Florists in Spokane, WA
Find local Spokane, Washington florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Spokane and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Spokane Flower Shops
5820 South Crestline Street
Spokane, WA 99223
(509) 448-8463
1216 S. Grand Blvd
Spokane, WA 99202
(509) 624-1301
808 W. Main Ave. #241
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 456-8466
1715 S Hayford Rd #M205
Spokane, WA 99224
(505) 221-9931
1306 North Monroe Street
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 327-6666
4915 N. Market
Spokane, WA 99217
(509) 489-5001
407 West Francis Avenue
Spokane, WA 99205
(509) 329-0332
915 E Hawthorne Rd Ste E
Spokane, WA 99218
(509) 468-7673
Eighth At Perry
Spokane, WA 99202
(509) 534-9381
1805 East Trent Avenue
Spokane, WA 99202
512 E Pacific Ave
Spokane, WA 99202
(509) 624-4151
10120 N Division St
Spokane, WA 99218
(509) 467-5258
24 West 2Nd Avenue
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 838-2944
10111 N Newport Hwy
Spokane, WA 99218
(509) 467-2989
1014 N Pines Rd #120
Spokane, WA 99206
(801) 380-0498
1606 S. Assembly St
Spokane, WA 99224
(509) 747-2101
1725 N Monroe St
Spokane, WA 99205
(509) 328-7703
Spokane WA News
Oct 10, 2019Flowers of the Sun - The Spokesman-Review
It looks a lot like a regular farm,” said Crystal Oliver co-owner of Washington’s Finest Cannabis, located just north of Spokane. “We have our grain silo on the parcel, and our little red barn on the parcel.”
When she’s not tending her cannabis crop, Oliver advocates at a legislative level as executive director of Washington Sungrowers Industry Association, which works to protect outdoor cultivators and the whole Washington cannabis industry.
Oliver and fellow sungrowers believe that the ability to grow outdoors symbolizes the end of cannabis prohibition. Black market days meant growing indoors to cultivate under lights, or the risking the dangers of guerrilla outdoor grow.
But today, state-licensed growers can plant in actual soil, under actual sun, on land they actually own. Growers believe this activity offers significant benefits to the entire industry.
Taking the fight outside
Ask most sungrowers, and they’ll tell you that no one grows quality cannabis and extraction biomass like they do.
“Sungrown cultivation is more sustainable,” Oliver said, comparing outdoor farming to indoor cultivation. “The only reason you have so many indoor growers is that people were forced to hide it from view. The sun works just fine for growing plants. It’s been working for a long time.”
This is a common theme. Outdoor farmers capitalize on an infinitely renewable resource – ...
Jun 22, 2019In the Garden: Renowned hybridizer works to make roses easy, even in cooler climates - The Spokesman-Review
On June 22, roses will be in the spotlight for the Spokane Rose Society’s 72nd annual rose show. Located at CenterPlace in Spokane Valley, the show’s featured afternoon speaker will be renowned rose hybridizer Ping Lim.
Originally from southern Laos, Lim has had a long association with this magical flower.
“At the age of 10, I first saw roses during a family vacation to a French resort in Paksong plateau,” he recalled during a recent phone interview. “At that moment, I was overwhelmed with their beauty. Their intoxicating fragrance soon had me fantasizing about becoming a rose grower.”
After graduating from Taiwan University with a horticulture degree, Lim immigrated to the United States in 1981. He was a rose breeder assistant at DeVor Nurseries in Pleasanton, California, and later hired by Bailey Nurseries near Portland where he worked as rose research director from 1992 to 2008. He is now employed by Altman Plants in Vista, California, as ornamental plant research director.
Roses have had a reputation in the past for being difficult to grow. Lim’s main goal with his rose-breeding work has been to make them easy to care for.
“There are more than 26,000 roses available commercially today...
Nov 15, 2018Day of the Dead celebration set for Friday at Valley Hazen and Jaeger
On Friday, the Hispanic Business/Professional Association will host its fourth annual Day of the Dead celebration at Hazen and Jaeger Funeral Home in Spokane Valley.
"Even though Día de los Muertos comes annually around Halloween, it's not the same," said HBPA president Larry Valadez. "During this time, we celebrate the loved ones in our lives who have passed on."
The event has been so well-received that its outgrew its former space at Hennessey Funeral Home on North Pines Road, and this year moved across the street to Hazen and Jaeger.
Memories and music are at the heart of the celebration. Mariachi Las Aguilas from Eastern Washington University will play during the event, and traditional dancers will perform Danza Mexica.
HBPA member Abigail Bocanegra will dance, and is also leading a team in the creation of the focal point of the Day of the Dead – the altar.
"Día de los Muertos is based on a sacred pre-European tradition – a time that we honor our ancestors and loved ones who have passed on," Bocanegra said. "It was originally an Aztec tradition held in August, but when the Spanish arrived, they matched it with All Saints Day and All Souls Day on Nov. 1 and 2. You will see a lot of Mexica tradition mixed with symbols of Spanish Catholicism."
Día de los Inocentes (Day of the Innocents), the day t...
Jul 26, 2018Gardening: Spangle-area gardener receives June garden of the month honor
Gardening learning curves can be steep when you move from Southern California's year-round gardening season to Spokane's four-season mishmash of microclimates. Just ask Carolyn and Monty Nesbitt when family pulled them from Indio, California, to the scabland area just west of Spangle 10 years ago.
After gardening in a year-round climate Carolyn said her biggest challenge was figuring out when it was really spring.
"Everyone said you couldn't plant until the snow was off Mica Peak," she said. "That didn't happen until late May!"
Then there was figuring out what USDA zone her basalt rock microclimate was in.
"I grew all kinds of citrus trees in Indio."
But garden she did, and she recently won the June Garden of the Month contest from the Inland Empire Gardeners.
The Nesbitts' garden has sweeping views of the basalt outcrops and swales of still-green grass and gnarly pines characteristic of the channeled scablands. Building off the natural landscape, Carolyn filled the beds around their house with perennials and wildflowers with a few trees and shrubs thrown in for interest. In beds right off h...
Mar 23, 2018Regional spring floral festivals will bloom soon
This year’s event theme is “How Do You Like Them Apples?” More information is available at: • The Spokane Lilac Festival with events April 22 to May 20. This year’s event theme is “Swing into Spokane,” with a festival mission of “Honoring Our military, Empowering Our Youth and Showcasing our Region.” More information is available at: (Northwest Guardian)
Mar 8, 2018Community Garden displays fruit of labor, donating to locals
During these snowy winter months, sun and fresh produce may seem sparse. The Episcopal Church of Resurrection, located in Spokane Valley, works to combat bleak days by using their green thumbs to bring sunshine to those in the Spokane community. Dr. Adam Bartholomew, an adjunct religious studies instructor at Gonzaga, along with Pat Munts, small farms and urban agriculture coordinator at Washington State University Extension, and members of the church contribute to a community garden in Spokane Valley. The food that is grown is given to food banks including Second Harvest, Spokane Valley Partners Food Bank and Northwest Harvest. “The parish has had this land for decades,” Munts said. “I think what inspired people first was, ‘We have this land sitting here doing nothing, can we grow something on it either for ourselves or for donation to the food bank?’ and I think that’s what originally got [the garden] started.” According to Munts, the garden was started in spring 2013, when she, Bartholomew and other parishioners built 48 boxes, each 4-by-12 feet, to grow various vegetables that are donated to food ba...