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Funeral Service

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Florists in Atkinson, NH

Find local Atkinson, New Hampshire florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Atkinson and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.

Atkinson Flower Shops

Atkinson NH News

Jul 26, 2018

Altoona, Meet your Market: River Prairie hosts new Monday farmers market

The market is scheduled to run every week through the end of October, with the exception of Labor Day. Roy Atkinson, management analyst for the City of Altoona, is one of the market's organizers, along with Debra Goldbach, recreation manager. The market idea has been thrown around for some time, according to Atkinson, but the supportive response to the vendor market of the June P10 festival indicated that people were excited about the idea. "It really put a hop in our step to get it going," he said. "I think it's the perfect space to have a farmer's market," Atkinson said. Organizers expect 8-10 vendors at each market, featuring flowers, vegetables, meat, and baked goods. Local musician Jeff Fagen will be busking on-site, and the city aims to have food trucks offering good eats. "We think it's a really good compliment to the work day," Atkinson said. "It promotes healthy living in a lot of ways." Atkinson is "brimming with optimism" about the new Altoona market, and looking forward to its pilot run. This was made by ...

Feb 9, 2017

Lancaster agency unveils website for former Corrie star's new flowers business

Hotfoot also works with the likes of Lancaster University, Lancaster Brewery, Atkinson Vos, Silver Tree Jewellery, Mighty House and Creative Lancashire. Got a story?...

Jun 22, 2016

HINGHAM'S YESTERDAYS: Lightning plays havoc on electricity

Phone now. Old Colony Gas Company. 1941 Carrying the colors of the Hingham Girl Scout Mariner group, Janet Atkinson and Katherine Lawrence, in the 3rd annual Regatta at Charles River on Sunday, achieved notable success. The Hingham girls took one first, two seconds and a sixth in the series of four events. Mrs. Blanche Bossom has opened the house at 8 Oak road for the summer. The house was formerly owned by the late May Lawrence. John Boland, who is working at the Hingham Ammunition Depot will occupy the house at 251 North street. Mr. Boland’s family are expected to arrive here from Washington, D.C., soon. FOR SALE: 1936 6 cyl. Oldsmobile Sport Coupe. Privately owned, low mileage, radio, heater. Hing. 1418-W after 6 p.m. Price $260.00. Ernest W. Smith has taken new residence at 231 Otis street, formerly occupied by Margaret Smith. Page 2 of 3 - MISS RUTH McCANDLASS, who has been spending the winter season at the Cushing House, motored away this week to spend the remainder of the summer season at Harpswell, Maine. Many farewell socials were arranged in her honor prior to her departure. A tea attended by more than 20 took place at the Cushing House on Saturday evening, tendered her by Mrs. Mary Brown. Mrs. John Pyne of Emerald street, and sons, Gerard and John Jr., are leaving on June 30th for a summer vacation to San Diego, where they will visit relatives. 1966 On an afternoon that was perhaps more conducive to football, the Class of 1966 of the Hingham High School, numbering 304, the largest in the history of the school, was graduated in ever colorful and impressive ceremonies on Michelson Field last Saturday at 4 o’clock p.m. before an estimated gathering of 3,000 persons. Miss Gail Bartlett, daughter of Police Capt. And Mrs. Walter J. Bartlett, Jr. of Main Street, entered the Massachusetts Hospital School in Canton on Monday. Mr. Earl Patterson of Rockwood Road was among 13 employees honored by Sun Oil Company at a dinner at the Town Lyne House in Lynnfield. Mr. Patterson, Land Department Representative, received a 15-year Service and Loyalty Award. HOMES FOR SALE: Exquisite architect designed house in much sought after location in the Center, walking distance to everything. Elegant paneled living room with rare scenic decoration, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, powder room, 3 bedrooms and bath. Paneled basement playroom with fireplace, workshop and laundry. Garage. Secluded sunken garden with fireplace and goldfish pond. $26,900. …Five-bedroom Colonial – 2-1/2 baths, large living room, and paneled family room with fireplace adjacent to fully equipped kitchen. Set on a 1/2 acre lot in the attractive Liberty Pole area. $37,500. … Ten room tri-level on wooded lot, completely enclosed with rail fence. Beautiful lawn with built in sprinkler system. Three large bedrooms, family room, paneled TV room, fireplaced living room, formal dining ... (Wicked Local Hingham)

Feb 3, 2016

Younger Generation: Celebrating the achievements of young adults in East Central Illinois

Central's drama department was one of the five chosen. Cast, crew and pit members include: Rijaal Akbar, Enddy Almonord, Ashley Armstrong, Georgia Atkinson, Omer Barkan, Evan Bossenbroek, Allyson Boyd, Julian Brennan-Pomatto, Arnold Brown, Grace Brown, Maddy Brown, Katie Butler, Taylor Campbell, Rachael Courtney, Josiah Croegaert, Zoe Dunn, Kiera Essex, Alex Frezzetto, Krista Habing, Josh Harris, Shireen Hassan, Rhajheem Haymon, Nick Henson, Will Kanter, Ashton Kimble, Scott King, Maria Laros, Yianni Laros, Seth Lerner, Ian Loechl, Ben Lun, Zac MacAdam, Peter Magro, Lauran Miller, Sarah Money, Adrienna Moore-Johnson, Lizz Morris, Tuan Nguyen, Quinton Ohlsson, Adriana Ortiz, Ben Parsons, Anwyn Payonk, Thomas Phelps, Liz Roadcap, Savannah Roberts, Anja Schrag, Omri Schwartz, Samantha Smith, Kaylee Spinner, Melody Song, Sienna Stolte, Sammi Thornbill, Phil Wachter, Maddy Walwik, Ben Wendt, Mallory Wentworth and Jack Wierschem. Directors: LaDonna Wilson, Sarah Mohr, Cullyn Murphy, Marc Wilson, Alyssa Erickson and Scott Filkins. Military academies Ten students in the 13th Congressional District have been nominated by U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Taylorville, for admittance to the U.S. military academies. Among them are William Espenschied of Monticello and McCoy Edward Lemmon of Champaign. (Champaign/Urbana News-Gazette)

Feb 2, 2016

Deltona's Pine Ridge High lab manufactures skills, hope

Except for dust and cobwebs," said state Rep. David Santiago.</p><p>He and the principal, John Atkinson, the local manufacturing association and others started asking questions. How can we make this room useful? Might there be a more direct link between school resources and available jobs? Is there a way to deliver students a high-demand, high-tech, career pathway?</p><p>Atkinson, named Pine Ridge principal in 2011, consulted with Volusia County school district administrators, employers — particularly the manufacturing sector that has long sought skilled workers — as well as Santiago, a Deltona Republican. Their questions, and more than a $1 million investment by the district and state, led to this year's startup of a first-of-its-kind manufacturing program that's rooted in STEM — science, technology, engineering and mathematics.</p><p>It's also giving students hands-on experience with a wide range of skills that could lead to more than a dozen careers. Students consult books and conduct experiments using hydraulics machines, welding, circuits, CNC (computer numerical control) machining, pneumatic systems, 3-D printing and more.</p><p><strong... (Daytona Beach News-Journal)

Feb 2, 2016

Hampstead officer, 38, succumbs to cancer

Burial will be held Friday at 10 a.m., also at St. Anne's, followed by burial in Lakeview Cemetery. The Hampstead Police Department has reserved the Atkinson Resort and Country Club at 85 Country Club Drive for a bereavement meal following the graveside service.  In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Mary and John Elliot Charitable Foundation — Cancer Center or the No Moore Cancer Fund.  ... (Eagle-Tribune)