Florists in Apex, NC
Find local Apex, North Carolina florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Apex and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Apex Flower Shops
818 E Williams St
Apex, NC 27502
(919) 362-4205
1200 E Williams St Ste D
Apex, NC 27502
(919) 321-9988
1213 Magnolia Row Trl
Apex, NC 27502
(919) 945-4939
Apex NC News
Mar 15, 2019Guinea flowers are fierce and golden - The Conversation AU
Their brilliant yellow (or sometimes orange) flowers have petals with a notch at the apex, and they were thought to resemble the appearance of the 18th-century coin known as a golden guinea. As usual there are a couple of exceptions – at least two species have petals that lack a notch.
All too often these small shrubs and woody climbers grow in areas likely to be razed for urban sprawl or mining.
The Conversation
What we know about Hibbertia
English merchant and amateur botanist Henry Charles Andrews named the genus Hibbertia after his friend George Hibbert (1757-1837). Andrews was an artist and engraver as well as a botanist, and the first species he named was based on a plant collected around Port Jackson.
Around 200 species are recognised but there are many unnamed varieties, particularly in tropical areas. Probably the most widespread species and one of the few cultivated is the climbing guinea flower (Hibbertia scandens). It can be grown readily from cuttings but germinates slowly from seeds.
Most species have hairs covering the leaves, which can be critical for identifying a species. Under a good hand lens or a simple microscope their variety and beauty is obvious. In some species the hairs are straight. In others they are branched with arms resembling the spokes on a star, the so-called "stellate hairs".
Some species have scales – flat, plate-like structures – on their leaves and flowers. Sometimes there are large and small scales on the one surface.
The leaves are also diverse in shape and form: some leaves are shaped like spear and thick, as in Hibbertia banksii of the eastern Cape York area, others are needle-like with margins rolled towards the lower midrib, with a sharp, blood-drawing tip, as in Hibbertia ferox.
A 1795 guinea coin from the reign of George III.
Oct 12, 2018MYSTERY PLANT: Mystery Plant's flowers resemble a glowing candle
Interestingly, there's always an even number of leaflets, the leaf apex terminated by a pair. Even more interestingly, these leaflets basically fold up, like praying hands, along the leaf midrib at night. (Botanists like to use the term "nyctinasty" to refer to such night movements by plants.)Flowering stalks are loaded with brilliant gold flowers forming thick spikes, standing straight up, giving the effect of a brightly glowing candle. Pods (legumes, actually) follow the flowers, and are somewhat angled. They start out green, but become brown as they dry. When I've seen large plants of this species on a calm, warm autumn day, there are invariably lots of insects visiting.Bees and butterflies are attracted to the flowers, and wasps, flies and ants seem to like investigating the fruits and leaves which tend to give off a sticky, somewhat shiny resin. This plant has been used medicinally, but its seeds and foliage are probably somewhat toxic if ingested in large amounts.This is a tropical species, native to portions of South America, but commonly grown now as an ornamental. In warm places, it behaves like a perennial and may actually form a small tree. Otherwise, in colder areas, it dies down to the ground, and presumably won't survive unless mulched heavily. Not being mulch of a gardener myself, I can't help you there too much.[Answer:"Candlestick plant," Senna alata]
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Sep 10, 2018Passion Flower grows in neglected areas
Stipules are thread-like and covered with sticky hair. Leaves are up to 10 cm across, usually three-lobed, and with a heart-shaped base. The apex is sharp and with a margins, and the stalks of the leaves are about two-three cm-long, glandular-ciliate.
Flowers are axillary, solitary; the bracts are hairy and thread-like. Calyx is light green and the corolla is white. Flowers have corona filaments in multiple series. Flowers are surrounded by three deeply-divided bracts and are densely covered in large sticky hairs. The fruits are globose, three-cm in length. They go from green to yellow or orange-yellow when mature. Ripe fruits are edible, emit sweet fragrance when opened and contain mucilaginous sweet and sour pulp with numerous black-coloured seeds.
