Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.


Select from variety of flower arrangements with bright flowers and vibrant blossoms! Same Day Delivery Available!


Classically beautiful and elegant, assortment of roses is a timeless and thoughtful gift!


Blooming and Green Plants.

Florists in Binger, OK

Find local Binger, Oklahoma florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Binger and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.

Binger Flower Shops

Binger OK News

Apr 27, 2019

Mediterranean flowers that thrive locally - Prescott Daily Courier

California Poppy seems to take over entire Arizona mountainsides. How can blooms with such ethereal beauty be so tough? This welcome harbinger of spring adds its vivid orange hue to any garden with ample sunshine and light soil. Although the plant is an annual, it self-seeds and every year the bluish-green foliage makes newly emerging seedlings easy to recognize. Crepe Myrtle, with its breathtaking flower colors, is a welcome sight during every garden’s late-summer lull. This is the perfect summer bloomer for gardens enhancing Prescott’s summer homes. With so many varieties available, it is popular to plant several of the different neon colors. Plant where you can enjoy a “close up” view of its beautiful multicolored bark and sinuous branches. Daphne is for the Mediterranean garden that receives shade from oak or cypress trees; the shrub is a flattering flowering companion to the trees. The highly fragrant shrub demands good drainage, and likes protection from the mid-afternoon summer sun. Choose a variety with variegated leaves, like “Maejima,” and you’ll have a beautiful specimen plant, whether in or out of bloom. Ascot Rainbow Euphorbia is commonly known as “spurge.” The many varieties of Euphorbia have colorful bracts rather than true flower petals. The electric shade of green foliage provides an excellent complement to every other blossom color in the garden. Local native “gopher plant” is a direct descendant of Euphorbia, and absolutely deer proof. Lavender bears a scent disliked by only very few people. How glorious it is to find a garden plant whose crushed leaves smell just as beautiful as the blossoms! If your garden is overwhelmed wi...

Sep 10, 2018

Daffodil supplants iris as Athens official flower

Denson wasn’t the only one showing plenty of love to the daffodil.Reading the resolution, Wright called the daffodil one of the earliest harbingers of spring and “a symbol of hope, renewal, optimism, rebirth, and new beginnings.”Smith, who says the long-term goal is to plant daffodils at all 11 GA-10 interchanges, noted other attributes of the flowers.“They're something that bloom nice and early. They don't block traffic. They come back every year. It was just a really great plant that fit in well with the requirements,” she said.They made progress on that goal earlier this year during January’s Martin Luther King day of service, where approximately 125 community volunteers came together to plant 30,000 daffodil bulbs on the North Avenue ramps.According to Smith, the next batch of daffodils will be planted at the Old Hull Road ramp on Nov. 12.

Apr 20, 2018

Spring ephemeral wildflowers to take over Morgantown

WVU Department of Biology, wildflowers found in West Virginia include bloodroot, celandine poppy, Dutchman’s breeches, dwarf larkspur, foamflower, harbinger of spring, hepaticas, rue anemone, spring beauties, squirrel corn, toothworts, trilliums, trout lily, twinleaf, Virginia bluebells, wild blue phlox, wild ginger and wood anemone. Some of these plants have leaves that persist through the summer, but most are dormant within a short time.The arboretum is host to many of these flowers, up to 45 species, and holds a multitude of events to promote these flowers every year. This weekend they held one of their major events, the Spring Flower Festival.The Flower Festival included live music, food trucks and guided flower walks to promote the arboretum’s natural treasures. The arboretum holds many events like this throughout the year."Our big spring event is the amazing native spring ephemeral wildflower display that we have here in the Arboretum, and we have guided walks every year," said Zach Fowler, the Core Arboretum Director. "This year, we are in the process of planning a spring open house celebration for April 14 to coincide with the typical peak of the wildflower display.""We also have guided spring bird walks. During the summer, we have weekly nature lectures as part of our Nature Connection Series on Tuesday evenings (this year’s schedule is not complete, but you can find a link to last year’s schedule on the website), and we recently started a Moth Night tradition. In the fall, we have the much-anticipated Pawpaw Parties. We have a weekly service event called Work Day Wednesday, and other... (The Daily Athenaeum - thedaonline)

Feb 8, 2018

Will you have early-blooming flowers?

