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North Dakota Flowers News
Sep 7, 2020View annual flowers now to get ideas for next year - Duluth News Tribune
Public gardens are great spots for inspiration. Research universities often maintain labeled display gardens, such as North Dakota State University’s, located on the west edge of campus near the intersection of 12th Avenue North and 18th Street in Fargo. The following are a few favorites, especially eye-catching this year: Carmine Velour Wave Petunia: A recent All-America Selections (AAS) winner, I’ve grown it several years and am impressed with its rich color and spreading, yet neat habit.Big Duck Yellow Marigold: Another AAS winner, it’s become my new favorite large-flowered marigold, blooming profusely on plants about 18 to 20 inches high.Cleome: Although it’s been around for ages, it’s unbeatable for a tall, background flower. The Sparkler series is shorter than the 3- to 4-feet Queen series.Blue salvia: The varieties Victoria and Blue Bedder provide stately spikes of sky blue well into fall, and contrast well with the rounded flowers of yellow marigolds or pink petunias or zinnias.
Holi Scarlet Zinnia. Alyssa Goelzer / The Forum
Holi Scarlet Zinnia: A recent AAS winner, the large, vibrant scarlet blossoms are borne on plants only about 12 to 15 inches tall. Perfect for the front of flowerbeds.Raspberry Lemonade Zinnia: A mix of the beautiful Zahara series of zinnia, which is low-growing and prolific. The colors are a pleasant blend of yellows, raspberry rose and pink. Resistant to mildew disease.
Coral Fountain Amaranthus. Alyssa Goelzer / The Forum
Coral Fountain Amaranthus: Sure to catch attention, the cascading plumes of flowers are in the love-lies-bleeding group of amaranthus.
Las Vegas Mix Gomphrena. Alyssa Goelzer / The Forum
Mar 19, 2020Fort Collins woman gets traditional wedding, prepares for death on own terms - Coloradoan
Bob and Debra have known each other since 1973, when they were teenagers growing up in Fargo, North Dakota. They were friends for a long time, had fallings-out but made up, and eventually went their separate ways.Both married and then divorced. They found each other again, and Bob invited Debra to join him in Colorado.They were married in 1988 by a justice of the peace in Jefferson County. Bob adopted Debra’s son and daughter, and life with its ups and downs went on. Bob and Debra have five grandchildren and a great-grandchild on the way.While recent times have been dark for the family because of Debra’s deteriorating health, they enjoyed a bright time in February, thanks in large part to the kindness of strangers.Debra and Bob had talked for a long time about renewing their wedding vows. Debra let it be known she would enjoy a traditional wedding ceremony and reception — experiences she never had.Her daughter, Jennifer, sprang into action. With money tight because of Debra’s medical needs, Jennifer posted a request for wedding decorations on the Facebook group Free in Larimer County. She explained her mother was terminally ill.The response was overwhelming, Jennifer said. People donated everything that would be needed for a wedding, including flowers, decorations, and a dress and shoes for the bride. People volunteered to do Debra’s hair, makeup and nails so she would look her best on the big day.Everything came together in six days.Pathways donated space at its Fort Collins facility. The ceremony took place Feb. 15, the day after Valentine’s Day.Every family member had a role in the ceremony. Their 9-year-old grandson, Drake, served as best man.“Everything was done for me, and bless their hearts for doing that,” Debra said. “It just tells me that Fort Collins still has a heart, that the people of this town are still the best.”Gratitude is part of the message Debra wants to send to the community in her final days. She is especially thankful for the care she has received from Pathways, a nonprofit that has served the community for decades.“They are the best,” she said. “All I have to do is call and they are right here for me.”And she is grateful to her family, who has stood by her for so many years, in good times and in bad. She said Bob has been her “rock” and the “strongest man I’ve ever known.”She knows he’ll be strong for the family after she is gone.“It has been a very good life,” she said. “My family has always been number one in my life. I can go to sleep knowing they will be OK. Papa will be there.”Kevin Duggan is a senior columnist and reporter. Contact him at
Feb 1, 2020Master Gardener: M is for Michaelmas daisies — asters for fall color - The Daily World
Do it in spring just as new shoots are emerging.
New England asters (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae) are native from Vermont to Alabama and west to North Dakota, Wyoming and New Mexico. Stout-stemmed plants 3 to 5 inches tall and almost as wide have blooms that are violet blue in basic form with others in blue shades, white, pink, nearly red and deep purple. Two favorites are Alma Potschke and Harrington’s Pink, each with clear pink single flowers.