Flowers and fruits are seen almost throughout the year. The thread-like bracts secrete sticky digestive enzymes that helps the plant to trap small insects as a form of defence. It is also reported that this species is host to a variety of butterflies. It is usually found to grow throughout India – in neglected areas along wayside hedges, open areas, pastures, edges of forests and plantations. This species is reported to be useful in folk medicines for indigestion, gastritis and diarrhoea. In Tamil, it is known as Mooku Chali Pazham or Thaat-ppot kodi.
Wild Passion FlowersFlowers have corona filaments in multiple series. Flowers are surrounded by three deeply-divided bracts and are densely covered in large sticky hairs.
Jul 26, 2018The Parts Of A Flower With Diagrams
The corolla is the next whorl and it is located toward the apex. That is where the petals are in the flower. Petals tend to be soft, thin, and have attractive colors that would appeal to animals, which is key in the process of pollination.The reproductive part of the flower is made up of two whorls: the androecium and the gynoecium. The Androecium is the next world down from the petals. It gets its name from the Greek andros oikia, meaning "man's house". The adroecium consists of stamens which are made out of a filament (stalk) and an anther on top, which is where pollen is produced and dispersed. The last whorl is the gynoecium, which is the innermost part of a flower. It gets its name from the Greek gynaikos oikia, meaning "woman's house". The gynoecium has one or several units known as carpels. What are carpels? A carpel (or several carpels fused together) forms an ovary, which is the name of the hollow structure that produces the ovules internally.Image source: WikipediaHow Do Flower Plants Reproduce? The ovules that are produced in the ovary are megasporangia. They produce megaspores through a process known as meiosis. The megaspores then become female gametophytes, which produce egg cells.Another way of looking at the gynoecium is by thinking about it as a pistil, consisting of three parts:An ovary.A Style.A stigma.The pistil has one carpel or several carpels that are fused together. The style is the supportive stalk where the pollen tubes from all the way from the pollen grains to the tip of the pistil, known as the stigma. The stigma is the receptor...
May 24, 2018CM Edappadi K Palaniswami inaugurates Ooty flower show
AIADMK regime from MGR era fought for the rights on Cauvery river water and exuded confidence that when the Apex court pronounces its final verdict on Cauvery row, justice will be done to Tamil Nadu.
On tea subsidy to small tea growers, he said that as of now it will be provided to those small growers who supply green tea leaf to cooperative tea factories in Nilgiris. S.P. Velumani, Municipal administration minister and R. Duraikannu, Agriculture minister, also spoke on the occasion.
May 24, 2018Planting Flowers Has Limited Effect On Pollination
Bees are the apex of ecology. All our food is reliant on them, they began to claim.(4) Governments even began to give subsidies to farmers who implemented political beliefs about biodiversity, like planting flowers among their rows of food.
Did any of it work? Sort of. Since there was no beepocalypse, bees were never dying off(5), they can claim credit for the "rebound" and move on to coffee or Scott Pruitt or whatever is selling among the anti-science crowd who read The Guardian this month.
Scientific evidence takes a little while longer, and one thing that politicians advocated has been shown to be hype: filling in strips of land with flowers in order to keep bees alive and stop a foodpocalypse. A recent study using planted flower strips on farm land, the basis for doing it in cities, found that those flower strips actually reduced pollination of nearby plants. The scientists say that the increased flowers resulted in competition for pollinating insects. In cities, there are fewer bees, even if amateurs are throwing up hives on top of apartment buildings.
Farms have pastures and meadows, and those are better for bees and plants, including the food kind.
It's not that flowers are bad, but they should just say planting and maintaining them is a way to keep government employees busy and not pretend it is helping bees that aren't at risk.
(1) Ironically, this was a terrible idea, but if activists understood nature they'd accept more science. Bees die really easily, they are not in a Jerry Seinfeld movie and just rushing out into new places, they are confused and need to be manually fed. The amateurs who killed off bees with incompetence then claimed it must be pesticides.
(2) Which would weirdly mean a return to mass spraying, obviously worse for the environment.
(3) You, Cheerios.
(4) Only if your diet is almonds.
(5) Beyond the statistical blips - mass die-offs have been logged since the first domesticated hives were recorded, as far back as 950 AD. (detailed in Flemming G (1871) Animal plagues: Their history, nature and prevention. London: Chapman and Hall. 548 p.p.)
Citation: K.S. Andersson, Kathrin...