Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

Girton's Flowers & Gifts, Inc.

Order flowers and gifts from Girton's Flowers & Gifts, Inc. located in Jamestown NY for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 1519 Washington St, Jamestown New York 14701 Zip. The phone number is (716) 661-3060. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Girton's Flowers & Gifts, Inc. in Jamestown NY. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Girton's Flowers & Gifts, Inc. delivers fresh flowers – order today.

Business name:
Girton's Flowers & Gifts, Inc.
1519 Washington St
New York
Zip Code:
Phone number:
(716) 661-3060
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Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

Find Girton's Flowers & Gifts, Inc. directions to 1519 Washington St in Jamestown, NY (Zip 14701 ) on the Map. It's latitude and longitude coordinates are 42.107391, -79.245354 respectively.

Florists in Jamestown NY and Nearby Cities

607 W Third Street
Jamestown, NY 14701
(1.28 Miles from Girton's Flowers & Gifts, Inc.)
375 E. Livingston Ave
Jamestown, NY 14701
(2.17 Miles from Girton's Flowers & Gifts, Inc.)
5 Water St
Frewsburg, NY 14738
(4.40 Miles from Girton's Flowers & Gifts, Inc.)
3800 Market St. Ext
Warren, PA 16365
(14.20 Miles from Girton's Flowers & Gifts, Inc.)
144 Main Street
Randolph, NY 14772
(15.42 Miles from Girton's Flowers & Gifts, Inc.)

Flowers and Gifts News

Aug 17, 2018

Liz Cooper & The Stampede Debut Album 'Window Flowers' Receiving Rave Reviews

Ron Gallo, Rayland Baxter, Okey Dokey, Erin Rae, Cage the Elephant, The Weeks, The Wild Feathers, Jamestown Revival, Desert Noises, Future Thieves and Caroline Rose. WINDOW FLOWERS TRACK LIST Sleepyhead2. The Night3. Outer Space4. Mountain Main5. Kaleidoscope Eyes6. Dalai Lama7. Motions8. Fondly & Forever9. Lights10. Hey Man11. Walls of White LIZ COOPER & THE STAMPEDE TOUR DATES August 18-Columbia, MO-Fortune FestAugust 24-Fishers, IN-Nickel Plate Amphitheater*August 26-Evanston, IL-Out of SPACE: Big Evanston Block Party August 28-Athens, GA-Georgia Theatre† August 29-Savannah, GA-B&D Beer Garden† August 30-Asheville, NC-The Orange Peel† August 31-Charlotte, NC-Neighborhood Theatre† September 1-Charleston, SC-Charleston Music Hall† September 9-St. Louis, MO-LouFest September 20-Nashville, TN-Musician's CornerNovember 8-New Orleans, LA-One Eyed Jacks‡ November 9-Austin, TX-Emo's‡ ...

Mar 30, 2017

Wildflower heaven blossoms in California after long-awaited rains

Farther north, the Railtown 1897 State Historic Park (10501 Reservoir Road, Jamestown, 209-984-3953) in the Sierra foothills east of Stockton is touting its “Wildflower Train” departing at 3 p.m. on April 8, 9 and 15 with park naturalists and rangers pointing out the different flowers in bloom. The 6-mile, one-hour ride takes visitors through Gold Country terrain covered with meadowfoam, goldfields and other flowers. Tickets cost $20 for adults and $14 for children ages 6 to 17 and can be purchased at to the Sacramento region, there’s the popular Daffodil Hill farm in Volcano (18310 Rams Horn Grade, 209-296-7048), which was scheduled to open Friday with more than 300,000 bulbs. Again, the farm is expecting big weekend crowds and recommends visitors come in the middle of the week. The McLaughlin family ranch is celebrating its 140th anniversary this spring.Other great Northern California wildflower spots include areas around Mount Diablo in Contra Costa County such as Mitchell Canyon, which features rarities such as globe lilies.In the Nevada County foothills, South Yuba River State Park offers family-friendly guided wildflower walks at 11 a.m. every Saturday and Sunday through May 14.And see the spring miracle of vernal pools at the Jepson Prairie Preserve, 11 miles south of Dixon. The pools, which disappear in summer, are ringed with masses of tiny wildflowers. Docents lead tours at 10 a.m. every Saturday and Sunday through May 14.The artistry of chocolateWhat: The Mutari Chocolate House shop will present “Bean to Cup: Chocolate from its Source to You” in Santa Cruz. Learn every step to making an organic, steamy cup of hot chocolate.When: 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 21Where: Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History, 1305 E. Cliff Drive, Santa CruzCost: $15 adult admission; $10 for racingWhat: Fast machines will take to the dirt track and fly through the air at the Amsoil Arenacross motorcycle competition.When: 7 p.m. Friday, March 24, and Saturday, March 25; noon Sunday, March 26Where:Reno-Spa... (Sacramento Bee)

