Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

A Flower Shop

Order flowers and gifts from A Flower Shop located in Angus ON for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 75 Denney Drive, Angus Ontario L0M1B1 Zip. The phone number is (705) 424-1777. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about A Flower Shop in Angus ON. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. A Flower Shop delivers fresh flowers – order today.

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A Flower Shop
75 Denney Drive
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Phone number:
(705) 424-1777
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Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

Find A Flower Shop directions to 75 Denney Drive in Angus, ON (Zip L0M1B1) on the Map. It's latitude and longitude coordinates are 43.9634094, -78.9546432 respectively.

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Flowers and Gifts News

Dec 10, 2020

With decorations, Bridge of Flowers will shine brightly through holidays - The Recorder

Bridge of Flowers Committee member Carol Angus said the local landmark will “spring to life in the dark” starting Friday, when new lights and decorations will be lit thanks to the Great Shelburne Falls Area Business Association and a $30,000 grant it received through MassDevelopment’s Commonwealth Places program.“The new lighting for the bridge is part of a broader campaign being financed by the grant to enhance the appearance of the...

Feb 27, 2020

Edible flowers: fragrant, tasty treats | The Real Dirt - Chico Enterprise-Record

Many annuals and perennials produce flowers with culinary potential. Roses (rosa spp.), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and apple blossoms are well-known perennials with edible flowers. Borage (Borago officinalis), calendula (Calendula officinalis), garden sage (Salvia officinalis), scarlet runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus), nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) and pansies (Viola x wittrockiana) are perhaps the best-known annuals that can be used in this way.Before eating any flowers make sure you have properly identified them as being edible. Since many plants have similar names, always use the scientific name when choosing a flower for an edible purpose. If you are not sure, do not eat them, because many flowers are poisonous or toxic. You should also be certain that the flower is free of pesticides and herbicides. For a detailed list of edible flowers, consult the following online document: Edible flowers have been used in cooking for thousands of years. During the Victorian era candied flowers were used in salads, sweets and pastries. Rose water and orange flower wa...

Mar 29, 2019

Royal Wedding Flowers: the Kent brides - Royal Central

Princess Alexandra of Kent, April 1963, London Embed from Getty Images On 24th April 1963, Princess Alexandra of Kent married Angus Ogilvy at Westminster Abbey with a retinue of royal guests in attendance. The bride chose a small bouquet of spring flowers which included camellias and jasmine. In the language of flowers, camellias signify admiration while jasmine means contentment. Lady Helen Windsor, July 1992, Windsor Embed from Getty Images Lady Helen Windsor, who married Timothy Taylor on July 18th 1992 at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, was an unusual royal bride. She opted for pastel shades for her flowers rather than the more traditional whites and creams. The end result was a pretty posy of pink roses, cornflowers and lavender. In the language of flowers, pink roses mean grace and joy while lavender symbolises devotion. Interestingly, Lady Gabriella Windsor was a bridesmaid at the wedding of her cousin, Lady Helen, and wore a garland of country garden flowers in white and blue in her hair and carried a posy in similar shades. Whether that, or any of the Kent wedding bouquets, will influence her own choice remains to be seen. All will be revealed in May when a new chapter in the history of Kent royal brides is written. Related Items ...

Apr 27, 2017

Master Gardeners: Serve these flowers with meals

Calendulas should be planted in fall or early spring and do best in full sun, and are easy to grow from seed.Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): This fragrant small shrub has flowers that are used to make wands and sachets. The purple flowers can be used to flavor jams and jellies, stews or vinegar, or used in a tea to calm the nerves. Easy to grow in a dry, well-drained, sunny location.Bee Balm (Monarda didyma): Easy to grow, low maintenance and drought-tolerant once established. This perennial sparkles in the summer with shaggy heads of tight tubular scarlet, pink or purple blossoms. The flowers can be scattered on salads, used as a garnish, or steeped to make Bee Balm teas. Bee Balm flowers have a citrusy flavor.Johnny-jump-up (Viola tricolor): This flower blooms profusely in the fall and spring with little care in sun or shade and self-sows. It has small yellow, white and purple flowers (thus the name tricolor). Flowers have a slight wintergreen flavor. They make a pretty decoration for salads and desserts or in a punch bowl. A prized edible that can also be candied or frozen in ice cubes.The best time to harvest flowers is in the morning if possible. Wash them quickly in cool water, shake them out and dry them on a paper towel. If you won’t be eating them right away, store them between damp layers of paper towels in the refrigerator. Flowers are very fragile, and best added to the plate at the very last minute so that they don’t wilt.Fresh flowers can lend color and a festive atmosphere to food, but not just any flowers will do. They won’t get by on their looks if they have a bitter taste, and you certainly wouldn’t want to garnish your meal with anything toxic. Finally, be sure to explain to children that not all flowers can be eaten, just the special ones, such as those mentioned above.The Shasta Master Gardeners Program can be reached by phone at 530 242-2219 or email The gardener office is staffed by volunteers trained by the University of California to answer gardeners' questions using information based on scientific research.Read or Share this story: (Redding Record Searchlight)

Mar 23, 2017

Miss The Anza-Borrego Bloom? The Mojave's Flowers are Just Getting Started

Phacelia distans, here shown at many times life size: Wild heliotrope Photo: Chris Clarke... as well as occasional thick patches of Cryptantha angustifolia, more easily referred to as the desert popcorn flower.Popcorn flower Photo: Chris Clarke!-...

Mar 16, 2017

Singleton: What trees are flowering in February?

Water well until established.Another great native Florida tree is the chickasaw plum, prunus angustifolia. Clusters of tiny and fragrant white flowers cover this deciduous tree while still leafless. A rounded mass of thin, thorny branches will later support small leaves and red fruit ripening to yellow — a treat for many native wildlife. Occasionally trained as a single-leader tree, the most available form is a multi-trunk small tree used as a specimen. Think of the size of a really large shrub, up to 20-feet high and just as wide. It would be an appropriate size under power lines. Once established, this tree will tolerate drought but does poorly in alkaline soils. If you don’t know your soil pH, an inexpensive soil test is available through the University of Florida IFAS with instructions at Hong Kong orchid tree, Bauhinia blakeana, is the only species in the genus Bauhinia that is not potentially invasive. This particular cultivar (cultivated variety) is sterile, so it will not reseed itself in natural areas unlike its cousins variegata and purpurea, as noted on the UF/IFAS Assessment of the Status of Non-Native Plants in Florida’s Natural Areas (Fox et al. 2005). The seedless blakeana species is highly prized for its 6-inch rich reddish-purple, orchid-shaped flowers in winter, but is susceptible to freeze and most well suited for warmer micro-climates in our hardiness zone 9B. With a mature height of 20 to 40 feet and spread of 20 feet, this medium-size grower can be trained for a uniform shape to make a nice specimen or parking-lot tree for full sun.The golden trumpet tree, Tabebuia sp., is not cold hardy in zone 9A (northern Lake County) unless protected by a warmer microclimate but they are frequently seen as mature, healthy trees in Lake’s lower regions of zone 9B. It blooms a brilliant golden yellow on bare stems, litters the ground in a blanket of yellow flowers reminiscent of the bell of a trumpet in shape and glow. Several species of Tabebuia have yellow blooms and others bloom pink. This tree has a quirky, asymmetrical growth habit and would be considered small to medium in mature size at 15 to 30 feet. The yellow species typically have a corky, furrowed bark that adds a lot of textural interest to the landscape. Native to tropical regions of the Caribbean, Bahamas and Central and South A... (Daily Commercial)


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