The New York aster, Aster novi-bellgii, is native to eastern North America (Zones 1-24). It grows 4 feet wide and 3 feet tall with full clusters of bright blue-violet flowers.
Among the many choices of A. novi-belgii are Persian Rose (rose pink) and semi-double Professor Kippenburg (lavender blue). The robust Climax variety bears large sprays of single medium-blue blossoms on stems 6 feet tall.
Aster x frikartii Monch, native to the Himalayas, is planted in other parts of the perennial beds in my garden. It is upright 16 inches tall and wide with purple blue sprays of 2-inch-wide flowers. Their growth habit differs a bit from many of the above plants and are the finest, most useful and widely adapted of perennials.
In large borders or among shrubs, tall asters with their abundant color are invaluable as companion plantings. Hardy chrysanthemums and asters are complementary with their contrasting colors of peach, yellow and rusty reds. Clouds of coreopsis, switch grass and other grasses, black-eyed Susans (Rudbeckia) and the burgundy seed pods of penstemons add to the color until frost arrives. Massing several plants of some of these varieties together creates a delicate balance.
At season’s end, a carefully planned palette transitions to blue, gold and burgundy and a colorful finale as winter approaches.
This article, by Master Gardener Dolores Cavanah, is part of an occasional series in which she describes the plants she most admires at her expansive garden at Schafer Meadows, east of Montesano. Visit her during the 2020 WSU Master Gardener Garden Tour on July 18.
Ramesh NG photo
The New York aster (Aster novi-bellgii) grows 4 feet wide and 3 feet tall with full clusters of bright blue-violet flowers.Patrick Standish photo
Among the many varieties of New York aster is the Professor Kippenburg, which has lavender-blue blooms.
Feb 1, 2020Gardening in January? Here are some tips for shopping seed catalogs - Grand Forks Herald
Field to Fork schedule The North Dakota State University Extension again will host the Field to Fork "Wednesday Webinar" gardening series from 2-3 p.m. beginning Feb. 5 and continuing through April 8. The webinars, held on Zoom, are free of charge, but registration is required at Participants will be sent sign-in reminders with the link for viewing.
The registration website also lists the schedule of topics, which include “Starting Vegetables From Seed at Home” by Randy Nelson, “Growing Flowers for Fun or Profit” by Don Kinzler, “Growing Tomatoes in North Dakota” by Tom Kalb, “Building a Terrarium” by Esther McGinnis, “Pressure Cooking and Canning: New (and Old) Ways to Cook and Preserve Vegetables” by Julie Garden-Robinson, “Staying Safe in the Sun: Insight From a Skin Cancer Survivor” by Brian Halvorson, “Growing a Butterfly Garden” by Janet Knodel, “Growing Grapes in North Dakota” by Jesse Ostrander, “Supporting Pollinators in Your Landscape” by Yolanda Schmidt and “Pesticide Safety for Home Gardeners” by Andrew Thostenson. For more information, visit or contact Julie Garden-Robinson at 701-231-7187 or Don Kinzler, a lifelong gardener, is the horticulturist with North Dakota State University Extension for Cass County. Readers can reach him at or call 701-241-5707.
Sep 19, 2019Growing Together: West Fargo backyard is one big garden - Duluth News Tribune
His garden is about 2,500 square feet. Richard’s gardening goes back to his days on the family farm near the southwestern North Dakota town of Regent, and like many families, gardens were a necessary food source. He went on to teach agriculture as a volunteer for his church in New Guinea, then farmed his grandfather’s homestead for a number of years before joining his church’s mission in the Central African Republic, where he worked in rural development. Richard and his wife have lived in their current West Fargo home since 1999.
Richard, 81, now spends about 20 hours a week in his vegetable garden, and his diligence and experience are evident. His methods offer solid examples that others can easily duplicate.
Raspberries are enclosed in a walk-in structure covered with netting to keep out birds. David Samson / The Forum
For example, have you ever been frustrated that birds harvest your ripe raspberries shortly before you get a chance? Richard’s raspberries are planted alongside his garage and are covered with a walk-in structure constructed simply of PVC pipe and covered with bird netting. The garden is surrounded by an efficient, sturdy 24-inch fence of easily assembled PVC pipe and fittings. The half-inch wire mesh fencing, fastened between the pipe frame, excludes even the smallest nibbling rabbits.
Richard Witte uses vertical structures for efficient vine crop space and to make easy picking of string beans. David Samson ...