Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.


Select from variety of flower arrangements with bright flowers and vibrant blossoms! Same Day Delivery Available!


Classically beautiful and elegant, assortment of roses is a timeless and thoughtful gift!

Florists in Champlain, NY

Find local Champlain, New York florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Champlain and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.

Champlain Flower Shops

Champlain NY News

Dec 18, 2019

Obituary: Storey Lynne Johnson Hart - Montclair Local

Vermont and Montana.Her childhood summers were spent fondly with her family at Eagle Camp on Lake Champlain in Vermont. She continued this tradition with her own family through her adult life and was there as recently as this past summer where she got to enjoy time with her family friends and sunset sails with her husband, Andy.Despite her diagnosis in 2013, she fulfilled her lifelong dream of living in the mountains and training horses in Montana where she and her husband built and manage Aspen Ridge Ranch. Her zest for life, her compassion for people and her love for her family and animals allowed her more years than she was given.Mrs. Hart is survived by Douglas Andrew Hart her loving husband of 33 years, daughter Savannah, and sons, Tucker and Gavin. She is predeceased by her parents, Theodore and Francis Johnson, and brother, Theodore D Johnson II.In celebration of her life, the family will be holding a service at 11 a.m. Saturday,Dec. 7, at Union Congregational Church in Upper Montclair.In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to cancer research led by Mrs. Hart’s primary oncologist, Armando Sardi, M.D., at Mercy Medical Foundation, Surgical Oncology Research Fund, 227 St. Paul Place, Baltimore, MD 21202.#mc_embed_signup{background:#fff;clear:left;font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;width:100%}...

Oct 26, 2018

(Not necessarily) the last rose of summer

Medium pink. Good hedge rose.• Prairie Snowdrift: Creamy white.• Winnipeg Parks: Medium red.• Alexander Mackenzie: Deep red.• Champlain: Dark red.• J.P. Connell: Lemon yellow.• John Cabot: Medium red.• John Davis: Medium pink.• Quadra: Dark red.• Pavement series: Purple, scarlet, white types.• Henry Kelsey: Rosy-red. One of the best climbers.• William Baffin: Rose-pink. Excellent climber.• Ramblin' Red: Red climber.Fall pruning tipsMost rose authorities and research universities recommend against fall pruning of roses, as they tend to survive winter better with all canes intact. In spring, before new growth begins, prune vigorously, removing thin, weak canes and reducing height to 12 inches or less.Modern roses bloom best on vigorous new growth stimulated by pruning, rather than old, woody canes allowed to remain.

Jun 22, 2016

Lorem Ipsum Management LLC Increased Flowers Foods INC (Put) (NYSE:FLO) by $7.69 Million as Shares Declined

US portfolio. Moreover, Keeley Asset Management Corp has 1.27% invested in the company for 1.81 million shares. The Us-based Champlain Investment Partners Llc has invested 1.2% in the stock. Fenimore Asset Management Inc, a New York-based fund reported 1.17 million shares. Out of 7 analysts covering Flowers Foods (NYSE:FLO), 2 rate it a “Buy”, 1 “Sell”, while 6 “Hold”. This means 22% are positive. Flowers Foods has been the topic of 13 analyst reports since September 21, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. KeyBanc Capital Markets initiated the stock on May 26 with “Sector Weight” rating. Flowers Foods, Inc. is a producer and marketer of bakery products. The company has a market cap of $3.76 billion. The Firm operates in two divisions: direct-store-delivery segment and warehouse delivery segment (Warehouse Segment). It has a 20.73 P/E ratio. The DSD segment’s production plant locations include Birmingham, Alabama; Opelika, Alabama; Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Goldsboro, North Carolina; Jamestown, North Carolina, and Oxford, Pennsylvania. Flowers Foods, Inc. - Receive News & Ratings Via Email - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts’ ratings with’s FREE daily email newsletter. (Franklin Independent)

Apr 22, 2016

North Country chocolatier says Easter bunny chocolates in high demand

Easter candy sells better than the traditional, smaller ones. "It's just a signature of Easter," said Sweeney. With the company's shop in the Champlain Centre Mall closed, Sweeney said she'll be able to dedicate more of her time making chocolates at her Skyway Shopping Center store. "This year, we had more time to be able to do a little bit more, and our customers have been so supportive," she said. Whether they're small, tall, dark or light, Sweeney said making each bunny is a very sweet labor of love. "You give them a little bit of personality with the chocolate flowers and the necks and the backpacks and jelly beans, so they kind of come alive. They're really fun to make," she said. Recommended ... (WPTZ)

Mar 11, 2016

The buzz on honey flavors and flowers

The final ingredients are almost infinite,” he said. Charles Mraz of Champlain Valley Apiaries is a third-generation bee keeper. His company produces tens of thousands of pounds a year from 700 or so hives. He calls his honey clover honey, but a lot of other plants are in there as well. Working his bees during the summer Mraz can often tell, by taste or smell, what plants they’ve been visiting. “I can certainly distinguish a clover flow, a locust flow and a goldenrod flow,” he said. “The bigger ones are quite distinguishable.” Mraz says Vermont’s multifloral honeys are truly “magical.” “I think the honey we get here in the Champlain Valley of Vermont has a really remarkable flavor and a complex range of flavors,” he said. “I think a lot of what makes our Vermont honeys so complex is the variety of our honey sources.” Joe Rankin lives, writes and keeps bees in Maine. The Outside Story is assigned and edited by Northern Woodlands magazine and sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund of N.H. Charitable Foundation. (Stowe Today)

Feb 3, 2016


Mile Square 52, Patrick M. and Sheila J. Kilcoyne, Brasher Falls, sold to Robert C. and Rebecca R. Sterling, Champlain $75,000 Town of Potsdam: Unknown acres, Lot 36, bounded by Riverside Cemetery, Matthew L. and Noelle M. Stock, Colorado Springs, Colo., sold to Mohammad Akhtaruzzaman and Momota Zaman, Potsdam $240,000 The following property sales were recorded in the St. Lawrence County clerk’s office Dec. 17, 2015: City of Ogdensburg: Unknown acres, Lot 3, Block 1, Philip J. Arno (executor), William F. Gokey, Ogdensburg, sold to Patrick Regan, Ogdensburg $35,000 City of Ogdensburg: Unknown acres, Block 15, bounded by Main Street and New York Avenue, Scott B. Springstead, Ogdensburg, sold to Addow, LLC, Manilus $60,000 City of Ogdensburg: Unknown acres, Lot 4, Block 77, bounded by Water Street and Mechanic Street, Lori L. Lumbard, Ogdensburg, sold to Destina L. Cunningham, Ogdensburg $50,000 Town of Hermon: Parcel 1) Unknown acres, Parcel 2) 106.17 acres more or less, Lot 17, bounded by Trout Lake Road, Robert A. and Ester F. McIntosh, Edwards, sold to Neal C. and Carol A. Rose, Hermon $154,000 Town of Massena: Unknown acres, Lot 19 and Lot 20, bounded by Cornell Avenue, Eric L. Crump and Kelly R. Woods, Plattsburgh, sold to Shawn C. Guest,... (