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Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

Carol Slane Florist

Order flowers and gifts from Carol Slane Florist located in Ada OH for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 410 S. Main, Ada Ohio 45810 Zip. The phone number is (419) 634-7910. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Carol Slane Florist in Ada OH. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Carol Slane Florist delivers fresh flowers – order today.

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Carol Slane Florist
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(419) 634-7910
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Bluffton, OH 45817
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Kenton, OH 43326
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Flowers and Gifts News

Jul 6, 2021

Climate change in the garden | The JOLT - The Journal of Olympia, Lacey & Tumwater - The Jolt News

Over the 10,000 years or so since humans figured out how to plant seeds and become partners with nature, humans have always adapted to change. Now that we know that our climate is becoming both hotter and more unpredictable, the question is not just whether we can adapt again; it’s whether we can adapt fast, and then adapt again and again and again. It isn’t as if there will be a new normal we can adjust to. There just won’t be a normal. We will live and garden in the midst of constant uncertainty because climate change is now incremental and inevitable. Each year may be different than the last, not just in rising temperatures, but also in the timing and quantity of rainfall and the likelihood of more severe storms. These changes – and this level of unpredictability – are already baked in our cake; they will happen for decades to come even if we succeed at making major reductions in global carbon emissions in the next 20 or 30 years. This is the consequence of being way too slow to respond to a known danger. So what is a gardener to do? First, grieve that it’s come to this. Second, reflect on our role – as gardeners and as citizens in a democracy that gives us a voice in our future. Third, plan. As we walk around our gardens, it’s time to pay attention to which plants coped and which suffered in the heat. It’s time to think about how to make our gardens more resilient and diverse, so that even if one crop fails, we have others that will flower or put food on our tables. Our plants – both vegetable and ornamental – are trying their best. On two of my favorites, open flowers were scorched, but the buds that opened after the severe heat had passed look fine. Now that’s resilience. By the end of the week, they helped me recover from being mired in my dark thoughts about climate change. A wise elder once said to me, “Grieve your losses and then move on.” The “moving on” part of that challenges us to gather our wits, and to use all our skills as gardeners and ...

Apr 4, 2021

This shrub keeps its leaves during Minnesota winters and blooms in May - Duluth News Tribune

One of P.J.M.’s parents is a Siberian species, making the cultivar winter-hardy to minus 40 degrees, unlike most other Rhododendrons adapted to milder climates. Although P.J.M. is winter-hardy, this 5-foot-high shrub has additional requirements to thrive. Hot sun and hard-baked clay soil will quickly cause decline. For best results, plant in filtered sun, or a morning-sun-only location, and incorporate generous amounts of peat moss into the surrounding soil and mulch with shredded wood products. RELATED COLUMNS: Q: I have a question about fertilizing hydrangea shrubs. I read somewhere to use 10-10-10 fertilizer in the early spring. Is this good advice? — Laurie S. A: Yes, it’s good advice. 10-10-10 is a well-balanced fertilizer for perennial flowers, vegetables, and shrubs, including hydrangeas. Apply a half cup around the base of each shrub about May 1. If possible, work the granular fertilizer into the top few inches of soil, and water well to activate. Repeat again June 1, and then don't fertilize for the remainder of the season. Fertilizing flowering shrubs early in the season provides strong nutrition for blossom formation on shrub types that flower on new wood, like hydrangeas, and it increases next year’s buds on types that flower on old wood, like lilacs. Discontinuing fertilizer in early July allows shrubs to slow down in late season, hardening growth against winter injury. RELATED COLUMNS: Q: Last July, landscap...

