Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

Pauline's Flowers & Gifts

Order flowers and gifts from Pauline's Flowers & Gifts located in Slaton TX for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 106 W. Garza St, Slaton Texas 79364 Zip. The phone number is (806) 828-6275. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Pauline's Flowers & Gifts in Slaton TX. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Pauline's Flowers & Gifts delivers fresh flowers – order today.

Business name:
Pauline's Flowers & Gifts
106 W. Garza St
Zip Code:
Phone number:
(806) 828-6275
if this is your business: ( update info) (delete this listing)
Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

Find Pauline's Flowers & Gifts directions to 106 W. Garza St in Slaton, TX (Zip 79364) on the Map. It's latitude and longitude coordinates are 33.43799, -101.643048 respectively.

Florists in Slaton TX and Nearby Cities

1916 28Th St
Lubbock, TX 79411
(15.85 Miles from Pauline's Flowers & Gifts)
2245 34Th St
Lubbock, TX 79411
(15.90 Miles from Pauline's Flowers & Gifts)
4505 98Th St. Ste. 6
Lubbock, TX 79424
(16.19 Miles from Pauline's Flowers & Gifts)
7830 Orlando Ave
Lubbock, TX 79423
(16.34 Miles from Pauline's Flowers & Gifts)
5217 82Nd St #119
Lubbock, TX 79424
(17.46 Miles from Pauline's Flowers & Gifts)

Flowers and Gifts News

Jul 27, 2016

Tomato Festival Saturday

Ken is with Hancock Bank, and I sit between him and KC Zellich at Kiwanis on Fridays. Glad to see good neighbors moving onto the Slaton farm. A happy anniversary on July 19 went to Don and Janet Matheny, who celebrated 36 years! A happy birthday on July 22 went to Reba Hicklin. Joe, Amy or Jennifer usually tell me in advance so I can get it in the right week, but as long as I do not mention the years, I think Reba is OK with good wishes anytime. John went to Lexington last week to be the best man for friend Corey Shell's wedding to his lady Roze. James also went to be present for the historic event. The boys have been friends since age 7 when they played baseball with Cainan Jones and Sean Schroader at Hanson Hunter ballfield. John grew closer to Corey in middle school and high school. James and math buddy Chris Parks got closer too, and rook and spades games ensued from time to time. Longtime friendships are some of the best. Two former Anton homemakers, Gigi Kesterson Smith and I, went for a girls weekend to Chattanooga, Tennessee, and had dinner on the Choo Choo Train. It was a lovely historic ride and we got to see lots of the interior thanks to a really sweet talking antique dealer. We were escorted through the main parts of the train, sleeper, special dining room and club car by our handsome and very polite young server and then handed over to the care of the conductor, who talked about the history of that train and passenger trains in general. The dinner train is a wonderful experience and only a four-hour drive from home. Plans coming up include a trip to the Ark with my high school best friend Mary Lou Wurth and a pair of good seats to see Dolly Parton at the Ford Center in Evansville with Sharon Gibbs from the library. I know my schedule looks like I am still working, and I am sort of, but I take time every once in a while to be retired for a day or two. Back to work soon with a Ben the Beagle book signing at Barnes and Noble in Evansville Aug. 4. Several authors from the Heart to Heart publishing group will be there, so come see us and get a back to school gift for a child or grandchild. If you have Anton news to share or special days, please share by calling Donna Finch Slaton 270-871-3719 or emailing (The Messenger (subscription))

Jan 8, 2016

Chandler, Winnie L. (Summerville)

Jeff Gamble of Armuchee and Gary & Kathy Floyd of Cartersville; grandchildren, Melissa Thompson Riddle, Meredith Thompson Carter, Jarrod Slaton Floyd, Jamie Kristin Woodward Brown and Anna Elaine Floyd; ten great-grandchildren;and several nieces and nephews. Funeral Services will be held Tuesday, Jan. 5 at 2 p.m. from the J.D. Hill Memorial Chapel of Earle Rainwater Funeral Home with Minister Doyle Waters, Dr. Paul Mason, Dr. David Hunter, and Mr. Jim Parker officiating. Interment will follow in Greenhills Memory Garden, Active Pallbearers are Jarrod Floyd, Jonathan Carter, David Riddle, Coleman Ledford, Jack Ledford and Randy Ledford, Honorary Pallbearers are members of the Seekers Sunday School Class of Summerville First Baptist Church and members of the Chattooga County Senior Center.   Remembrances in the form of flowers or donations to the Summerville First Baptist Church or Gideons International are appreciated. Earle Rainwater Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. (The Chattanoogan)


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