Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.


Select from variety of flower arrangements with bright flowers and vibrant blossoms! Same Day Delivery Available!


Classically beautiful and elegant, assortment of roses is a timeless and thoughtful gift!

Florists in Burton, OH

Find local Burton, Ohio florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Burton and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.

Burton Flower Shops

Burton Floral & Garden Inc

13020 Kinsman Rd
Burton, OH 44021

Burton OH News

Oct 15, 2020

Fall hiking in Door County: See blooming flowers, animals preparing for winter - Green Bay Press Gazette

Evergreen Nursery or a copy of the field guide “Door County Wildflowers” by Frances M. Burton and Aurelia M. Stampp. The gifts can picked up at the National Public Lands Day Celebration, taking place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26 at Crossroads' The Cove Preserve at 817 S. 20th Place. The only section of trail that's wheelchair-accessible at Crossroads is a half-mile loop. Visitors can access Crossroads guest Wi-Fi from its parking lot outside the Collins Learning Center; the password is CrossroadsGuest.Crossroads is at 2041 Michigan St., Sturgeon Bay. For more information, call 920-746-5985 or visit Ridges SanctuaryTrails at the Ridges are open, including the third-mile-long Hidden Brook Boardwalk that heads out from behind the Cook-Fuller Nature Center, 8166 State 57, Baileys Harbor. The wheelchair-accessible boardwalk is wide enough to allow for two-way traffic and passes through ridges and swales as well as the brook and plant and animal life.Other trails wander through Ridges properties and lead hikers to the Upper and Lower Range Lights, the paired lighthouses on the Lake Michigan shore.For more information, visit parksFive of Door County's 19 county parks, one including a section of the Ahnapee State Trail, offer hiking trails, according to the Door County Parks Department website: Ellison Bluff, Ahnapee State Trail, Cave Point, Door Bluff Headlands and Sugar Creek.Ellison Bluff County Park in the town of Liberty Grove offers both natural and accessible trails. One trail offer views of the bays of Green Bay and Ellison Bay, and a stairway climb provides more spectacular views.The Ahnapee State Trail is part of the state's Rails to Trails program. The former railroad bed covers more than 40 miles along the Ahnapee and Kewaunee rivers through woods and fields from Sturgeon Bay to Algoma, with another section heading to Casco and Luxemburg before finishing in Kewaunee. It can be accessed from parking lots (with restrooms) at the trailhead at 1820 S. Neenah Ave., Sturgeon Bay; or Forestville Dam County Park, 1613 State 423, Maplewood.Cave Point, off Door County WD in the town of Sevastopol, is best known for its spectacular views of the Lake Michigan shore that can be accessed on a narrow walk, although hikers should know that there is no fencing or other protection from the steep dr...

Sep 7, 2020

These colorful, resilient plants can withstand the blistering summer heat - OCRegister

Crown of thorns’ constant color allows you to forgive the spines that cover its stems. Danny Elfman performs during his latest live show, “Tim Burton's ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas' Live With Danny Elfman” at the Hollywood Bowl on Saturday. Royals catcher Salvador Perez, left, and relief pitcher Wade Davis celebrate after defeating the Blue Jays in Game 6 of baseball's American League Championship Series on Friday. SoundThe gallery will resume inseconds Jason Woodward's tattoos include stars that run the length of his arms. The Army veteran who served in Iraq 2003-2004, says from early military days, stars represented a sailors way home. Now, he says, they signify his "gay pride and guide me in my gay life." The Huntington Beach resident was at the U.S. Open surfing competition. The other plant with non-stop bracts – known as spathes in this case – is Anthurium. Its bracts are also mostly in red but now and then in pink or white. You all know about Anthurium even if its name is not on the tip of your tongue. It’s the plant with those large plastic-textured hearts with tail-like structures known as spadixes protruding from where the heart lobes meet. It is upon these spadixes that the plant’s tiny flowers are embedded. Anthurium (anthos = flower, oura = tail) varieties with miniature bracts are also available, and I have seen them used as summer ground covers in the shade, a dazzling sight like none other. I got to thinking about the resiliency of plants after receiving an email from Susan Buffington, who wrote: “I was so surprised to see my Hoya in full bloom so soon again after it bloomed just a few months ago. It has six full flower clusters open. I inherited this plant from my mother twenty-six years ago and I have only repotted it once. The plant has always lived outdoors and it has always hung in the same spot. It is on the west side of the house under a patio cover. It gets some light from the south but no direct sun. I try to feed my potted plants once a month but not in winter. For blooming plants, I use Miracle-Gro Bloom Booster food. During cooler weather, the pots get watered every 3-4 days but that’s not a rigid schedule. With this heat, I am watering some of them every day and a ...

Mar 19, 2020

Disney Reveals Menus for Epcot Flower and Garden Festival - News 13

Andouille Sausage Grilled Oysters with Cajun Butter House-made Boudin Two Ways with Spicy Mustard Pecan Cake with Maple Whipped Cream featuring Burton’s Maple Syrup Pecan Praline Beverages Wild Heaven Beer Session Citrus Lager, Avondale Estates, GA The Duck-Rabbit Craft Brewery Amber Ale, Farmville, NC Parish Brewing Co. Ghost in the Machine Double IPA, Broussard, LA Beer Flight NORTHERN BLOOM Food Seared Scallops with French Green Beans, Butter Potatoes, Brown Butter Vinaigrette and Apple-wood Smoked Bacon (GF) Beef Tenderloin Tips, Mushroom Bordelaise Sauce, Whipped Potatoes with Garden Vegetables (KA) Griddled Maple Pound...

