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Quality Flowers & Gifts

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Flowers and Gifts News

Apr 27, 2019

13 Earth Day 2019 Events Happening In Puget Sound - Seattle, WA Patch

Samena Swim and Recreation, BellevueMeet at the front desk at 11 a.m. for a cleanup party along the Larson Lake trails. Bags and gloves provided. Hamlin Park Forest Rehab Saturday, 10 a.m. Hamlin Park, ShorelineVolunteers will remove invasive plants in the park. Tools and training provided. Adopt-A-Street Saturday, 10 a.m. Oakbrook Park, LakewoodVolunteers will clean Onyx Drive leading up to the Oakbrook entrance. Tools provided. Plant Guilds Workshop Saturday, 10 a.m. Beacon Food Forest, SeattleLearn from experts how to group trees and plants to create small ecosystems. Tools provided, but bring water and dress appropriately. Our Ocean and You Monday, 6:30 p.m. Mark Twain Elementary, KirklandThis event is for parents and kids in the Lake Washington School District with environmental speaker Annie Crawley. Keep Issaquah Beautiful Day Saturday, 9 a.m. IssaquahIssaquah residents are encouraged to pick up litter, plant flowers or anything to beautify the city. Special emphasis in the downtown area. Earth Day Ivy Pull Saturday, 9 a.m. Edmonds City ParkHelp remove invasive English ivy in the downtown-area park. Carnivorous Terrariums Class Saturday, 11 a.m. Enumclaw LibraryLearn how to care for these delicate and interesting plants. Participants will take home a fly-trap gift bag. Restoration Work Party Saturday, 10 a.m. SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve, RentonVolunteers will clean SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve. Tools provided. a href="

Aug 10, 2017

The smell of citrus flowers is intensely divine!

If an effort is made to grow sweet oranges, then cold protection will also be needed (cold damage occurs at or below 20 degrees F). Cultivars include Hamlin and Ambersweet. The naval orange is also a good choice to grow. Cultivars include Washington, Dream and Summerfield.The acid types of citrus provide favorable fruits and make effective ornamental specimens. They are self-fruitful and do not require cross pollination. The kumquats are the most cold tolerant of this group. They will withstand temperatures as low as 15 degrees F. The small orange-like fruit is about one inch in diameter and can be eaten fresh (peel and all) or used in making jellies, marmalade and candies. Cultivars include Nagami (oblong to pear-shaped fruit with acid pulp), Marumi (round and sweet) and Meiwa (round and sweet).The calamondins have small, round fruits with acid pulp and look like a tangerine. These can be grown as a container planting, either indoors or outdoors, and have good cold tolerance (low 20’s degrees F). The fruits are yellow to orange in color and can be used as lemon or lime substitutes.The lemon is another good choice of citrus for the landscape and will tolerate temperatures in the mid 20’s degrees F. Meyer is a good cold-tolerant cultivar. The limequat is a very cold tolerant (low 20’s degrees F) lime-kumquat hybrid which makes a very attractive container plant. They produce fruit resembling the lime in looks and quality. Eustis, Lakeland and Tavares are cultivars of the limequat.The Thomasville citrangequat is a cold hardy citrus tree with good fruit and makes a great lime substitute with a kumquat/orange flavor. The tree is named for Thomasville, Georgia where it first fruited and is will tolerate temperatures to 5 degrees F once established.Citrus trees are self-fruitful and do not require cross-pollination, excepting Clementine tangerines and Orlando tangelos. The self-fruitful types of citrus may be grown as single trees in the landscape for aesthetics and fruit. They produce fruit best when grown in full sun, but large tree canopies can provide some degree of winter protection. Do not plant these trees near septic tanks or drain fields. Citrus trees do best in sandy loam soils with good drainage.Blossom, fruit, and leaf drop can be noticed in citrus and happens naturally. Such natural shedding of flowers and fruits prevents citrus from overproducing which minimizes stress to the plant. Citrus leaves remain intact for about two years and then drop. However, some leaf drop occurs throughout the year as is the case with most evergreens. Also, be aware of other causes for leaf drop and poor plant health such as environmental conditions, cultural practices, disorders, insects or diseases.If you elect to grow citrus in your home landscape, research your choice before purchasing in order to fully understand what is needed to keep the plants healthy and attractive. Look for citrus that are cold tolerant and do well in the south Georgia environment.Think in terms of native and sustainable plants in the landscape. Keep your hanging baskets and potted plants refreshed with water and food. Remember to feed and water the songbirds, and give your pets the care they need (protect them from this summer heat and humidity). Also, be on lookout for children playing and bicyclists riding along the streets and roadways throughout our communities. And remember to safely share the road with motorcycles. Drive alert and arrive alive. Don’t drive distracted or impaired, and don’t text while driving. Help the homeless every chanc... (Moultrie Observer)

