Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

Ridgway Florist & Greenhouses

Order flowers and gifts from Ridgway Florist & Greenhouses located in San Angelo TX for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 2503 Sherwood Way, San Angelo Texas 769001 Zip. The phone number is (325) 658-5477. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Ridgway Florist & Greenhouses in San Angelo TX. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Ridgway Florist & Greenhouses delivers fresh flowers – order today.

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Ridgway Florist & Greenhouses
2503 Sherwood Way
San Angelo
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(325) 658-5477
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Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

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Flowers and Gifts News

Dec 10, 2020

Tips for using a real Christmas tree or other holiday plants - Standard-Times

Allison Watkins Special to the San Angelo Standard-Times Some of the most beautiful and traditional Christmas decorations are plants — Christmas trees, poinsettias, green garlands and more. Using real plants for decorating inside the home can add a lot of festive atmosphere and fragrance, for those who don’t suffer from allergies.To have the best success with a real Christmas tree, purchase one that has vibrant green color and resilient needles that don’t pull off when gently tugged — they should be flexible and moist. Or to have the freshest possible tree, cut one down yourself at a Christmas tree farm. Either way, when setting up the tree up at home, cut off the lower two inches of trunk to increase water uptake and place on a tree stand with a water basin. Refill the water basin regularly, even every day in some cases, to keep the tree fresh.To use a living Christmas tree — a potted evergreen that can be planted outside after the holiday — purchase a species that is adapted to local conditions such as Arizona cyp...

Apr 22, 2016

Looking for wildflowers in 20 steps

Posted: Yesterday 5:13 p.m. 0 Hunting bluebonnets isn't for sissies. But thanks to Marge Elliot from San Angelo and her sister from Kansas, we can get a vicarious taste of the hunt. They drove 2,750 miles on their Texas quest for wildflowers. Here is how it happened in 20 steps: 1. "My sister came down from Kansas again this year and we took off on a 2,750 mile sightseeing trip," San Angelo's Marge Elliot wrote early this week. 2. They went to Georgetown and "poppies in town were a sight to behold." Marge said. 3. Searching for bluebonnets and other wildflowers, the sisters made a run out to several county roads around Georgetown, down to Burnet and then Marble Falls. 4. Then they drove out to Longhorn Caverns and State Park. 5. Next they travelled back to Georgetown and headed to Ennis, south of Dallas. 6. "We saw very few bluebonnets or other wildflowers," Marge said. 7. The sisters did find a few nice patches there, but nothing like what has been reported in the past. 8. The Ennis route was a real disappointment, even though they drove one of the recommended routes given to them by... (San Angelo Standard Times)

Apr 22, 2016

Dennis Rodgers | 1947-2016

U.S. Army from Oct. 1966-Oct. 1969 He is survived by his wife, Barb Chrisman of Cheyenne; children, Darrell (Grace) Chrisman of San Angelo, Texas, and Kelli (Les) Shuey of Scottsbluff, Neb.; grandchildren, Eric and Sara Chrisman and Meagan and Rylee Shuey; brothers, Joseph Rodgers of Wadsworth, Ohio, Mickey Rodgers of Lombard, Ill., and Eddie Rodgers of Fairlawn, Ohio; and numerous nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, those who wish may contribute to the American Legion of their choice. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Lakeview Chapel at Schrader, Aragon and Jacoby Funeral Home, with interment at Mountain View Memorial Park. Services are under the care of Schrader, Aragon and Jacoby Funeral Home, and online condolences may be made at This is a paid obituary. (Wyoming Tribune)

Mar 11, 2016

Waiting for wildflowers

RICK SMITH: Art in Uncommon Places shines Feb 23, 2016 Cemetery was beloved pets’ final resting place Feb 20, 2016 A 1940 photographer captured San Angelo, the stock show and rodeo Feb 18, 2016 RICK SMITH: Cemetery came out of 1882 flood Feb 16, 2016 WAYBACK WEDNESDAY: From fat to fantastic Feb 13, 2016 Finding a family for Fibi ... (San Angelo Standard Times)