Apr 4, 2021

Spring Festival of Flowers to include flowers, edible plants, trees and activities - Pensacola News Journal

Cars closes shop after 53 years in Pensacola's car cityNew steakhouse: 'Something that Pace needed:' Izaeh's Steakhouse set to open on Woodbine RoadAdditionally, the festival will include a variety of booths with arts and crafts, nature-minded nonprofit organizations such as the Boy Scouts, and such children’s activities as face painting.East Hill Edible Gardening has had a presence at the festival for six years. Renee Perry and her husband Tom Garner founded it in 2014 as a means to promote local gardening, mainly through classes that have taught hundreds of aspiring growers. Perry operates a booth at the corner of Alcaniz and Jackson Streets on Saturdays and at the Sunday edition of Palafox Market. Outside the festival’s purview of flowers, Perry’s angle is growing your own food. “That’s my involvement with the festival. We specialize in edible plants, but the festival is for plant enthusiasts. That’s how we fit in,” said Perry. “I’m one of 20 to 30 vendors that come out to sell plants and make new customers. And it’s fun.”In addition to your garden variety of herbs and vegetables, Perry’s booth will introduce more obscure edibles like culantro, a piquant cousin to cilantro; melokhiya, a heat-loving leafy green; and mushroom plant, a shrub from Papua New Guinea that tastes like its name.Like most festivals, the Spring Festival of Flowers had a humble start, debuting in 1988 as a plant sale for PSC’s Environmental Horticultural Program. It was an immediate hit with the botanical community and was hosted in subsequent years by the Santa Rosa Master Gardeners and the Friends of the Milton Gardeners. In 2017, it became a collaborative effort between UF/IFAS and PSC Milton campus. The institute’s mission is “to develop knowledge in agricultural, human, and natural resources, and to make that knowledge accessible to sustain and enhance the quality of human life.”The PSC Milton campus sits almost dead center in Santa Rosa County, which despite its urban development, is still mostly agricultural. The county’s nexus with ag research dates back to 1946 when a research facility was established in Jay to aid l...

Apr 4, 2021

Posted Apr 03, 2021 The Flower Nook: Connecting people and telling stories - Salina Post

Christmastime, that number jumps to about 30.Playing off the old adage that "variety is the spice of life," DeBey said the artisans who are showcased are changed regularly, with the majority of artisans signing a three month contract."Rarely do they come back. It's not because I'm opposed to that. It's just that I realize that my public is not going to come in and see the same thing," DeBey explained.In fact, to change things up further, cosmetic changes are made to the Flower Nook on a regular basis, she added. There is one artisan display that has stood the test of time, however."Alpaca we've had for four years in a row. He's my only person that I have an exclusive contract with in Salina," DeBey said. "We expand it when it's winter because of all of their stuff." A selection of the clothing items from North 40 Alpacas. Salina Post photo" A selection of the clothing items from North 40 Alpacas. Salina Post photoSome of the items from North 40 Alpacas include sweaters, socks, scarves, and other gear to help keep people warm.DeBey said another group that occasionally has items featured at The Flower Nook are the nuns from the St. Joseph's Motherhouse in Concordia."They're such great women. I've had them here off and on. They brought in some crocheted dolls and now we have their quilts," she said.Some of the creations from Janet's Flower Garden. Salina Post photo" Some of the creations from Janet's Flower Garden. Salina Post photoAmong other artisan works on display so far this year at The Flower Nook is a colorful collection from Janet's Flower Garden. Janet Stanley "creates expressions of sentiment using pressed flowers, postcards, and oth...

Apr 4, 2021

No 'super bloom' but wildflowers still coming to Anza-Borrego - Los Angeles Times

