Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.


Select from variety of flower arrangements with bright flowers and vibrant blossoms! Same Day Delivery Available!


Classically beautiful and elegant, assortment of roses is a timeless and thoughtful gift!

Florists in Carnegie, PA

Find local Carnegie, Pennsylvania florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Carnegie and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.

Carnegie Flower Shops

Puhlman Flower Shoppe

228 E. Main St
Carnegie, PA 15106
(412) 279-4400

Carnegie PA News

Jun 19, 2020

Flowers of Hope campaign supports Alzheimer’s walk -

Laura Peirce, of West Bloomfield, who care for their loved ones living with Alzheimer’s.The purple flower represents people like Rose Carnegie, of Pine City; Bob Johnson, of Pittsford; and Sandy Tramacera, of Wayne County, who lost their loved ones to Alzheimer’s or another dementia. The orange flower represents people like Shelby Ascroft, of Canandaigua; Melanie Cerra, of Rochester; and Kevin Diehl. of Horseheads, who support the cause and the Association’s vision of a world without Alzheimer’s and all dementia.“With this colorful display of determination in our communities throughout this summer and on Walk day, I am confident that one day we will be able to add a flower to this garden. Funds raised at the Walk will help us find a cure and we will add a white flower to our Promise Garden to represent the first survivor of Alzheimer’s,” said Teresa Galbier, chapter executive, Alzheimer’s Association.The Walk is scheduled for Oct. 3 in Canandaigua, Oct. 10 in Rochester and Oct. 17 in Elmira. Visit to register. ...

Apr 6, 2018

Out of flowers? Flour? Businesses contend with supply crises

But small businesses can have an advantage over larger ones in a supply crisis, says Sunder Kekre, an operations management professor at Carnegie Mellon University's Tepper School of Business. They don't have the bureaucracy of large companies, and that gives them more flexibility in coming up with a solution, he says.Small companies are also better able to stay in touch and negotiate with customers."You might convince them, 'You don't need it now, why not get it in two weeks,'" Kekre says.When Hurricane Irma forced Miami International Airport to shut down in September, flower shipments from South America — which supplies the majority of roses, carnations and chrysanthemums sold in the U.S. — couldn't arrive. But the floral industry is set up for such contingencies, and distributors quickly arranged for shipments from other parts of the world. Pliska got flowers from Kenya in that case."When I get a shipment, I can see all the airline tags from different places," Pliska says.Rob Starr had to adapt after the business that produced talc used in his pottery company's clay had to stop making it because it contained asbestos. After a long search, Starr found another supplier for The Potting Shed with a similar talc — but it didn't fare well in the kiln."Fortunately, he was a big fan of The Potting Shed and went to work on reformulating with the new talc," says Starr, whose company is located in Saxonville, Massachusetts.Starr also had an extended search for a new supplier for picture frame parts. The vendor he used shut down in 2004, and Starr couldn't find one that would make high-quality parts. He stopped producing the frames, but kept looking. Just last year, he finally found one, and has returned the frames to his product line.Now Starr faces another shortage: A second component for his clay is no longer available. "This could turn out to be a real dilemma for us if we cannot find an alternative," he says.Sometimes supply disruptions force companies to make major changes in how they do business. When Italy went through an economic crisis nearly 10 years ago, companies went out of business, including some suppliers to Mark Fink's business selling imported hardware to furniture and cabinet makers. And his biggest vendor began turning out substandard products that Fink's company, Wood Technology, couldn't use. When it was clear Fink wasn't going to get the quality he needed, he had t...

Sep 22, 2017

Arts and Flowers Garden Club held meeting

The Arts and Flowers Garden Club met Sept. 14 at the Washington Carnegie Library. President Sheila O'Maley welcomed members and thanked the hostesses: Janet Wilkins, Rosie McGuire, Janet Goodwin and Jan Wake. A special thanks went to Robert McBride who grew the gourds and peppers that were used for decoration.Roll call was taken and 26 members were present. Secretary Tunia McClure read the minutes of the August meeting and they were approved.Treasurer Chris Seal's report was approved.Luis Santiago, Purdue Extension educator, gave a presentation “How (Not) to Prune Your Trees and Shrubs.” He explained the reasons for pruning and also the basic techniques. He also pointed out that information on many gardening topics is available online from the Purdue Extension Education Store.The South West District meeting will be held Oct. 16 at the Broadway Christian Church in Princeton. The theme is “Party with Pollinators.” The deadline to register is Oct. 5 and the cost is $19.The Master Gardener “Once Upon a Garden” seminar will be held Oct. 21 in Princeton... (Washington Times Herald)

