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Birdsboro Flower Shops

Birdsboro PA News

Dec 30, 2015

Monday's Sound Off

Pottstown — for example, Reading, Camden, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Newark, Chester, just to name a few. Our fearless leader is pathetic. K Dog From Birdsboro Now that Rick Rabinowitz has been named president of the Pottsgrove School Board is he finally going to change the centers back to what we had before he came into “public life?” So so much to talk about. First of all happy December and Happy Hanukkah to all my friends. Secondly, Pink Floyd and Bruce Springsteen stunk and still do. Third, global warming is a joke. The icebergs melt a little bit every year. Polar ice cap melts a little bit every year. Wake up, and by the way we have enough of our own terrorists. We’ll come after those when we get rid of our own. John from Mont Clare There were 27 Republican governors and one Democrat opposing Syrian resettlement in the U.S. The lone Democrat Gov. Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire only asked for more information regarding the vetting process. So there’s only one Democrat, not many. Fact Checker If President Obama thinks global warming contributes to terrorism, instead of sending troops on the ground let’s send them a shipment full of air-conditioners. Political correctness is beginning to destroy the West namely Europe and North America. Calling the terrorists Islamic is seen as an insult to Muslims. This is President Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s view. They not only are hesitant to identify the enemy but also do not promote American values as clearly expressed in our Constitution. Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communities we serve on topics of interest in those communities. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentially libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropriate. Publications of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher. (The Mercury)