Dec 22, 2016

The Retirement Systems of Alabama decides to keep it stake in Flowers Foods Inc. (FLO) to the level of $3547000

Segment). The DSD segment’s production plant locations include Birmingham, Alabama; Opelika, Alabama; Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Goldsboro, North Carolina; Jamestown, North Carolina, and Oxford, Pennsylvania. (DailyQuint)

Dec 15, 2016

Dividend To Observe: Will Dec 16, 2016 be the day Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO) makes dividends of $0.16?

E ratio. The DSD segment’s production plant locations include Birmingham, Alabama; Opelika, Alabama; Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Goldsboro, North Carolina; Jamestown, North Carolina, and Oxford, Pennsylvania. Insitutional Activity: The institutional sentiment increased to 1.25 in Q2 2016. Its up 0.05, from 1.2 in 2016Q1. The ratio is positive, as 32 funds sold all Flowers Foods, Inc. shares owned while 85 reduced positions. 36 funds bought stakes while 104 increased positions. They now own 140.90 million shares or 5.99% more from 132.93 million shares in 2016Q1.Thrivent Finance For Lutherans owns 975,905 shares or 0.09% of their US portfolio. Sg Americas Secs Limited Liability has invested 0.01% of its portfolio in Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO). Century Companies Inc has invested 0.11% of its portfolio in Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO). Estabrook Capital Mngmt, a New York-based fund reported 454 shares. California Pub Employees Retirement last reported 0.02% of its portfolio in the stock. Barclays Public Limited Co accumulated 0% or 47,347 shares. Hsbc Public Limited Co has invested 0% of its portfolio in Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO). Ig Mngmt Ltd holds 0.04% or 529,000 shares in its portfolio. Cubist Systematic Strategies Ltd Liability Co has 0.01% invested in the company for 12,897 shares. Aqr Cap Ltd Liability accumulated 0.01% or 199,597 shares. National Bank & Trust Of Montreal Can reported 52,330 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Glenmede Trust Na holds 0.08% or 680,748 shares in its portfolio. The New York-based Teachers Advsr has invested 0% in Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO). The California-based Schwab Charles Mngmt Inc has invested 0.02% in Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO). Bright Rock Capital Ltd Liability Company last reported 64,000 shares in the company. Insider Transactions: Since June 2, 2016, the stock had 4 insider buys, and 5 selling transactions for $8.04 million net activity. On Thursday, June 2 HYSELL ROBERT B sold $443,427 worth of the sto... (Frisco Fastball)

Dec 2, 2016

Stock Rating Sentiment Runner: How Analysts Feel About Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO)?