Feb 9, 2017

Santa Ana florist Has Been Delivering the Goods on Valentine's Day for 95 years

Harry Macres: “Give me every flower you got.” After a few of those giant orders, Macres was able to open his first shop, across from Carnegie Hall. The business thrived for a time. Family lore has it that the mob failed to pay a big bill, then came back during a national floral convention and paid with bootlegged liquor during Prohibition. The family fled, opening Macres Florist in Anaheim in 1922. After launching a second shop in Santa Ana in 1935, the family further distinguished itself in 1948 by introducing a revolutionary way to keep flowers fresh at the Rose Parade—sticking them in cylindrical, glass Alka-Seltzer bottles. There were 3,500 roses, 1,000 birds of paradise, and two dozen fresh orchids on that float, which won an award. “They used all different bottles,” Michael says. “But back then, Grandpa was using Alka-Seltzer like it was going out of style. In the ’40s, you had to go to market at 2 in the morning. You know how long it took to get to L.A. in the ’40s? And there was no air conditioning. They didn’t have an ice box when they first opened.” In Orange County, especially in the 1940s and ’50s, they found what Tricia calls “a flower lifestyle.” Californians loved to order flowers—everything from corsages to wear to church to arrangements to decorate their home foyers. The grande dames of central and north Orange County held massive parties with a bouquet tucked in every niche. Many had large weekly floral orders. “Way back then, Grandpa and Pop (Albert) knew everybody in town,” Michael says. “They knew who owned what businesses and what lodge (private and service clubs) they belonged to.” Their telephone number was a woman’s name (Kimberly 2-8841), and it was easy to market through the service clubs.“Adult women used to wear a lot of corsages,” Tricia says. “When the Broadway Theater across the street was the big thing in the ’40s, guys would come here to take their dates to the movies and buy them a corsage.” The Macreses are starting to eye retirement, and their son, Daniel—a successful attorney in Washington, D.C.—has no interest in flowers. Sadly, Michael and Tricia are the end of the line. When they do decide to close up shop, I’ll wish them well. They’ve worked so hard to continue the family tradition, and they are a part of my fondest memories. I’ll miss them. I imagine some of you have people like the Macreses in your lives: the baker and the candlestick maker who mean much more to you than their bakery or their candlesticks. It’s part of what makes living in this county so charming—we’re divided into 34 small towns, with all the humanity a small town has to offer. (Orange Coast Magazine (blog))

Dec 8, 2016

12 spirited holiday events in and around Sacramento

Accompanied by the historic Manhattan church’s Baroque Orchestra, the 25-member choir—which has performed at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center, and with the New York Philharmonic and the Rolling Stones on the band’s 50th anniversary tour—treats the oft-produced oratorio, typically sung by four soloists and the choir, as more of an ensemble piece, featuring solos by upwards of a dozen singers. $39-$79. 7 p.m. Harris Center for the Arts. 10 College Pkwy. Folsom. 608-6888. Holidays at the Sacramento Zoo Dec. 10 & 24 The animals at th... (Sactown Magazine (blog))

Oct 21, 2016

Arts and Flowers Garden Club get together

The October Garden of the Month is the home to Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Latham. The next meeting will be held Nov.10 at the Washington Carnegie Public Library. The program will be “When and how to prune.” Sheila O’Maley presented the program on papercrete pottery. This is a technique she learned in her Master Gardener’s class from Lee Coates. Because of the ingredients of Portland Cement and perlite the flower pots are lighter than other concrete pots. She provided instructions so members could make their own flower pots. Also attending were Sue Colbert, Linda Cornelius, Helen Dashnaw, Sue Garrett, Kay George, Janet Goodwin, MaryLou Gotwald, Sue Gray, Sue Harper, Kathleen Harris, Jean Hoffman, Bonnie Jones, Shirley Jones, Becky Kremp, Tunia McClure, Linda Myers, Fran Neal, Rose Palmer, Jan Smith, Cheryl Thomas, Jan Wake, Joan Colbert and Coleen Swartzentruber. (Washington Times Herald)