Florists in Asheboro, NC
Find local Asheboro, North Carolina florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Asheboro and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Asheboro Flower Shops
412 Sunset Ave
Asheboro, NC 27203
(336) 629-4755
Asheboro NC News
Feb 3, 2016Donna J. Bender, 63
Donna Jane Bender of Fairfield, a former Westport resident, died Jan. 28 at St. Vincent’s Medical Center in Bridgeport. She was 63.
She was born in Asheboro, N.C. and had been an area resident for 45 years. A graduate of Katherine Gibbs College in Manhattan and Staples High School in Westport, she worked at various retailers and The Fairfield Store, and as computer support technician for the Fairfield public school system at Stratfield Elementary School, and more recently at Roger Ludlowe Middle School.
She was very active at in the faith she converted to at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish in Fairfield, serving as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, lector, a member of the Liturgical Committee and head of the Family Mass Committee.
She enjoyed needlework, visiting the beach, visiting with friends and family, wineries, and reading, and taught classes on knitting and computers.
Survivors include her husband, Donald Kenneth “Ken” Bender, and her children, Kimberly Anne “Kym” Bender and her fiancé Michael R. Boncoddo, and Evan Thomas Bender and his partner Tim Burke, her father John A. Russo, brother John R. Russo, stepsister Jamie Breisler, stepbrother Frederick Russo, great-uncl... (Westport Now)
Dec 30, 2015Empty Stocking Fund reaches $108376 as giving continues
December would have wanted.
His obituary captures the milestones of a life well-lived: Born in Lincolnton, raised in Asheboro, educated at N.C. State University, worked as a textile executive and served his country in the Army. Father, grandfather, friend and colleague.
But it goes beyond that with details only a family can provide: With nicknames like “Too-Tall” and “Charming,” Jim loved to play tennis and joke with friends.
“In what is the final review, listing the vitals that familiar people already know, or ticking off accomplishments friends can recite, seems to ignore the qualities that deem on memorable – the reasons we count someone a friend,” the obituary reads. “Always gracious to others, always socially pleasing, but the most important quality was that everyone was glad to see him come in the door.”
On Monday, a $100 contribution was made to The Gazette Empty Stocking Fund in Jim’s memory. Other donations also came in on Monday, pushing the total to $108,276, another amazing year for a campaign that helps the Salvation Army provide Christmas assistance to people who have hit hard times.
Donations Monday were made:
* In honor of my grandkids – Ragan and Camryn, $50
* In memory of Dr. Gerald Arney and Dr. Marty D’Amore, from CRMC-MRI Department, $100
* In loving memory of our son, Joey A. Faile, from Donna and Toney McCu... (Gaston Gazette)
Dec 15, 2015Mural draws attention to new florist shop
ASHEBORO — A giant mural is putting a new florist shop on the map.
Lirios de los Valles (Lily of the Valley), located at 435 S. Fayetteville St., Asheboro, has been open just a few months, but it’s becoming known for the brightly-colored mural on the side of the building. Flowers, butterflies, a waterfall and a large teddy bear attract the attention of motorists driving by.
“We’ll be known as the flower shop that has the mural,” said Pedro Diaz, who owns Lirios de los Valles with his wife Leonor. “We wanted a mural to help promote the floral business.”
Diaz came up with the idea when noticing the nondescript white brick wall on the south side of the building that long-time Asheboro folks remember as The Vacuum Center. “I wanted to make it more interesting and to represent the flower shop and the bears sold here,” he said.
So this fall Diaz called Ozzy Aguirre, an all-purpose painter who specializes in murals, to transform the plain white wall into a stunning floral garden.
Aguirre was... (Asheboro Courier Tribune)