Jan 25, 2019

Monroe County NY crime: Kittelberger Florist van stolen during delivery - Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

Chevrolet Silverado by "unknown means" and stole a "scope lever action .44 magnum Marlin rifle," a Carhartt jacket and Burton winter boots from the vehicle's backseat. The victim was "adamant" that he locked his truck, but he discovered the passenger door open and ajar in the morning. GREECE Burglary: On Dec. 20, a woman reported that while she was sleeping in the bedroom of her apartment on Whitehouse Drive, someone removed the screen and opened the kitchen window. The suspect reached in and stole her purse from a table. Attempted robbery: On Dec. 22 in the 3800 block of West Ridge Road, the victim was threatened with a knife and then shot five times with a BB gun by people known to him. Criminal possession of a controlled substance: On Dec. 22 during a traffic stop at Rumson and Marwood roads, a driver was found to be in possession of four ounces of cocaine and a scale with residue. He was also charged with intent to sell. The Greater Rochester Area Narcotics Enforcement Team assisted. Criminal tampering: On Dec. 24, someone turned a Rochester Gas and Electric Corp. power switch off. That caused a power outage in the area of Mt. Read Boulevard. Criminal mischief: On Dec. 26, someone slashed four vehicle tires and carved an expletive into the victim's rental car on Affinity Lane. Menacing: On Dec. 27, a man said that while delivering pizzas at the Glenora Gardens apartment complex, a man in a tan van pointed a handgun at him after he pulled up alongside him. The suspect then drove away without saying anything. Harassment: On Dec. 27, someone threatened an employee at an automobile repair business in the 2300 block of West Ridge Road after he became upset over the service. The suspect told the employee, "If I come back here, I'm putting a knife to your throat." The suspect was not prosecuted. Counterfeit money: On Dec. 28, someone passed a counterfeit $100 bill at a store in the 2800 block of West Ridge Road Petit larceny: On Dec. 28, a 15-year-old boy was arrested after stealing an $80 BMX bike from the 2800 block of Dewey Avenue. Menacing: On Jan. 2, a customer menaced a store manager at a business in the 3600 block of Dewey Avenue with a silver handgun and then tried to run over the manager in her red Toyota SUV. Endangering the welfare of a child: On Jan. 4, a mother left her 5-year-old child unattended in the play area at the Mall at Greece Ridge while she shopped at a nearby store. She was arrested and charged with endangering the welfare of a child after an investigation. Grand larceny: On Jan. 5, a man delivering flowers for Kittelberger Florist of Webster left his green 2009 Chevrolet Ex...

Oct 12, 2018

Volunteers band together to revive recycled-bouquet program

Random Acts of Flowers) and decided to reach out and let the volunteers know we planned to do the same mission here," said Jyllian Halliburton, volunteer program manager at Avenidas in Palo Alto. "We started to get contacted by the volunteers and we got about 30-plus volunteers reaching out to us. They were just so excited." For now, Avenidas has made space for flower sorting and arranging in a large classroom at its Cubberley Community Center site every Wednesday, but workers are already agitating for more days of the week. Some said they additionally volunteer at one of two other known spinoffs of Random Acts of Flowers: Blossom Buddies in Menlo Park and Flowers of Comfort in San Jose. Many of the volunteers have maintained their earlier relationships with local donor retailers, florists and markets. "There's nothing that excites us as much as a bucket of day-old or week-old flowers," said Palo Alto resident Barbara Levin, as the group cheered the arrival of a new bucket of leftovers from Mills Florist. Levin is a longtime volunteer who routinely collects cast-offs from Trader Joe's in Palo Alto. Others pick up from Trader Joe's in Menlo Park and a branch of Whole Foods. "We never know what flowers or vases we're going to have to work with, so every time we come in it's a new and interesting experience and it's a way of showing off our creative side," Levin said. The women have no trouble unpacking funeral wreaths and other event-specific arrangements to "create something more interesting," Klause said. But in some cases the used flowers are not fresh enough for a second life and must be discarded. Volunteer Sandra Bachman, a Woodside resident, said her favorite place to deliver is Stanford University Hospital. "To go in and see patients that do not have any flowers or visitors and walk in with a bouquet and for five minutes they forget about their problems," Bachman said. "They open their eyes and to get that smile, and to hear through that family what a difference that can make for healing ... A lot of the nurses say it helps them heal. It brings the outside in, the sunshine in." For more information about Avenidas Blooms, write to or call 650-289-5400. --- Follow the Palo Alto Weekly/Palo Alto Online on Twitter @PaloAltoWeekly and Facebook for breaking news, local events, photos, videos and more. ...

Aug 17, 2018

Paint Night: Color of Flowers

Cost Tickets: $20; Members $15. Location View map Hudson River Museum511 Warburton AvenueYonkers, NY Additional Information Neighborhood: Yonkers We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information. However, you should always call ahead to confirm dates, times, location, and other information.