Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

Jdl Flower Shoppe

Order flowers and gifts from Jdl Flower Shoppe located in Willoughby Hills OH for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 2260 Par Ln Apt 813, Willoughby Hills Ohio 44094 Zip. The phone number is (216) 313-2430. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Jdl Flower Shoppe in Willoughby Hills OH. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Jdl Flower Shoppe delivers fresh flowers – order today.

Business name:
Jdl Flower Shoppe
2260 Par Ln Apt 813
Willoughby Hills
Zip Code:
Phone number:
(216) 313-2430
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Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

Find Jdl Flower Shoppe directions to 2260 Par Ln Apt 813 in Willoughby Hills, OH (Zip 44094 ) on the Map. It's latitude and longitude coordinates are 41.6009086, -81.443824 respectively.

Florists in Willoughby Hills OH and Nearby Cities

38015 Euclid Ave
Willoughby, OH 44094
(0.50 Miles from Jdl Flower Shoppe)
34302 Euclid Ave Ste 10
Willoughby, OH 44094
(2.54 Miles from Jdl Flower Shoppe)
1221 East 305Th
Willowick, OH 44095
(3.24 Miles from Jdl Flower Shoppe)
8324 Mentor Avenue
Mentor, OH 44060
(3.44 Miles from Jdl Flower Shoppe)
8612 Mentor Ave
Mentor, OH 44060
(4.07 Miles from Jdl Flower Shoppe)

Flowers and Gifts News

Dec 30, 2015

TGIF: Happenings — what's coming up in Northeast Ohio starting Dec. 11

Center building, 4250 Richmond Road, Highland Hills, presents “The Art of Roy Bigler,” through Jan. 28. 216-987-2473 or visit Willoughby Hills Community Center Gallery: 35400 Chardon Road, presents a show of work from The Paint Company, a group of several area artists, through Jan. 5; “Beautiful Cleveland,” featuring photographer Jackson Koch, acrylics and mixed media by Julie Cook, photographer Michelle Drackett and photographer Bill Naiman,” Jan. 8 through March 6. Call 440-918-8730 or visit Auditions Mad* Factory: 39 S. Main St., Suite. 310, Oberlin, will hold auditions for “Les Miserables” (school edition), 1 to 5 p.m. Dec. 13 (grades seven to 12) and 4 to 6 p.m. Dec. 14 (children 8 to 12 years old), with callbacks 6 to 9 p.m. Dec. 14. Call 440-935-3875 or visit Comedy Cleveland Improv: 2000 Sycamore St., presents Tony Rock, Dec. 10 through 13; DerayDavis, Dec. 18 through 20; Mike Polk Jr., Dec. 31. Call 216-696-4677. Comedy Project Alliance: Reserve Hall Theater, Mayfield Village Civic Center, 6622 Wilson Mills Road, presents Torque ... Full Throttle Improv, 8:30 p.m. Dec. 18 Call 440-471-1045 or email Hard Rock Rocksino At Northfield Park: 10777 Northfield Road, Northfield, presents Joel McHale, Jan. 23; Marlon Wayans, Feb. 5; Jim Norton, March 11. Call 330-908-7625 or visit Hilarities 4th Street Theatre: 2025 E. Fourth St., Cleveland, presents Dan Grueter, Dec. 9 through 13; Michael Kosta, Dec. 17 through 20 . Call 216-736-4242. Lorain Palace Theater: 617 Broadway, Lorain, presents Jason Lawhead, Dec. 26. Call 440-245-2323 or visit Playhouse Square: 1501 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, presents Last Call Cleveland’s “A Very Last Call Christmas, Dec. 11, 12, 18 and 19; The Three Tenors (Who Can’t Sing), featuring Vic DiBitetto, Richie Minervini and Fred Rubino, Feb. 5; Kathleen Madigan, April 2. Call 216-241-6000, or visit Concerts Agora Theatre & Ballroom: 5000 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, presents Wizards of Winter, Dec. 11; Winter Warm Up 2015, Dec. 12; Austin Jones, Run 2 Cover, Dec. 13; Insane Clown Posse presents JCW wrestling, Dec. 17; Impending Lies, Dec. 18; Snowed In featuring Beartooth, Hawthorne Heights, Counterparts, Dec. 19; The Black Dahlia Murder, Goatwhore, Iron Regan, Dec. 20; Walk Off Hits, Dec. 21; Jingle Bells Rock and Hip Hop Fest, Dec. 23; Clutch, Crobot, Valkyrie, Dec. 30; Big NYE, Dec. 31; Lil Reese, Jan. 9; Enforcer, Warbringer, Cauldron, Exmortus, Jan. 16; Nile, Jan. 20; Epica, Moonspell, Starkill, Jan. 25; Shawn Perry & The Hazard County Rebellion, Jan. 29; State Champs, Neck Deep, Knuckle Puck, Feb. 12; R&B Valentine’s Day bash featuring Jon. B., Shai, Adina Howard, Feb. 14Helloween, March 3; Joanne Shaw Taylor, Jared James Nichols, March 19; Sonata Arctica, Delain, March 29; Underoath, April 13; Abbath, High on Fire, Skeltonwitch, April 9; The Melvins, Napalm Death, April 21; Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody, Primal Fear, April 30; Prong, May 16. Visit Akron Civic Theater: 182 S. Main St., presents “Jethro Tull,” written and performed by Ian Anderson, April 11. Call 330-253-2488. Beachland Ballroom: 15711 Waterloo Road, Cleveland, presents Star Wars Burlesque, Dec. 11; All Them Witches, New Madrid, Dec. 11; The Fifth Wheel, Polars, Ageless Males, Por... (The Morning Journal)

