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Carteret Flower Shops

Carteret NJ News

Mar 23, 2018

Highway wildflowers to appear soon

Vause said. “So we chose to just go ahead and let them finish blooming.”CarteretCome spring, poppies will be visible in at least two of the four flower beds in Carteret County. Greg Rayburn, transportation supervisor advanced for Carteret, Lenoir, Craven, Jones, Pamlico and Pitt counties said one bed will be near the stoplight going toward Emerald Isle from Cedar Point. Another point will be a long flower bed that runs next to the bridge in Cape Carteret. Near the Hardee’s and Ribeyes, he added, Gloriosa daisies may be coming up from last fall.LenoirOn U.S. 70 near the Wayne County line, Rayburn said poppies were planted along with purple larkspur flowers.And between roads near the Chevrolet dealership coming out of Lagrange, folks may see poppies and biden flowers later in the summer, a flower native to North Carolina.Also on U.S. 70 near exit 148, a bed of poppies and larkspur will be coming up.The mix of California poppies, red poppies and larkspur is used so often because the flowers stand up to herbicide treatments.“We’re restricted to one or two flower (species) in a bed because you know you’ll be dealing with certain weeds and will have to use certain herbicides.”CravenA long, narrow bed on U.S. 70 toward the Jones overpass and N.C. 41 will show off some purple larkspur flowers this spring. Last summer, sunflowers were planted in the location.Jones and PamlicoFor this year, Rayburn said there just wasn’t an appropriate place to plant wildflowers in Jones or Pamlico counties because the flower beds are usually about an acre.In fact, sometimes traditional sites for flowers have to refrain from planting to let the soil recover.“If you go by a bed and it hasn’t been planted, it might have been left out for rotation purposes,” Rayburn said.With 25 years of experience working with the DOT, Rayburn said he has seen changes come through the wildflower program.One of the specific challenges has been dealing with the Round-Up resistant pig weed, he said.“I’ve seen a lot of changes in the way we do the things we do but we still get the same end product,” Rayburn said.Vause, too, has been working roadside maintenance with the DOT for 21 years, so he has been involved with the wildflower program nearly the entire time.“My crew and I take a lot of pride in doing it and we enjoy hearing the positive feedback in what we do,” Vause said. “It’s one of our nicer programs.”Not only does the program add color to the roadway, Vause said visitors to the state usually enjoy the sights you can’t find in other states.“It’s kind of like a showcase for the state, when people come in they comment a lot of times how nice the flowers look,” Vause said.And, it puts a smile on their face when they drive by.“It does make everybody happy when they see it,” Vause said.A handful of native North Carolina wildflower species are used in the mix of species sown from fall to spring along highways throughout the state.Where they are planted, Rick said, is up to the environmental department for each district across the state, provided the acres meet criteria for wildflowers.“These areas typically have a little slope and face traffic so as to be seen by travelers,” Rick said.And although it is tempting to exit your vehicle... (New Bern Sun Journal)

May 25, 2017

Ceremonies to mark Memorial Day

Ceremonies, displays and other events commemorating Memorial Day are scheduled Thursday through Monday in Craven, Pamlico and Carteret counties. Here's a look at some of the events.Salute the BootThe Salute the Boot Memorial will take shape Thursday at Havelock City Park and will remain up throughout the weekend. The Havelock Appearance Commission sets up the display that features donated military boots and American flags. The display will line East Main Street and parts of Roosevelt Boulevard approaching Cherry Point’s main gate.Some of the boots on display will include photographs or stories about the military service member who wore them. It is designed to honor those who died serving the country.Vietnam Memorial WallThe Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall is scheduled for Thursday through Tuesday at Glad Tidings Church at 4621 Country Club Road in Morehead City.The memorial will be accessible to the public upon assembly around 6 p.m.An opening ceremony, which will include a parachute drop by the All Veterans Parachute Team, is scheduled for 11 a.m. Friday.A brief closing ceremony is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. Tuesday.The Otway B... (New Bern Sun Journal)

