Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

Pots And Petals Florist

Order flowers and gifts from Pots And Petals Florist located in Lake City TN for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 602 S Main St, Lake City Tennessee 37769 Zip. The phone number is (865) 630-1185. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Pots And Petals Florist in Lake City TN. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Pots And Petals Florist delivers fresh flowers – order today.

Business name:
Pots And Petals Florist
602 S Main St
Lake City
Zip Code:
Phone number:
(865) 630-1185
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Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

Find Pots And Petals Florist directions to 602 S Main St in Lake City, TN (Zip 37769) on the Map. It's latitude and longitude coordinates are 36.21701, -84.153954 respectively.

Florists in Lake City TN and Nearby Cities

424 N Main St
Lake City, TN 37769
(0.65 Miles from Pots And Petals Florist)
101 East Broad Street
Clinton, TN 37716
(8.36 Miles from Pots And Petals Florist)
2221 Jacksboro Pike
La Follette, TN 37766
(8.78 Miles from Pots And Petals Florist)
2026 Old Jacksboro Pike
La Follette, TN 37766
(9.09 Miles from Pots And Petals Florist)
2305 Clinton Hwy
Powell, TN 37849
(12.50 Miles from Pots And Petals Florist)

Flowers and Gifts News

Mar 19, 2020

Park City Gift and Gourmet is a sweet endeavor for three local businesses - The Park Record

Blanken, in turn, also taps into the local community for her flowers and plants.“Most of my plants come from a vendor in Salt Lake City, and during the spring and summer I work mainly with local growers,” she said. “They don’t use pesticides and are fully organic. But since they are seasonal, they aren’t available during the winter. So I do import some of the plants from out of the county.”In addition to selling the plants, Blanken also hosts an array of workshops the include terrariums, wreaths and flower arranging.On March 25 at 6 p.m., she will host a free feng shui workshop. Information and registration is available at“This has been great for Kathryn, because we keep this place open,” Woolstenhulme said. “We can just drop in a line of tables to help her grow that component.”Woolstenhulme knows there is room for growth with Park City Gift and Gourmet, so she’s keeping her options open as to what the three will decide to stock next.“We just want anything fabulous,” she said with a smile. “Who knows what else we will decide to offer?”...

Nov 9, 2019

Bookcliff Gardens under new ownership -

Bookcliff Gardens has served the Western Slope for more than 51 years and served as the biggest operation of its kind between Denver and Salt Lake City. The company originally started as Mesa Mato, a growing house for tomatoes and cut flowers for local restaurants and florists under the ownership of Ed and Betty Settle. Through the years, it revolutionized to include bedding plants, vegetable starts, along with nursery trees and shrubs for Western Slope landscapes. "We are really honored to carry on the legacy that Dan and Dennis have built," says new owner Rick Griggs. "They grew the business from its humble beginnings to the household name it is today." Hill and Komlo will stay of staff for the next several months to help with the transition period. ...

Nov 3, 2016

Pokhara on track to being self-sufficient in flowers

Until five years ago, around 90 percent of the flowers sold in this scenic lake city in western Nepal used to be imported from India, resulting in millions of rupees flowing out of the country. But things have changed. “Lately, farmers and nurseries have started growing flowers on a commercial basis in Kaski district and surrounding areas.  This is making Pokhara self-sufficient in flowers,” Daya Dwa, president of the Floriculture Association of Nepal (Kaski Chapter), told the Post.  Around 5.5 percent of the arable land in Kaski district is being used to grow flowers, according to the Kaski District Agricultural Office (KDAO). “There are about 52 farmers engaged in commercial flower farming and dozens of others are growing flowers on small plots of land,” said KDAO Chief Lokendra Bahadur Bohara. As the market for flowers is growing, more and more farmers have been entering the sector. “If the government provides quality seeds and easy credit facilities and develops pocket areas for flower production, more people will be interested in growing flowers commercially,” Dwa said. Like in other places in Nepal, demand for flowers in P... (The Kathmandu Post)

Aug 15, 2016

Flowers a Thing of the Past at the Olympic Medal Ceremonies

Games. In Athens, for example, winners were crowned with laurel wreaths in a nod to the ancient Games.Nicolay said that starting with Salt Lake City, the I.O.C. agreed to switch the order of presentation from gold, silver, bronze to bronze, silver, gold, to make it less anticlimactic.Making changes, even ones seemingly as small as that, required a “huge committee” and was “not easy,” she said.Another change this year is that there are three different musical pieces accompanying the ceremonies, rather than one.The tunes, composed especially for the Games, are labeled “traditional,” for events like swimming and gymnastics; “popular,” for events like basketball; and “cool,” for events like BMX and mountain biking.Beth Lula, the brand director of the organizing committee, said that “nature was preserved in the ceremony in other ways.” For example, flowers decorate the podiums. But she said the three-dimensional logos were something with more permanence. “It’s something for the athletes to remember Brazil,” she said.“Michael Phelps can show them to his grandchildren,” she added. We're interested in your feedback on this page. Tell us what you think. (The ... - New York Times)

Jul 27, 2016

Anderson Stevenson Wilke Funeral Home Notices for Wednesday, July 27, 2016

St. Peters Cancer Treatment Center or to donor’s choice. Cremains will be placed in the family plot in the Salt Lake City Cemetery at a later date. Please visit to offer a condolence to the family or to share a memory of Kate. RAINEY, Mary Anne, age 72, of Clancy passed away Saturday, July 23, 2016. A memorial service celebrating Mary Anne’s life will be 11:00 a.m. Saturday, July 30, 2016 at the Clancy United Methodist Church. Please visit to offer a condolence to the family or to share a memory of Mary Anne. (Helena Independent Record)

May 18, 2016

Salt Lake City Mission showers moms with flowers, gifts and kindness

SALT LAKE CITY — Rain may have been pouring outside the Salt Lake City Mission Sunday, but inside, moms were being showered with gifts, flowers and a chance to spend quality time with their children on Mother's Day. The mission, for the second year in a row, celebrated moms with an event at its offices, which included lunch, a sermon by Pastor Joe Vazquez and an opportunity for moms, some of whom are experiencing homelessness, to relax with their children at the mission's office, 1151 S. Redwood Road. "Last year when we did this, we learned there are moms who haven't celebrated a Mother's Day in years," Vazquez said. "We certainly want them to feel blessed and cherished despite what their circumstances are." Maria Salgado said she was happy to spend the day with her daughters Esperanza, 9, and Daisy, 12. The gifts and cards were nice, but Salgado said she is most grateful for her "happy kids. I get to get together with my kids." Another mom, who provided only her first name, Deallie, was sh... (Deseret News)


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