Dec 30, 2015

TGIF: Happenings — what's coming up in Northeast Ohio starting Jan. 1

Center building, 4250 Richmond Road, Highland Hills, presents “The Art of Roy Bigler,” through Jan. 28. 216-987-2473 or visit Willoughby Hills Community Center Gallery: 35400 Chardon Road, presents a show of work from The Paint Company, a group of several area artists, through Jan. 5; “Beautiful Cleveland,” featuring photographer Jackson Koch, acrylics and mixed media by Julie Cook, photographer Michelle Drackett and photographer Bill Naiman,” Jan. 8 through March 6. Call 440-918-8730 or visit Comedy Fine Arts Association: 38660 Mentor Ave., Willoughby, presents the Chili Con Comedy improv troupe, Feb. 6, April 30. Call 440-951-7500. Hard Rock Rocksino At Northfield Park: 10777 Northfield Road, Northfield, presents Joel McHale, Jan. 23; Marlon Wayans, Feb. 5; Jim Norton, March 11. Call 330-908-7625 or visit Hilarities 4th Street Theatre: 2025 E. Fourth St., Cleveland, presents Tommy Johnagin,Jan. 2 and 3; Ha Cole, Jan. 6; Dov Davidoff, Jan. 7 through 9; Sam Morril, Jan. 10; Jim Breuer, Jan. 15 and 16; Bobby Lee, Jan. 21 through 23; Michael Yo, Jan. 28 through 30. Call 216-736-4242. Playhouse Square: 1501 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, presents The Three Tenors (Who Can’t Sing), featuring Vic DiBitetto, Richie Minervini and Fred Rubino, Feb. 5; Kathleen Madigan, April 2; Bill Maher, June 4. Call 216-241-6000, or visit Concerts Agora Theatre & Ballroom: 5000 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, presents Battle of the Bands, Jan. 2; Lil Reese, Jan. 9; Ballyhoo!, Jan. 15; Enforcer, Warbringer, Cauldron, Exmortus, Jan. 16; Nile, Jan. 20; Montana of 300, Jan. 22; Vaperfest 2016, Jan. 23; Epica, Moonspell, Starkill, Jan. 25; Shawn Perry & The Hazard County Rebellion, Jan. 29; Decapitated, Black Breath, Theories, Jan. 31; State Champs, Neck Deep, Knuckle Puck, Feb. 12; Ventana, Feb. 13; R&B Valentine’s Day bash featuring Jon. B., Shai, Adina Howard, Feb. 14; Born of Osiris, Veil of Maya, After the Burial, Feb. 24; Pouya, The Buffet Boys, Suicide Boys, Feb. 26; I See Stars, Chunk! No Captain Chunk!, Get Scared, Feb. 27; The Word Alive, Fit for a KIng, Out Came the Wolves, March 2; Helloween, March 3; Y&T, March 10; SWMRS, The Frights, March 16; Joanne Shaw Taylor, Jared James Nichols, March 19; Sonata Arctica, Delain, March 29; Underoath, April 13; Abbath, High on Fire, Skeltonwitch, April 9; The Melvins, Napalm Death, April 21; Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody, Primal Fear, April 30; Prong, May 16. Visit Akron Civic Theater: 182 S. Main St., presents Puscifer, ... (The Morning Journal)


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