Courtesy) The arrival of spring is a welcome occurrence for many people. Budding flowers are among the harbingers of spring. This next month — or before — spring flowers can revitalize winter-weary people just when they need it most — and provide reassurance that brighter, warmer and longer hours of sunlight are just around the corner.Cold-tolerant flowers are hardy enough to start blooming before the last frosts have dissipated. Other flowers will begin to fill in as days warm a little bit more, according to Better Homes and Gardens. Home gardeners looking to warm up their gardens with early blooms can use these flowers in their early-season containers, window boxes and planting beds.• Pansy: Pansies prefer cool weather, which can make them one of the best flowers to plant in early spring and late fall. Pansies come in a variety of colors, so there’s bound to be an offering that will blend with any homeowners’ landscape design. • Creeping phlox: Also known “moss phlox,” creeping phlox is a short ground-cover that is a herbaceous perennial. Phlox produces small, fragrant flowers in dense clusters, which can attract wild... (The Daily Courier)

Mar 30, 2017

April to bring spring blooms to Ohio's forests

Early bloomers include harbinger-of-spring, snow trillium and hepatica. These are soon followed by spring beauty, cut-leaf toothwort and bloodroot. Finally, showier flowers like large white trillium, Virginia bluebells and marsh marigold carpet the forest floor with a wash of color.In each Ohio Wildflower Bloom report, ODNR details which species are blooming where, and makes specific recommendations for seeing the best displays of spring bloomers across the state. Visit to read each weekly report.ODNR and TourismOhio encourage people to take spring wildflower photos and upload them to social media using the hashtag, #OhioWildflowers. Follow @ohiodnr and @OhioFindItHere on Twitter, @ohiodnr on Instagram and ODNR Division of Natural Areas and Preserves and Ohio Find it Here on Facebook to see more spring wildflower photos.Getting outdoors is an ideal way to relieve stress and boost mood levels. ODNR’s new Explore Ohio initiative is aimed at encouraging people to exercise outdoors and become healthier in the process. Participants can log their miles, share their photos and create friends groups on the Explore Ohio website at Whether people are running, hiking, biking, climbing, walking or paddling, Ohioans can keep track of their progress at and share their adventures on social media using #ExploreOhio. After reaching 100 combined miles of activity on the site, each registered user will receive an email with a certificate good for 15 percent off camping at any Ohio State Park.ODNR ensures a wise balance between the use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR website at enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.comments powered by Disqus... (Sidney Daily News (subscription))

Mar 16, 2017

Medina County wildflower challenge, digital garden planner and beekeeping class: Home and Garden News

Wildflower Challenge in the Medina County Park District. Chris Stephens / The Plain Dealer WILDFLOWER CHALLENGE: The first harbingers of spring -- wildflowers like spring beauty, yellow trout lily, marsh marigold, and others - will begin to appear in Northeast Ohio's landscapes. Celebrate the changing season by participating in Medina County Park District's  Spring Native Wildflower Challenge.Print a copy of the Wildflower Challenge brochure at, or pick one up at Wolf Creek Environmental Center in Sharon Center, Susan Hambley Nature Center in Brunswick or park district headquarters in Medina.Using the checklist from the brochure, look for native wildflowers in any Medina County Park District park or preserve between now and Thursday, June 1. Take a clear picture of each flower you find. Be sure that the photo includes the "I Found It!" card from the brochure. Please do not pick wildflowers in the parks, and stay on the trails when photographing them.  When you've found at least 15 of the 23 wildflowers on the list, bring the photos on your phone or camera along with the completed checklist to Wolf Creek Environmental Center no ... (