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South Carolina State Featured Florists
610 Schooner RoadCharleston, SC 29412
5817 Hume AvHanahan, SC 29410
2345 Hwy. 9 ELongs, SC 29568
343 Pinewood RdSumter, SC 29150
109 Lecompte AvenueNorth Augusta, SC 29841
South Carolina Flowers News
Feb 1, 2021Give Eugene Goodman All His Damn Flowers - The Mary Sue
Florida Rep. Charlie Crist and Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II, both Democrats, along with Republican South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace, says in part.
To see Goodman recognized for his actions is the kind of energy we need in 2021. We especially need to keep this energy as we acknowledge just how heavy of a task it wa...
Dec 10, 2020Art in Focus: Palmetto with Flowers - Greenville Journal
Artist: Jamie Herndon
Palmetto with Flowers
GJ: How were you contacted to create this piece?
JH: South Carolina Artists forwarded the call for art from the Mauldin Cultural Council. I have been a member for eight years with SCA.
GJ: What is the inspiration for this piece?
JH: The executive director of SCA, Alexandra White, gave me a push to create it after having my son. I was on maternity leave recovering from a c-section when the idea began.
In memory of the Charleston church shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church and the overall theme of strength and resilience shown by South Carolinians during a recent flood at the time, I proposed to use the South Carolina palm tree adorned with handmade blacksmithed flowers, leaves and stems centered on a steel base.
I used a heart in the tree trunk to represent the love that Sout...
Aug 3, 2020Willie Beaty, Sr. | Obituary | Valdosta Daily Times - Valdosta Daily Times
Technical School. He went on to become a licensed brick mason contractor building many residential and commercial buildings in Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina. Some of his work included St. James Missionary Baptist Church in Valdosta, GA and the Marine barracks in Paris Island, SC, where he worked as a subcontractor. He trained and mentored many young men who went on to start their own businesses. Mr. Beaty was proud of the fact that he saved his money for years, and upon marrying his first wife, Mamie, he paid cash for their new home on Lake Park Rd in 1951. This shaped his theory on home ownership which was, "if you are paying on it, you don't own it... the bank does!" He spent the last 16 years of his life with his two children and their families in Northern Virginia. He joined Heritage Fellowship Church in Reston, VA. He enjoyed reading his Bible every day; going to church; shooting pool; vacationing with his family in Georgia; Florida; and the Caribbean; going to the Senior Center three times a week; and most of all, going out for ice cream! Mr. Beaty is survived by his daughter and son-in-law, Debra and Rochester Murphy of Great Falls, VA; his son, Willie E. Beaty, Jr., and his daughter-in-law, Della Sanford Beaty, of Ashburn, VA; his grand children: Claude Beaty Murphy of Great Falls, VA; and Aries Debra Michelle Beaty of Valdosta, GA; his great grand daughter, Kylie Beaty of Valdosta, GA; and a host of nieces and nephews. The Funeral Service for Mr. Beaty will be held on Tuesday, August 4, 2020, 11:00am, at Chestnut Grove Cemetery, 831 Dranesville Road., Herndon, VA 20170. Mr. Beaty was a kind and caring person. He always tried to help people in need. So, in keeping with his spirit, in lieu of flowers, the family asks that you donate funds to your local food bank or Church in his memory. Due to COVID 19, we are working on Live Streaming the services. Arrangements By: Lyles Funeral Service, Serving Northern Virginia, Eric S. Lyles, Director. Lic. VA, MD, DC. 1-800-388-1913
Published on July 31, 2020
Aug 3, 2020Howard Dungan - Obituary -
Army Air Forces. Training locations included, Santa Ana, California; Glendale, Arizona; Pecos, Texas; Douglas, Arizona; and Greenville, South Carolina as First Station. In the South andTexas he became more aware of deeper issues of racial inequality than he'd seen in Nebraska, where his family sometimes hosted a visiting African Methodist Episcopal (AME) minister for lunch, and he strove to treat everyone fairly throughout his life. In the chapel on base in Pecos, Texas he married Anita Alene Sibbitt, an accomplished violinist who had graduated from what is now the University of Nebraska at Kearney and taught high school for a year in Yutan,Nebraska. She followed Howard around the country for much of his pilot training, working variously as a butcher's helper, nurse's aid, and store clerk.Howard was later stationed in Hawaii, flying North American B-25 Mitchells. While he was flying missions in B-25s as a First Lieutenant in the 7th Air Force, 41st Bombardment Group, 820th Bomb Squadron out of Okinawa over Japan and Japanese-occupied China, Anita had become a "Rosie the Riveter" and learned gas welding at Ryan Aeronautical in San Diego.After the war she resumed teaching and then guidance counseling, and completed her master's degree at what is now San Diego State University. Howard also completed his bachelor's degree there on the G.I. Bill, and later his master's degree. Both did post-graduate work at the University of Southern California.From 1948 to 1984 Howard was a teacher and guidance counselor in the San Diego Unified School District, with most of that time at Theodore Roosevelt Junior High School (now Roosevelt International Middle School) where he primarily taught geography, social studies, and history, sometimes with what was referred to as a "Mr. Dungan story." Years into retirement, he would still run into former students greeting him and saying, "Mr. Dungan, you told the dumbestjokes and stories!" Howard would ask which one; the former student would repeat it and the context, and then he would reply, "Ah, but you remembered!"Howard and Anita loved to play golf at the Tijuana Country Club and Balboa Park Golf Course, were once active in the Methodist Church in La Mesa, and had a custom home built in Spring Valley where they resided until they passed. They vacationed in Mexico City, and traveled extensively throughout the U.S. and Canada with a succession of travel trailers. These trips were later accompanied by their only child, Michelle Dungan, now a retired California Department of Transportation Associate Environmental Planner. After Anita passed in 2006,Howard eventually resumed travel in a Roadtrek motorhome, completing the last trip to Kearney, Nebraska by himsel...
Jun 19, 2020Evening Primroses: Watch the Magic - Columbia Star
Now is the time to order evening primrose seeds for your garden. Both biennials are easy to grow in South Carolina. Direct sow seed in fall for the development of a basal rosette of leaves and strong root system. Plants thrive in full sun in well-drained sandy or loamy soil where they will reach 3-5’ tall. They do self-seed. Evening primroses have few pests or disease problems with good cultural practices.
Evening pr imrose ‘Tina James’ has 4? wide fragrant flowers.
The evening primrose clan has both day and night-blooming members.
Use the scientific name when ordering night-blooming species. Garden centers rarely stock them because they aren’t blooming when customers are at the store.
Bring magic to your garden at night with the luminous glow of evening primroses.
Common pr imrose is a native North Amer ican wi ldflower.