Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.


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Blanding Flower Shops

Blanding UT News

Jan 26, 2018

The Room You Never Knew You Needed: Designers Dish on Spaces for Flower Arranging

But once the cut flowers are brought indoors, a hurdle arises: where to arrange them before transporting bouquets throughout the house?Mrs. Blandings, of Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House fame, installed a small flower-arranging room with a flagstone floor because, as she told her contractor, “it might be wet with flowers and things.” Marella Agnelli, that consummate and best-dressed hostess, has larger examples at her various residences. Martha Stewart (naturally) has a few, too, including one with oak paneling and zinc-topped counters at Skylands, her 1920s estate in Maine. Society architect David Adler specified flower-arranging rooms for his top-drawer clients in prewar Lake Forest, Illinois, as did many of his fellow practitioners.A combination laundry and flower-arranging room designed by Manhattan architect Gil Schafer, featured in his book A Place to Call Home. " data-type="image" data-reactid="256" A combination laundry and flower-arranging room designed by Manhattan architect Gil Schafer, featured in his book A Place to Call Home.Photo: Eric Piasecki, courtesy of RizzoliToday, Manhattan architect Gil Schafer often works flower-arranging rooms into his clients’ floor plans, particularly so in country houses—and his advice, below, for planning the perfect space focuses on the practicalities.A sink that’s wide and flat and has good clear space over it so tall ...

Sep 14, 2016

Obituraries for week of Sept 12

McPherson,who passed away August 31, 2016 in Orange Park at the age of 41. Arrangements being handled by Hardage Giddens Rivermead Funeral Home on Blanding Blvd. Her surviving family are three sons and on daughter; Austin and Colin Gross; Brock and Lilah McPherson and husband Basil. Loving mother; Valerie Bender Walker and stepfather, Keith; Grandparents; William and Roseanne Bender; Sister; Melanie, stepsister, Brandy, nieces; Brooklyn and Lily, nephew; Michael. She has many other extended family members, friends and co-workers that will miss her. I will forever love and miss her and I know she is resting in peace. Susan LaVerne Judy Bush Susan LaVerne Judy Bush, 75, of Green Cove Springs, FL passed away Saturday, September 10, 2016. She was born May 14, 1941 in Lima, OH to parents, Loel L. Judy and Evelyn I. (Stover) Judy. Mrs. Bush moved to the area in 1975 coming from New Albany, IN. She was of the Catholic faith and a parishioner of Sacred Heart Catholic church in Fleming Island. Susan loved to bake and decorate cakes and was known for her famous Bush’s Brownies. She enjoyed tending to her flowers and plants, working crossword puzzles and spending time with her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. S... (Clay Today Online)

Jan 8, 2016

Community news in brief

No tickets required. For more information, call (904) 278-3722. AARP SMART DRIVER COURSE OFFERED The Springs Church, 317 Blanding Blvd. in Orange Park, will host an AARP Smart Driver Course, 9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Monday, Jan. 18. This is a refresher course in safe driving, designed specifically for drivers 50 and older. Anyone can take the course, whether a member of AARP or not. Most participants will qualify for discounts on their automobile insurance. Bring a lunch and a stamped self-addressed envelope. Registration fee is $15 for AARP members, $20 for non-members. Members must bring their membership cards. Pre-registration is encouraged to ensure you have a seat in class: (904) 298-2766. MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Military Officers Association of America, Northeast Florida Chapter 18, will have a chapter luncheon and swearing-in of elected officers at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 20, at the Jacksonville Naval Air Station Officers’ Club. The installing officer will be Col. Brian D. Anderson, USAF (Ret.). Col Anderson is with the National MOAA’s Career Transition Services and is the deputy director of the Council and Chapter Affairs Department. Lunch will be a selection of breast of chicken or roast pork tenderloin. The cost will be $14 per plate. Please RSVP to Dick Chadwell at (904) 264-5589 no later than Wednesday, Jan. 13. ‘WRONG TURN AT LUNGFISH’ Orange Park Community Theatre presents “Wrong Turn at Lungfish,” wri... (Florida Times-Union)

Jan 8, 2016

Family, neighbors petitioning for crosswalk where Middleburg boy struck and killed

County Road 218 — on the same side as Omega Park — extending nearly two miles from Mimosa Avenue to Blanding Boulevard, also known as Florida 21. The $744,000 project should be completed soon. “It’s a great concept … having that installed. But it’s on the opposite side of the street from where all the houses are. There really is no way for the children or anyone else to get across the street safely to it,” May said. A subsequent safety project calls for the department to add paved shoulders to County Road 218. The county has continued trying to get funding through some of the department’s matching programs to four-lane County Road 218 because of the amount of traffic, said Kopelousos, who served as secretary of the Florida Department of Transportation from 2007 to 2011. One challenge, county officials said, is whether installing the crosswalk with warning lights at the park might inadvertently make the situation worse. The concern is the potential for creating a false sense of security for pedestrians, while motorists become so accustomed to it being there that they no longer pay attention to it so they don’t slow down. The middle child in a family of six siblings, Locke relished his role as big brother to his two younger sisters and looked out for them. He would wait on them and made sure they were safe when they walked the two blocks home from the school bus stop, which included crossing a dirt road. Locke loved to ride his bike, skateboard and play football. Pretty much every afternoon, he walked across County Road 218 to Omega Park to play with his friends, his mother said. “It’s hard for me to believe this is real,” Gaddis said. “Because he was just becoming him. He was starting to figure out the things he liked and talk about the things he wanted to do when he got bigger.” Also hard to understand, she said, is why existing flashing warning lights at Omega Park park aren’t used daily. Those lights are at each end of the road, but they are only turned on when there are organized events going on there, according to Gaddis, May and others in the neighborhood. “Since it is a park and a recreational area … I don’t understand why those flashing lights can’t come on every day from 2 o’clock to dusk because you do need to slow down in that area because most days there are children there playing in the park,” Gaddis said. That issue is likely included in the Transportation Safety Team review. “We’re going to take this seriously with or without a petition. … We owe it to the community and we owe it to the family. It’s our goal to try to make sure our transportation system is as safe as possible,” Kopelousos said. But for now, the makeshift memorial for Locke stands alone to remind drivers, as well as neighborhood youngsters, to be alert, be careful and be safe. Teresa Stepzinski: (904) 359-4075 ... (Florida Times-Union)