Florists in Amherstburg, ON
Find local Amherstburg, Ontario florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Amherstburg and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Amherstburg Flower Shops
311 Sandwich St. S
Amherstburg, ON N9V2A7
(519) 736-6290
83 Sandwich St S
Amherstburg, ON N9Vâ15
(519) 736-4520
Amherstburg ON News
Sep 21, 2016Amherstburg wins award for hanging flower pots
The Town of Amherstburg’s overpowering array of hanging baskets — some with flowers so long they touch the sidewalks below them — have won a provincial award.
“The speaker who presented the (award) said that as you drive into the town, it just overpowers you,” said parks manager Annette Zahaluk. “With over 110 planters and over 200 baskets, it is a very prevalent drive and I think it makes people want to stop and smell the roses, so to speak.”
The town won the best container planting and hanging baskets category in the 2016 Ontario Parks Association Municipal Floral Display Competition.
“Given the scale of competitors and entries, it was a very proud moment representing the Town of Amherstburg parks department,” said Zahaluk, who oversaw the planting and setting up of the flowers.
The award recognized the grandness of the display. For a town as small as Amherstburg, a display of this size is a rarity, said Zahaluk.
“We have what a large city would usually have,” she said. “We have a very large num... (Windsor Star)