Florists in Barrington, NH
Find local Barrington, New Hampshire florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Barrington and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Barrington Flower Shops
Barrington NH News
Oct 10, 2019Hannah & Matt | Boone Hall Plantation -
When Matt bought what Hannah calls a “precious” home in Barrington, Illinois, she moved in, too. They live there today, and Hannah says relocating to be with him was the easiest decision of her life.
Bathroom Break and Bling?
Not long after, it was Memorial Day weekend, and the two were taking a hike in Wisconsin before they were to meet up for “Friday Fish Fry” with his family. After begging for a break, Hannah says, she sat on a bench on an overlook while he disappeared into the trees supposedly to relieve himself. As she took in the views, he was actually setting up a GoPro to record the pending proposal. He came back, pulled out a ring, and … “It was so sweet,” says Hannah. “I am not positive if he fully asked me to marry him, but after a lot of very embarrassing jumping around, I said ‘Yes!’” When they headed back down the mountain, the fish fry had morphed into an engagement party with friends and family who were there to celebrate with the couple all weekend long.
About that Ring
“All I knew was that she like emerald (???) cut and preferred a three-stone style,” says Matthew. “Nothing more. To her credit, she wasn’t pushy and didn’t want to know anything. I ended up creating and designing it with the aid of a close friend’s ‘diamond guy.’ After hand-picking each stone, I moved on to the band and setting. It took a few months, but she was happy, and that’s all I care about.”
Black and White or Full-Color?
Hannah thought green and white was going to be her color combo for the wedding day, but after OD-ing on Pinterest, and talking with planner Natalie Knox of Boone Hall, they went with pops of color via the flowers and taper candles. The verdict? Classy and colorful!
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May 24, 2018Midweek Mugging: The Flower Shop
Charlotte Pierce, owner of The Flower Shop, is this week's Midweek Mugging recipient.
The Flower Shop is located at 1705 Barrington St. in downtown Halifax. Pierce and her team provide floral arrangements for corporate events and weddings, while also catering to those who come in to find plants for their homes.
"We do a lot of loose, luscious greenery arrangements, which is just a little more organic than a Superstore bouquet," Pierce said.
Pierce, who is from Halifax and previously worked with the government in small business, took over the shop six years ago when the previous owner retired. She is the fourth owner.
Pierce said she was interested in plants before she bought the store but, "not to the point where I had to own a flower shop," she laughed. "I just had this life-changing thought, you know-this is the career path I want to go down."
"In a way I just kind of bit the bullet, and I'm like, this is what I'm doing, and this is what I'm creating, and now I'm reaping that benefit of being able to be in [the business]," she said.
Pierce said there's about 25 different varieties of plants availa...
Jan 12, 2018After three decades, downtown Barrington flower shop closing
Liz Bremner has been part of many lives as an employee and later owner of the Fresh Flower Market in downtown Barrington,But the European-style flower business that began on Main Street in 1987 will make its final sales Saturday. Bremner, 64, who worked at the Fresh Flower Market for four years then bought it from its founder in 2001, said it's time to retire and close the business.As she took a break Thursday, Bremner said she'll miss her clientele. The Lake Barrington resident has shared many hugs with visitors in her pleasantly fragrant shop over the past couple of weeks since word of the closing spread."All the customers that come in, we are there for all the important occasions in their lives," she said. "They come when they've got a new birth. They come when they know somebody's sick. They come when somebody has an anniversary, a birthday, weddings and funerals. So, a full cycle from birth until death, they come to their local florist and you feel like you've been there with them."Employee Barb Eppolito of Algonquin said she met Bremner about 15 years ago. She said she's enjoyed her design work and c... (Chicago Daily Herald)
Sep 8, 2017Sunflowers prepare Barrington Hills farm for organic future
Fifty acres of sunflowers bloomed in northwest Barrington Hills this week to create a unique carpet of bright yellow.But in addition to providing a vibrant visual along the village's country lanes, these sun-worshipping plants play a practical role in the conversion of the nearly 700-acre Barrington Hills Farm to purely organic.advertisementAmong the criteria for such certification is the soil must be found to be chemical-free -- and sunflowers are among the species that can help expedite that process, experts say.J.R. Davis and his wife, Dawn, took control of the farm four years ago and have spent the last three working to purify the soil.They see themselves carrying on the vision of the late Barbara MacArthur, who with her late husband, Alex, ran the Strathmore Organic Farm at the same location on Spring Creek Road in McHenry County. Barbara MacArthur, who died last year, was a passionate pioneer of organic farming, decades ahead of its rising popularity today.But the land passed into other hands between the MacArthurs and the Da... (Chicago Daily Herald)
Jul 27, 2017Snapshot: Random Acts of Flowers surprise Barrington residents
The employees spent the day arranging, delivering and surprising nursing home residents with the bouquets, including at The Barrington of Carmel.“Our mission is to improve the well-being of people in hospitals and nursing homes. People are attracted to our mission for a lot of different reasons. There’s not anyone who can’t benefit from someone in their community coming in and reminding them that they’re not alone and they care about them,” said Lindsay Potter, program manager at Random Acts of Flowers. (Current in Carmel)
Jun 2, 2017The Flower Shop hops to Barrington
The Flower Shop has blossomed and outgrown its current 1887 Granville Street location. In June, the much-loved florist is making the move to Barrington—1705 Barrington Street, the former Foreign Affair, to be exact—and the new digs mean additional storage space and a basement office. Owner Charlotte Pierce is particularly excited about the new walk-in cooler. “It all feels really good,” she says.The larger space will allow the shop to be able to keep up with the demand to keep its doors open seven days a week, rather than the five-and-a-half it’s open now. The shop is also often selling out of flowers, which is good on one hand, “but when we still have hours in the day to sell flowers and we don’t have the flowers,” Pierce says it’s less than ideal.The shop is moving out of its current location on May 31. Pierce says they’ll be open on Barrington as soon as possible after that. She’ll be hitting pause on The Flower Shop’s workshops until things are settled post-move, but they’ll be starting up again in mid-June. “We’ll have a big party and big sales when we open,” she adds.