E ratio. The DSD segment’s production plant locations include Birmingham, Alabama; Opelika, Alabama; Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Goldsboro, North Carolina; Jamestown, North Carolina, and Oxford, Pennsylvania. Insitutional Activity: The institutional sentiment increased to 1.25 in 2016 Q2. Its up 0.05, from 1.2 in 2016Q1. The ratio increased, as 32 funds sold all Flowers Foods, Inc. shares owned while 85 reduced positions. 36 funds bought stakes while 104 increased positions. They now own 140.90 million shares or 5.99% more from 132.93 million shares in 2016Q1.The Pennsylvania-based Pnc Service Grp Incorporated has invested 0% in Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO). Cubist Systematic Strategies Llc accumulated 0.01% or 12,897 shares. State Teachers Retirement Sys, a New York-based fund reported 356,266 shares. Grp Inc One Trading Ltd Partnership holds 20,154 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Coastline Trust, a Rhode Island-based fund reported 13,460 shares. Synovus Corporation last reported 36,101 shares in the company. Tower Cap Ltd Liability (Trc) last reported 0.01% of its portfolio in the stock. Wells Fargo And Com Mn holds 1.29M shares or 0.01% of its portfolio. Moreover, Nationwide Fund Advsr has 0.04% invested in Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO) for 497,091 shares. Bright Rock Capital Limited Liability Company holds 0.39% or 64,000 shares in its portfolio. Janney Montgomery Scott Ltd Limited Liability Company last reported 0% of its portfolio in the stock. Parallax Volatility Advisers Limited Partnership accumulated 0% or 892 shares. Hutchin Hill L P owns 64,200 shares or 0.04% of their US portfolio. Crawford Investment Counsel has invested 0.35% of its portfolio in Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO). Jolley Asset Management Ltd Co, a North Carolina-based fund reported 193,732 shares. Insider Transactions: Since June 2, 2016, the stock had 4 insider purchases, and 5 sales for $8.04 million net activity. On Thursday, August 25 the insider MCMULLIAN AMOS R bought $449,796. $212,485 worth of Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO) was bought by LAN RICHARD on Friday, August 19. LEWIS MARGARET G bought 1,800 shares worth $27,540. Shares for $463,512 were sold by TASHIE JOSEPH G on Tuesday, June 7. TAYLOR TONJA W sold 4,425 shares worth $70,380. $1.13 million worth of Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO) was sold by ALEXANDER BRAD K on Monday, November 14. SPEAR JAMES T bought $152,797 worth of Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO) on Monday, August 22. FLO Company Profile Flowers Foods, Inc., incorporated on October 19, 2000, is a producer and marketer of bakery products. The Firm operates in two divisions: direct-store-delivery segment (DSD Segment) and warehouse delivery segment (Warehouse Segment). The firm operates approximately 50 bakeries and a mix plant. The Company’s baked foods clients include mass merchandisers, supermarkets and other retailers, restaurants, quick-serve chains, food wholesalers, institutions, dollar stores and vending companies. The Firm sells returned and surplus products through a system of discount bakery stores. The Firm operates approximately 280 discount bakery stores. More ... (MoneyMakingArticles)

Nov 9, 2016

Earnings On Watch: We take a look at Flowers Foods, Inc. (FLO)'s EPS which has continued to Decline

E ratio. The DSD segment’s production plant locations include Birmingham, Alabama; Opelika, Alabama; Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Goldsboro, North Carolina; Jamestown, North Carolina, and Oxford, Pennsylvania. According to Zacks Investment Research, “Flowers Foods, Inc. is one of the largest producers and marketers of a full line of frozen and non-frozen bakery and dessert products in the United States. Flowers Foods consists of Flowers Bakeries and Mrs. Smith’s Bakeries.” Another recent and important Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO) news was published by which published an article titled: “Flowers Foods warns impact of labor lawsuits it’s facing is still unknown” on October 23, 2016. FLO Company Profile Flowers Foods, Inc., incorporated on October 19, 2000, is a producer and marketer of bakery products. The Firm operates in two divisions: direct-store-delivery segment (DSD Segment) and warehouse delivery segment (Warehouse Segment). The firm operates approximately 50 bakeries and a mix plant. The Company’s baked foods clients include mass merchandisers, supermarkets and other retailers, restaurants, quick-serve chains, food wholesalers, institutions, dollar stores and vending companies. The Firm sells returned and surplus products through a system of discount bakery stores. The Firm operates approximately 280 discount bakery stores. - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings with our FREE daily email newsletter. By Nellie Frank Tags: (NYSE:FLO), FLO, Flowers Foods Inc ... (MoneyMakingArticles)


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