Baja fairy dust. Desert sunflowers were some of the early bloomers at the Arroyo Salada in the Anza-Borrego desert in 2019. (John Gibbins / San Diego Union-Tribune) Those rain-fueled super blooms occurred in 2017 and 2019, and they each drew an estimated 250,000 to 500,000 visitors during peak season. The 2017 bloom, nicknamed “flowermageddon” by some, was such a legendary tourist magnet that weekend traffic backed up 20 miles on Montezuma Valley Road (County Highway S-22), the road that leads into the 630,000-acre state park in east San Diego County. Knaak said visitors arriving this month won’t see fields of color, but they will spot pockets of flowers and annual blooming shrubs, especially if they venture to the shadier areas that retain some moisture, such as Box Canyon, Rainbow Canyon and Hornblend Canyon. “We don’t want people to get their hopes up too high,” she said. “Right now people are reporting patches here and there, especially in the area we call south of Scissors Crossing. They’re seeing some nice blooms. Not big fields or anything, but people who are into botany are finding them.” An Ocotillo plant with some red flowers sits on the western edge of Anza-Borrego Desert State Park in 2013. (Charlie Neuman / San Diego Union-Tribune) In a phone interview last week, Knaak said the forecast for the rest of the peak season wasn’t looking great. Then she called back 20 minutes later with joy and excitement in her voice. “Do you hear that?” she asked, holding the phone to the window at the history association’s office, where a roar of rain was coming down. “It’s pouring. This is a game-changer.”According to the National Weather Service, a little under a quarter-inch of rain fell in the Borrego desert Wednesday afternoon. That may not sound like much, but the Borrego region averages only 5.3 inches a year, and more rain is in the forecast this week. Knaak said it takes from three to six weeks for flowers to emerge after a good rainfall like last week’s. The flowers now blooming in the park were germinated in a late January storm, so Knaak said the soonest these new flowers will arrive is late March or early April.

Apr 4, 2021

Wildflowers are starting to bloom. Here’s where to see them in the Bay Area and California - San Francisco Chronicle

Though Daffodil Hill near Sutter Creek (Amador County) remains on the radar for many, the owners closed it, likely permanently, two years ago after a crush of visitors and illegally parked vehicles blocked access roads for emergency vehicles. Wildflowers are always a wild card, dependent on timing, soil moisture, temperature, wind velocity and direct sun. Those factors form a matrix that can ignite or stifle blooms. “Please add a note to stay on trails and do not trample on or pick the flowers,” advised Passantino at Marin County Parks and Open Space. That said, here are the best prospects in the Bay Area. San Francisco Peninsula and coast San Bruno Mountain State and County Park just south of the San Francisco County line has provided excellent diversity in a year where explosive blooms are less common, said Carla Schoof at San Mateo County Parks. At San Bruno Mountain, more than 15 species were identified last week, she said, including California poppy, lupine, blue dicks, fiddleneck, Douglas iris and Indian paintbrush, but also wallflower, yellow rocket, sun cups and footsteps of spring. Edgewood County Park in Redwood City has also provided a good sprinkling of color, Schoof said. In the past week, rangers identified Henderson’s shooting star, California manroot, California poppy, Fremont’s death camas, Pacific hounds’ tongue, warrior’s plume and tomcat clover. Marin County In northwest Marin, the Douglas iris blooms can be a showstopper, and the best bets are around Limantour Beach at Point Reyes National Seashore and Tomales Bay State Park. “We’re currently enjoying the purple pops of Douglas iris,” State Park Ranger Nick Turner said. At Point Reyes, the Chimney Rock Headland can be legendary — 90 species of wildflowers can provide a coronation of spring. But winds out of the northwest and warm temperatures faded the bloom. Chimney Rock and the nearby Point Reyes Lighthouse are still enough of a draw that the Park Service is enforcing a visitor quota on weekends past the turnoff at Drakes Beach Road. At Marin County Parks, the best prospects are at Loma Alta, Baltimore Canyon, Ring Mountain and Mount Burdell, Passantino said. Ring Mountain Preserve, off Paradise Drive in Corte Madera overlooking the Tiburon shore, can be spectacular, she said. “Expanses of goldfields, tidy tips and other early bloomers make for a spring classic,” Passantino said. “The multicolored flowers provide a foreground for spectacular views of the bay.” East Bay hills Hikers at Mount Diablo State Park have been sharing their wildflower sightings through the Mount Diablo Interpretive Association. Pockets of California poppies are often sighted along North Gate Road and Summit Road. The vicinity of Murchio Gap, accessed from Eagle Peak Trail or Bald Ridge Trail, often has the widest variety. Blooms include poppies, silver lupine, Pacific pea, periwinkle and larkspur. Across the 75 parks in the East Bay Regional Park District, the best for wildflowers are Black Diamond, Anthony Chabot, Sunol and the Brio...


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