Florists in Cattaraugus, NY
Find local Cattaraugus, New York florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Cattaraugus and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Cattaraugus Flower Shops
Cattaraugus NY News
Feb 3, 2016WNY Weather History
North Tonawanda to Lockport.
1986: Warm temperatures in the 50s and a melting snowpack caused flooding of streams and creeks including the mouth of Cattaraugus Creek at Sunset Bay. Also dense fog at the Buffalo Airport shut it down as no planes could take off or land in the dense fog.
1996: Heavy rain and snowmelt from warm temperatures produced a major ice jam on the Buffalo Creek in West Seneca and more than three feet of water and ice closed down much of Clinton and Transit Roads causing evacuations in West Seneca and Elma.
Buffalo, NY -- The week of January 4th in Western New York weather history reminds us of flooding that evacuated hundreds of homes and also high snow drifts.
January 4
1982: Gusty winds as high as 71 mph downed trees and power lines, pushed Lake Erie about a foot above flood level, causing some flooding along the shore near Hamburg.
1994:Low pressure brought snowfall, ranged from 6-8" over the extreme western counties.
2000:Strong wind gusts of 49 mph at Niagara Falls, 51 mph at Buffalo and 55 mph at Rochester were recorded causing power outages throughout the area.
January 5
1999: Heavy lake snow produced quick and heavy snowtotals. Amounts ranged from 13" downtown to 17" north and 20" south, 17" in Amherst and 23" in West Seneca.
January 6
1997: Multiple bands of lake effect caused numerous accidents and more than a foot of snow: 17" in Sinclairville, 15" in New Albion, 12" in Arcade and 11" in Springville.
January 7
2004: More than two feet of snow accumulated: Cassadaga 37", Stockton 34", Ellicottville 28", Colden 22", South Wales 20", Jamestown 16", Dunkirk 12", and Orchard Park 8".
January 8
2007: Lake effect snow off of Lake Erie: 18 inches at Perrsyburg, 16 inches at Ellicottville, 15 inches at South Dayton, 13 inches at Arcade, 10 inches at Warsaw, and 8 inches at Jamestown and Dunkirk.
January 9
1976: High snow drifts from 6 to 15 feet caused highway travel to be paralyzed and many roads closed including the New York State Thruway between Lackawanna and Dunkirk. Also many schools closed in the snowbelt sections during this snowstorm.
2008: Winds increased with gusts measured to 75 mph causing downed trees and power lines.
1998: Heavy ... (