Mar 23, 2017

Roland Lawrence, 94; service today

His service is at 2 p.m. today at Otway Christian Church with the Rev. Jack Mumford and the Rev. Merritt Watson officiating. Burial will follow at Carteret Memorial Gardens in Beaufort.Roland was a lifetime member of Otway Christian Church, and he dedicated his life and time to the church serving as an elder and on the board for many years. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II where he received the Purple Heart, Silver Star and Bronze Star. Roland was a member of the Crissie Wright Lodge No. 741 and a York Rite Shriner. Roland worked in construction for over 70 years, ending his career at his business Roland Lawrence and Son Construction. Roland is survived by his wife, Ellen G. Lawrence of the home; daughter, Rebecca L. Smith and husband Gerry of Morehead City; stepdaughter, Eileen Small of Newport; son, Roland Lawrence Jr. and wife Lisa G. of Beaufort; grandchildren, Gerry “Ted” Smith Jr. and friend Alicia Nelson  and Roland “Davis” Lawrence III; stepdaughter, Tanya S. Sewell and husband Thomas; great grand-children, Madison H. Smith and Peyton E. Smith; step great-grandchildren, Tracy Sewell and Tiffany Sewell; nieces, Jane South, Phyllis Gillikin, Connie Fulcher, Ella Gillikin, Theresa Beecham, Elaine Lawrence, Rita L... (Carolinacoastonline)

Mar 2, 2017

Richard Flowers, 64; service Thursday

Friday, Feb. 3, 2017, at home surrounded by his family. His service is at 6 p.m. Thursday at One Harbor Church in Morehead City. Cass, a Carteret County native, grew up in Beaufort and graduated from West Carteret High School in 1970. He earned a bachelor’s and master’s degrees from East Carolina University in vocational rehabilitation and for 12 years provided vocational rehabilitation services for Carteret, Craven, Jones and Pamlico counties. Cass returned to Carteret County in 1987 to share his passion for community fitness by founding the Sports Center of Morehead and to develop real estate like his father before him. Over the past 30 years, Cass has grown the Sports Center into the area’s premier health club and developed land throughout Morehead City. He most enjoyed fishing, playing racquetball and spending time with his family. Cass is survived by his loving wife of 40 years, Sylvia McKenzie Flowers; daughter, Summer Flowers Ricketts; son-in-law Taylor; granddaughter, Olivia; son, William Blake Flowers, all of Carteret County, and daughter Cassie Jean Flowers of Costa Rica; sister, Pat Piner of Pine Knoll Shores; and brother, Joe Flowers of Marathon, Fla.Cas... (Carolinacoastonline)

Jan 8, 2016

Plants, insects respond to warm, wet winter

Shawn Banks, the county extension director and agriculture agent in Carteret County, said plants have to reach a minimum amount of cold hours before they begin to grow again in the spring. Some plants, like daffodil and crocus, need to reach only a few cold hours, and those plants have reached their minimum. Dogwoods, on the other hand, still need more cold weather before they’ll start blooming again. “Generally, the plants only put enough energy into the roots to flower once, so once they’ve flowered, they’re done,” Banks said. The good news is, this early flowering won’t affect the bee population or honey creation in 2016. There are still plenty of flowers yet to bloom for bees to pollinate, Banks said. Buds and flowers aren’t the only things popping up though — ant mounds, especially those home to fire ants, are increasing throughout the area, according to Wells. During the winter months, fire ants typically go deep into the ground, but the recent rain has been causing water to rise, pushing the ants to the top. “It looks like little mountains out there,” Wells said. Banks said the fire ants have a “mating flight” in spring and fall, so when warm weather came around, the ants crawled back to the surface. The reason the mounds are so high off the ground is thanks to all the rain lately. “The soil is so soft, it’s easy to move and make a bigger mound,” Banks said. However, even with extra mating rituals and a larger population of mature ants, Banks doesn’t believe there will be an overpopulation of fire ants this spring. “The newly mated queens will end up dying from starvation,” Banks said. Wells suggested people begin treating for the ants now, and said residents could wipe out 50-to-75-percent of fire ants now while it’s easy to find their dirt... (The Daily News)