Feb 3, 2016

How San Angeloans are celebrating the Lunar New Year

While Houston, where Ho is from, has many temples, in San Angelo she had to create her own personal shrine. Both Ng and Ho agreed that the young people get "good luck" money in bright red envelopes. "It's a way for the children to know their family cares for them," Ng said. "Unfortunately, when you're considered grown up, you no longer get them," Ho added. Instead, adults are expected to give gifts and honor their elders. It could be money or some other gift. People in Vietnam get extended time off from work to celebrate the holiday, Ho said. While boxes of sweets and different types of edible seeds are popular gifts, oranges and tangerines, which are nice and round, are traditional gifts in China. They symbolize happiness, good fortune and wealth. Just make sure to give them in even numbers, as happiness comes in pairs and should be shared. Blooming flowers are also good gifts to give. "The Chinese believe in symbols and signs," Rose said, explaining that a visual representation of your hopes, make them that much closer to reality. "Whole fish represents abundance. You have to have head to tail because that is perfect and complete," Ng said. "And then there are the long noodles which mean long life. So you're not supposed to break or cut them. You eat them long." Sesame balls are both sweet and round and so are good items to enjoy for the new year because you want your year to be smooth and sweet. Many people wear traditional dresses for new year celebrations — an ao dai (a slender, long tunic with pants) for Vietnamese women and a hanbok (a long-sleeved top with ties and a full, high skirt) for Korean women. Ng likes to wear something red because that is a lucky color. Dragon dances and loud fire crackers are a big part of the Chinese celebrations. "In Hong Kong, when we were young, people would dance the dragon from house to house," Ng said. "In return, we would give them some lucky money and set of fire crackers. "The story is that the dragons and fire crackers would scare the evil away and bring in the happy." Most importantly, she said, have a good time and be happy with "lots of food, games, and visiting." Rose's Recipe for Sesame Balls This is very easy to make for any occasion. "Try it and enjoy," Rose said. Makes 7 servings Ingredients 1 cup red bean paste Skin: 2 cups glutinous rice powder 5 teaspoon sugar 2/3 cup water Garnish: 1 cup white sesame seeds 6 cups oil for frying — Water Directions 1 Filling — divide red paste into 14 portions 2 Sk... (San Angelo Standard Times)

Feb 3, 2016

Museum presents artworks great and small

China between 1795 and 1850 was especially fine and beautifully decorated, said Laura Huckaby, assistant director at the San Angelo Museum of Find Arts. Local residents will have the opportunity to see more than 100 pieces from that era up close beginning Friday. SAMFA opens two new exhibits that evening — one that highlights 19th-century British and American trade between China with a focus on porcelain tableware and another that showcases the museum's large-scale painting collection, never before displayed to the public. "Each, piece like a painting, tells a story," Huckaby said of the porcelain. "It tells a story of thousands of trades and commerce between China and America." "A Voyage Across Cultures: The Enduring Fascination of Chinese Export Porcelain" features porcelain pieces from one individual collector from Dallas who wanted to share and showcase his collection to the public, Huckaby said. "They all have decorative borders, and others are decorated with flowers, butterflies, dragons. It's all very pictorial," she said. "And the main part of each piece depicts Chinese legend and popular folk tales. So actually there are stories illustrated on these plates and dishes." The porcelain pieces include tea sets and meat dishes. Also displayed is other 19th-century China trade merchandise such as furniture and decorative items, Huckaby said. "There are pieces of China that we don't have anymore such as a hot water dish," said Huckaby, adding that there's something for everyone to see. Huckaby said the porcelain exhibit contains a plethora of history dating from 200 B.C. to the present. "The family from (TV series) 'Downton Abbey' would be familiar with these items," she said with a chuckle. "If you're interested in ships, then oh my God there are ships in there." Showcased alongside the porcelain exhibit is "BIG: Large-scale Works from SAMF... (San Angelo Standard Times)


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