Feb 9, 2017

Postbloom fruit drop still a threat

Navel orange blocks,” she said. “It’s pretty common in Valencia orange blocks. If there’s a Valencia block that doesn’t have it, that’s lucky. In Hamlin orange blocks, it’s hit and miss.” A 2016 Brazilian survey showed greening had infected about 17 percent of the country’s trees, Silva said. About half the trees have PFD. PFD is spread through spores that can live on the surface of leaves and twigs waiting to strike. Persistent rain for as little as two to three days during a citrus bloom can trigger a PFD infection in the budding flowers. “It’s a very quick, very explosive disease,” said Natalia Peres, assistant professor of plant pathology at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center in Balm. “The presence of bloom is a wake-up call for the fungus on a leaf.” A citrus grove could go 10 years without a PFD infection because of fortunate timing between rain and bloom, Silva said. “Even after 10 years of no disease occurrence, several days of rain can lead to a severe loss,” he said. PFD-infected trees not treated with fungicides early and quickly enough can experience up to 80 percent fruit loss, Silva said. The spores take as little as 12 hours to germinate in the flower bud, Dewdney said, and an infection can arise one to two days later. The infection produces symptoms and new spores in four to five days. “That’s why it’s important to act quickly,” she said. Dewdney presented studies she did in 2015 and last year at groves in Polk City and Fort Meade with both greening and PFD infections. The studies show a class of fungicides known as strobilurins can reduce the number of infected flower blooms and significantly reduce fruit drop, she said. The number of infected flowers on treated Navel trees in Polk City dropped to less than 20 percent to about 40 percent compared with nearly 60 percent infection rate on untreated trees, according to Dewdney’s presentation. Fruit production on treated trees more than doubled compared to untreated trees. Similar results were found in a 2016 study at the Polk City grove and a Fort Meade Valencia orange grove. Florida growers will want to give the research and its recommendations a lot more love immediately as a bloom period has begun in some Florida groves, said Steve Futch, a multicounty extension agent at the Lake Alfred center who moderated the seminar. Another bloom will probably come in March. Growers were caught off guard a year ago when PFD surfaced after lying dormant for many years, Futch said. “It was a significant problem last year, which greatly affected fruit yields,” he said. “This year, we know it’s going to be a problem if we have wet weather during the bloom period.” — Kevin Bouffard can be reached at or at 863-401-6980. Read more on Florida citrus on his Facebook page, Florida Citrus Witness, (The Ledger)

Oct 27, 2016


Burial will follow at Tabernacle Campground Cemetery, 2293 S.C. 341 South, Lynchburg. Pallbearers will be William Felder, David Felder, Greg Hamlin, Bryan Coleman, Kevin Coleman and Donald Coleman. Visitation will be held from 1 to 2 p.m. on Monday in the fellowship hall of Clarendon Baptist Church prior to the service and at other times at the residence, 1319 Peggy Lane, Manning. Memorials may be made to Clarendon Baptist Church, P.O. Box 307, Alcolu, SC 29001. The family would like to thank McLeod Hospice House for their compassionate care. Stephens Funeral Home & Crematory, 304 N. Church St., Manning, is in charge of arrangements, (803) 435-2179. ... (Sumter Item)

Jul 27, 2016

Florida Citrus Groves Under Siege From Postbloom Fruit Drop

The fruitlets will then drop leaving buttons behind. In more normal years, PFD effects Navel and Valencia, however this past season, Hamlins also were impacted. According to the 2016 Florida Citrus Pest Management Guide, most spores of the fungus are produced directly on the surface of infected petals. Spores are dispersed by rain to healthy flowers where they infect within 24 hours and produce symptoms in four to five days. The fungus survives between bloom periods as resistant structures on the surface of leaves, buttons, and twigs. Flowers are susceptible from the pin-head stage (with white tissue present) until they are open. HLB’s involvement comes with erratic bloom it has triggered in citrus trees, which makes it more difficult for growers to time fungicide applications for maximum efficiency. “HLB causes the tree to flower all year,” says Megan Dewdney, Associate Professor of Plant Pathology with UF/IFAS. “In nearly every block, there will be flowers somewhere. There is enough to keep the fungus active and ready to infect the next set of flowers.” Conditions were ripe for PFD during the past three seasons’ main bloom, with each passing season building up more inoculum. The El Niño weather pattern brought rain during bloom, which grows and spreads the fungus. Henry Yonce, Owner of the consulting firm KAC Agricultural Research, says PFD was as bad as he has ever seen this past season. “The PFD was severe in Navel and Valencia this season,” he says. “It was by far the worst I’ve seen in citrus, and I have been working in Florida since 1984.” Yonce heard of one Valencia grove in the Immokalee area that picked 600 boxes per acre two seasons ago. The same grove picked 150 boxes this season, and the grower reports the PFD was so severe there might not even be enough fruit to spray for next season. “Last season... (Growing Produce)

Apr 28, 2016

Duke women's tennis nabs victory on Senior Day without Capra

Wednesday, April 13Photo by Jesús Hidalgo The Chronicle With senior Beatrice Capra unable to play on Senior Day due to illness, freshman Ellyse Hamlin stepped up and clinched a Duke win for the second straight match Tuesday. The Blue Devils were eager to close out their home slate on Senior Day with their lone honoree leading the way on court one. But Beatrice Capra did not take the court Tuesday as illness prevented her from competing. Despite playing with a shorthanded roster, No. 8 Duke defeated N.C. State 6-1 by earning straight-set wins on all but the No. 1 singles court. Capra’s absence was felt before the match began, as her sister Pia joined the team at center court to accept flowers and an award on her behalf. “With Beatrice not being here and missing her Senior Day stuff, it has been emotional for everybody on our team,” Duke head coach Jamie Ashworth said. “Before the match, we talked about what kind of player Beatrice is and how she is such a great competitor. Our goal for today was to have everybody play like her—not giving up anything on the court and grinding out every point.” Without Capra as her partner at the top doubles spot, freshma... (Duke Chronicle)


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