Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.


Select from variety of flower arrangements with bright flowers and vibrant blossoms! Same Day Delivery Available!


Classically beautiful and elegant, assortment of roses is a timeless and thoughtful gift!


Blooming and Green Plants.

Florists in Clymer, PA

Find local Clymer, Pennsylvania florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Clymer and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.

Clymer Flower Shops

Clymer PA News

Sep 14, 2016

Sunflowers Provide Hope for Suicide Prevention

Awareness Month, and as nights are getting longer, one Harrisonburg family is raising spirits with a symbol of hope: sunflowers. WMRA’s Christopher Clymer Kurtz reports. Along Route 33 just east of Harrisonburg is a sea of sunflowers waiting to be picked and shared. It’s an effort by the Frazier family to spread hope, and build awareness of our nation’s suicide epidemic. According to a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control, “Suicide is the third leading cause of death among persons aged 10-14, and the second among persons aged 15-34 years.” Like so many other people, Bibb and Dolly Frazier know suicide all too well. BIBB FRAZIER: Our son Austin was extremely articulate, and creative, and just had a wonderful sense of humor, which is sorely missed. It really is. Austin suffered from bipolar disorder, and after his death in 2009, when he was a junior in college, the Fraziers and area colleges and universities linked arms to start Walk for Hope, an annual event hosted on a different campus each year to raise awareness of mental health, depression, and suicide for college-age youth. Bibb Frazier remembers the first Walk. FRAZIER: That whole moment was a... (WMRA Public Radio)