column: Thankful for snow, flowers, food and years of life
Easter.A Good Friday ecumenical worship service will begin at noon March 30 at Wesley United Methodist Church, 761 Florida Ave., Oshkosh. Algoma Boulevard United Methodist Church is among the other churches participating.Most Blessed Sacrament Parish of Oshkosh will have a Good Friday Tenebrae service at 7 p.m. March 30 at the St. Mary worship site. It will include readings from Scripture, singing and prayers.Volunteer drivers and other helpers are needed on Easter Sunday, April 1, at Father Carr's Place 2B in Oshkosh to deliver and/or to serve meals. Meal deliveries to the homebound begin at 10:30 a.m. Drivers are asked to arrive at The Place 2B, 1062 N. Koeller St., by 10 a.m. An Easter meal, open to all of those who...
Nov 27, 2015Zimmer: Best garden plants (and where to buy them)
Along the beautiful shores of Lake Michigan in Algoma, the Flying Pig features the best garden art and accents you'll discover, many made by local artists and artisans. Whatever your favorite medium, you'll find it displayed here in the indoor or outdoor galleries.
Silver Mist Garden Center, Waupaca, featured the best annuals I found anywhere during the past garden season. The plant selection, size choices, presentation and atmosphere make a visit to Silver Mist an enjoyable trip.
Mayflower Greenhouses, Hobart, features a selection of annuals that is just as amazing.
Nothing is better than strolling through the fresh seed selections at Jung Seed, Stevens Point, on a cold winter day and taking a look at selections from their incredible line of flower and vegetable seeds.
Stein Garden and Gifts, in several locations throughout our area, also features an extensive line of flower and vegetable garden seeds.
Gardeners are always on the lookout for unusual and hard to find plant choices. You'll find the best selection at Rose-Hill Gardens, Hobart, as well as at Graziano Gardens, Pine River. From unusual perennials, trees, shrubs and more, you won't be disappointed with a visit to these quality, local garden centers.
My choice, once again, for best vegetable starter plants is small, local Fernhau's of Oshkosh. A great selection of heirloom, as well as modern vegetables, herbs, fruits and more, all in a friendly, hometown atmosphere, make Fernhau's a favorite among many area gardeners.
The selection and service at Van Zeeland... (Appleton Post Crescent)