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47 North Main StDeer Lake, NL A8A1X1
9 ChurchGrand Bank, NL A0E1W0
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153 Conception Bay HighwayBay Roberts, NL A0A1G0
7 Commonwealth AveMt Pearl, NL A1N1W3
Newfoundland Flowers News
Aug 17, 2018Happy birthday Boler: 100s of cute campers in Winnipeg for anniversary gathering
Bolers have been about creating memories for the last 50 years, Giles said. That's why campers from as far away as Texas, California, Newfoundland, Yukon and Vancouver Island have made the journey for the party.
"When you park in a campground, you have people coming up to you telling you stories about when they were youngsters and a relative or friend had a Boler," he said.
"And they are still making memories today."
Jul 26, 2018Jeff Mitton: Elaborate elephant's heads flowers require buzz pollination
Elephant's heads are found in subalpine and alpine habitats in western mountains from New Mexico to Alaska and throughout Canada, except for Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. They were first described from Greenland, where they are found in one or a few tiny populations.
The common name elephant's heads aptly describes the shape of the flowers. Each has a bulbous, silvery head, flared and draping ears and a curving trunk held high. Inflorescences are columns composed of dozens of flowers. A plant may have one or many inflorescences and attain a height of 30 inches.
Their unusual flower shape has attracted the attention of pollination biologists, who discovered that this species is an obligate outcrosser, incapable of self-pollination. In Colorado, the primary pollinators are at least seven species of bumble bees in the genus Bombus. Advertisement
Pollination biologists described specific bumble bee behaviors and floral morphology that convincingly suggest a long-term pattern of coevolution between bees and flowers. The flower has two lateral petals that suggest ears, and a median lower petal. Two upper petals are fused dorsally but not ventrally to form a galea (the elephant's domed forehead) with a rostral extension (the elephant's trunk).
The style, or female portion of the flower, extends through the trunk so that the stigma, which receives pollen, protrudes from the end of the trunk. The four anthers are hidden in the galea and they shed pollen through a small ventral opening at the base of the elephant's trunk.
How does the bee coax pollen from the anthers, which are inside the galea, or the elephant's head? It lands on the trunk, with its antennae reaching toward the galea. It then uses its mandibles to grasp the median ridge on the forehead, while pulling the lateral petals (ears) with its anterior legs. This bri...
Jul 26, 2018Grieving families protest 'duplicitous' website that reposts death notices to sell flower deliveries
Ontario child who died of cancer said they were "absolutely gutted" to see their son's obituary used in this way.
Similar complaints in Newfoundland led to suggestions from a lawyer that the practice of copying text from published obituaries violates intellectual property law, just as much as if Everhere had cut and pasted a literary short story.
The site offers the chance to post free messages of condolence, and it advertises flower deliveries through Bloomstoday, a florist based in Virginia that coordinates with local flower delivery services.
In the new Alberta case, Rick Laursen, who works in health and safety in the oil industry, moved into his parents' house in Calgary recently to help when his father Erik, 83, was diagnosed with cancer. Erik's wife and Rick's mother Margaret, 92, has vascular related dementia, and would often ask about her husband. Rick would explain that he was very sick, but then she would forget and ask again. He found he was causing her fresh grief over and over again, multiple times a day.
After consulting with her physician and an expert with the Alberta health system, he settled on a plan of telling her that Erik was tired and needed to rest. Rick recalled the doctor saying the "best you can do is tell her he's not here right now and eventually she will stop asking … You are causing her more harm than good by making her live (with) something she cannot process."
She still does not know he died last week, and she did not attend the funeral on the weekend. She has never used a computer, so the online aspect did not bother Rick.
He gave details to a local funeral home, but then a modified version appeared on "Sadly, on July 4th, 2018, Erik Laursen of Calgary, Alberta left us for a better place. Family and friends can send flowers and condolences in memory of the loved one …"
Much of the text had been copied word for word. Rick said they "completely stole from the real obituary."
But that opening quotation was not only newly written, it also managed to misinform mourners about the dead man's wishes.
"He would far sooner see the money go to a charity than see money spent on flowers for him," Rick said of his father.
Kevin Rodrigues, a bioethicist with the University Health Network in Toronto, said this kind of deception about a spouse...
Jul 6, 2018Things to Do: Field Day, rose show & the Shuffle
Coast-style lobster dinner with potato salad and dance to music from the band New Fish. An hour before, historian John Goheen will talk about the Newfoundland Regiment and Battle of Beaumont-Hamel as part of the Great War lecture series. Call 604-949-1648 or visit
BLUEGRASS MUSICCoquitlam banjoist Devon Wells joins Juno-award winning bassist Russell Sholberg and guitarist Chris Russell at the Gallery Bistro (2411 Clarke St., Port Moody) for a concert at 8 p.m. For tickets to the Wildwood Fire show, visit
Sunday, June 24
RC PLANESDrive up Pipeline Road (past the Cewe gravel pit) to Upper Coquitlam River Park where members of the West Coast Radio Control Aircraft Flyers will host an open house from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with support from the city of Coquitlam and the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada. Learn how to navigate remote control airplanes from take off to landing with experienced pilots. Visit
EAT YOUR GREENSVendors with the Coquitlam Farmers Market sell Fraser Valley strawberries, homemade bread and more in the parking lot of Dogwood Pavilion (1655 Winslow Ave., Coquitlam) from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Visit
BONJOUR!Celebrate St. Jean Baptiste Day - the annual fete of French-Canadian culture - with La Société francophone de Maillardville, at Chez-Nous (209 Lebleu St., Coquitlam) from 1 to 4 p.m. Visit
POMO HERITAGERepresentatives from Port Coquitlam's Nicol Brothers moving company will be the guest speakers at the Port Moody Heritage Society's annual general meeting, which starts at the Port Moody Station Museum (2734 Murray St.) at 3 p.m. There will also be a video by the Alberta Museums Association on Climate Change before the museum's next exhibit is unveiled. Visit
Jul 5, 2016Woman shares love of gardening, flowers
Don't get to close to her," Shirley says pointing to Marlene, the Newfoundland, with a penchant for drooling on visitors.</p><p>It's a warm afternoon and with the breeze picking up the talk on the trek down the gravel driveway turns to the weather. An early evening thunderstom would suit Knox just fine. She's been waiting on rain all week. Her beloved bearded iris need a good soaking.</p><p>It's late April and it's show time at Knoxhaven Iris Garden in rural Lawndale, the time of year when her hundreds of "poor man orchids" as they are called are in their glory. Shirley has watched them closely for days and picked this afternoon as the best time to show them off.</p><p>And they don't disappoint her.</p><p>The first bed, the Circle Garden, in front of the 1874 Queen Anne Cottage she restored, is in full bloom.</p><p>She points to some of her favorites but is anxious to give a tour of the house. It's still heated with wood and she's filled it with a collection of period pieces, including three pianos.</p><p>"It was almost gone when I bought it ... no windows, no doors, no floors. My daughter said, 'You can't do that, Mama.'" But Shirley did.</p><p>A couple from California bought her last house and she's poured almost every cent from that sale into this farm.</p><p>In the kitchen, she's set out seven photo albums filled with photos of her irises. She's also laid out a collection of gardening newsletters that have written about her garden or published her advice. And she excitedly shows the invitation she's received for her 60th college reunion. She pulls out a Coldwater Creek catalog and flips through the pages until she finds the iris print dress she has ordered. She can't wait. Yes, she spent $100, but listen, it's a special occasion.</p><p>"I'm a Meredith girl," she says proudly of her alma mater.</p><p>The road of life that led Shirley to this farm comes filled with adventure. She studied religion and home ec... (