Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.


Select from variety of flower arrangements with bright flowers and vibrant blossoms! Same Day Delivery Available!


Classically beautiful and elegant, assortment of roses is a timeless and thoughtful gift!


Blooming and Green Plants.

Florists in Burns, OR

Find local Burns, Oregon florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Burns and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.

Burns Flower Shops

Burns OR News

Sep 7, 2020

Missoula flower shop promotes other local businesses during reopening - KPAX-TV

So, there’s the option that you can say ‘I want that arrangement and I want to add a Burns St. Bistro gift card to it,' for example.” As the staff hustle around the shop sporting their masks and gloves, it’s clear they’re ready to rebound from the pandemic. If you ask Irwin, she’ll tell you they have the community to thank for that. “It brings a tear to my eye seeing how much support we’ve had from the community. It reminds us why we live here and why we choose to raise our families here.” ...

Jan 4, 2020

Funerals held for reporter, pilot from Louisiana plane crash - The Associated Press

Medical Center in Lafayette. Another person, Danielle Britt, is hospitalized at University Medical Center in New Orleans after suffering serious burns when her vehicle flipped and caught on fire as the plane crashed to the ground.

Aug 22, 2019

Council: Sioux Falls would benefit from hemp, bee-friendly flowers and more cop training - Sioux Falls Argus Leader

More training for cops During budget hearings this summer, Sioux Falls Police Chief Matt Burns told councilors a hurdle he faces in getting his police force to the authorized number of officers it's eligible to employ is the lack of available training capacity at the state level. State statute requires all aspiring police officers in South Dakota be trained through the Attorney General-administered Law Enforcement Training Center in Pierre. And with all counties and cities in the state bound to using that one agency and a limited number of classes each year, it's difficult for a city the size of Sioux Falls to get as many cadets trained as it needs, Burns said. So the council, at the suggestion of Councilor Theresa Stehly, unanimously voted to urge South Dakota lawmakers to give Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg the resources he needs to increase class sizes in hopes the Sioux Falls Police Department can send more recruits to Pierre at once. Making South Dakota more bee-friendly In an op-ed last week, Gov. Noem called for enhancing the growth of plants that pollinate in a response to the state's declining bee population, which has adverse affects on the South Dakota agriculture industry. More: Is it time to legalize beekeeping in Sioux Falls? Coincidentally enough, Councilors Janet Brekke and Stehly are in the process of retooling city ordinance to loosen restriction on beekeeping in Sioux Falls. So the pair Tuesday night successfully amended the list of legislative priorities to encourage the state Legislature to embrace Noem's call to action regarding pollinator-friendly plantings on state-owned property. It was a 5-3 vote with Councilors Starr, Marshall Selberg and Soehl voting in support of the Stehly-Brekke amendment.

May 31, 2019

Soggy planting season leaves growers dripping with concern - The Intelligencer

But, she cautioned, “you can do more harm by over-fertilizing than under-fertilizing.” Too much fertilizer can cause chemical burns and too much nitrogen will attract pests to the plants.At Crossing Vineyards in Upper Makefield, sommelier Eric Cavatore isn’t too worried about the damp days just yet. But if the wet weather continues into July, August or September, when grape vines need the sun’s warmth to ripen, that wouldn’t be good. “In summer, it has to be dry,” he said, to create the best wines.Hopefully, Cavatore will get his hot, dry spell. Meteorologist Jonathan O’Brien at the National Weather Service in Westampton said that for June, July and August, the agency's Climate Prediction Center expects “an increased chance of above normal temperatures and an above normal chance of above normal rainfall.”That’s on top of rain that’s already fallen. The NWS reports that from Jan. 1 through May 19, the rainfall total for Bucks County averaged 21.2 inches, about 4.4 inches above normal. Montgomery County’s total was 19.2 inches, or 2.9 inches more than expected. In Burlington County, the rainfall total has been 18.4 inches, or 1.4 inches above normal.O’Brien said that when it rains a lot, the humid air can spawn more rainstorms. “These patterns do feed on themselves - increase the chance for additional storms. The fact that it has been so wet favors it continuing to be wet.”Staff writer Kyle Bagenstose contributed to this story. ...

May 31, 2019

Garden View: There are many reasons to garden - Monitor

It can also be enjoyed alone or with family. Research shows that gardening eases stress, keeps you limber, improves your mood and burns calories. A lot of my time as a child was spent with family in the vegetable garden was part of our daily routine, as most of supper came from the garden. I also learned about roses from my grandmother when we worked together in the garden. Today — with our busy lives — I am much more aware of all of the benefits of gardening and I realize that the days when I can be outside, even for just an hour or two, hold great value and allow time to unwind. >> Gardening is good exercise It provides both aerobic and cardio workouts. Studies show that an hour of moderate gardening burns 300 to 400 calories and reduces osteoporosis, especially among women. Gardening in South Texas is best done during early morning or evening hours to avoid the heat. Be smart and wear gloves, a hat and bug repellent. Plan your garden projects and do not try to tackle too much at one time. I use to tell my students to think of your yard as a series of “living rooms” and work in one “living room” at a time to avoid being overwhelmed. Remember, this is fun exe...

Mar 29, 2019

3/25, full issue: Environmental leadership, gun reform, spring flowers, more - Charleston Currents

Cantral Small towns in Florida have canceled entire curbside pick-up programs. Philadelphia now burns about half of its recyclables, while city residents grow more concerned about air quality. Every plastic bottle dropped in a blue bin at the Memphis airport is thrown away. And in Charleston County, a month of recycling now sits under a tarp at the Bees Ferry Landfill. “There’s no place to send it,” Charleston County Councilman Vic Rawl told a local TV station. Last month, the county chose not to extend its contract with Horry County and truck recyclables north. An existing facility located on the peninsula is outdated and ill-equipped to manage our pace and volume. Plans to build a more modern facility are on-hold. So, a covered pile of about 3,000 tons of recycled paper, glass, aluminum and plastic sits and awaits its fate. If pieces of it get wet, they’ll be buried at the landfill just like trash. We need leadership. Charleston County should be transparent about the future of its recycling program and plans to build a new facility, and it should move quickly to address the mountain of recyclables that are piling up at Bees Ferry. And we can all recommit to reducing the amount of waste we produce individually. Established recycling programs have done much to keep plastic bottles, aluminum, and glass out of the environment, but they haven’t addressed single-use plastics — plastics that are typically used once and tossed like bags, straws, and Styrofoam. Single-use plastics are not easily recycled and are often scattered throughout the environment, impacting waterways and wildlife. But local communities along our coast have stepped up and done that themselves by putting in place bans on single-use plastics. That’s one of the strongest indicators I’ve observed so far about how important our work is in South Carolina. In fact, last night, Charleston County finalized its own single-use plastics ban for unincorporated parts of our community. Senate to take up big bill with local impacts Still, efforts to deny local progress and community-driven solutions are facing strong opposition. On Wednesday, several senators again considered a bill that would unravel existing bans and prevent future local action on plastic pollution. The executive director of a national special interests group representing big plastic manufacturers traveled from Washington to attend the hearing and snubbed local bans as ineffective and “emotions based.” Mayors and council members from Folly Beach, Isle of Palms,...