Olig's Ii Florist Antiques & Gifts
Order flowers and gifts from Olig's Ii Florist Antiques & Gifts located in Hillsboro MO for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 712 Maple Street, Hillsboro Missouri 63050 Zip. The phone number is (636) 797-2622. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Olig's Ii Florist Antiques & Gifts in Hillsboro MO. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Olig's Ii Florist Antiques & Gifts delivers fresh flowers – order today.
Business name:
Olig's Ii Florist Antiques & Gifts
712 Maple Street
Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!
Find Olig's Ii Florist Antiques & Gifts directions to 712 Maple Street in Hillsboro, MO (Zip 63050) on the Map. It's latitude and longitude coordinates are 38.229038, -90.564522 respectively.
Florists in Hillsboro MO and Nearby Cities
12911 Hway 21De Soto, MO 63020(5.84 Miles from Olig's Ii Florist Antiques & Gifts)
12911 Hwy. 21De Soto, MO 63020 (5.84 Miles from Olig's Ii Florist Antiques & Gifts)
400 S. Main StDe Soto, MO 63020 (6.50 Miles from Olig's Ii Florist Antiques & Gifts)
202 E. Main StFestus, MO 63028 (9.18 Miles from Olig's Ii Florist Antiques & Gifts)
8715 Commercial BlvdPevely, MO 63070(9.85 Miles from Olig's Ii Florist Antiques & Gifts)
Flowers and Gifts News
Oct 10, 2019After arranging flowers in her garage, Franklin native to open flower shop downtown - Tennessean
Come November, she hopes to open up her new store called Merrystem. Her shop is situated in the building across from Five Points Starbucks on Hillsboro Road.
"This is life coming full circle," she said. "Opening your own business is vulnerable, and you’re hoping people appreciate it as much as you and value what you’re offering as much as you do. At the same time, I am confident in my company and my heart is to serve the community well. As long as I do that, I can’t fail."
How she became a florist
After graduating from high school, Bourgeois tried her hand as a hairstylist.
She liked the work but felt it ultimately wasn't for her. It wasn't until she started working for a flower shop in Nashville that she felt she found her niche.
For the last year, she's been arranging flowers in her garage for weddings and special events. She also took that time to prepare for opening her own store after she felt God led her to do so.
"My vision for this store is higher-end design but an intentional color palette and types of flowers used," she said. "The classics are great, but there are so many flowers in addition to roses or baby's breath. I aim to feature local products from farms around Franklin and the surrounding Nashville. Each flower is intricate and has so much to offer. I like the designs to play off the flowers themselves."
Merrystem is slated for a November opening. Bourgeois will spend the next few weeks putting the finishing touches on her storefront. Customers can buy anything from large arrangements to a...
Oct 10, 2019The 5 best florists in Nashville - Hoodline
With 4.5 stars out of 19 reviews on Yelp, the florist has proven to be a local favorite.
3. Bloom Flowers & Gifts
Photo: natalie e./YelpBellmont Hillsboro's Bloom Flowers & Gifts, located at 1517 Dallas Ave., is another top choice, with Yelpers giving the florist, gift shop and wedding planning spot four stars out of 32 reviews.
4. Hody's Florist
Photo: jillian g./YelpHody's Florist, a florist in Haynes Park, is another go-to, with four stars out of 12 Yelp reviews. Head over to 3515 W. Hamilton Road to see for yourself.
5. Genys Flowers and Bridal
Photo: genys flowers and bridal/YelpOver in Sylvan Park, check out Genys Flowers and Bridal, which has earned 4.5 stars out of nine reviews on Yelp. You can find the florist and bridal spot at 4407 Charlotte Ave.
This story was created automatically using local business data, then reviewed and augmented by an editor. Click here for more about what we're doing. Got thoughts? Go here to share your feedback.
Jun 22, 2019Homes and gardens events around Portland: Pollinator workshops, garden tours and more - OregonLive.com
Safari: 1-3 p.m. Learn about bee identification tips, trapping techniques and specimen preservation. Swallowtail Farm, 31620 N.W. Camp Ireland St., Hillsboro. Register at swcd.net or call 503-334-2288 TUESDAY, JUNE 25Watercolor Painting Class at Leach Garden: 9:30 a.m.-noon. Explore color mixing, washes, glazing techniques and methods for creating texture. $30 nonmembers, $25 members; Leach Botanical Garden, 6704 S.E. 122nd Ave. 503-823-1671 or leachgarden.orgReflections on a Residency: Insights to Peace and Understanding: 4-5 p.m. The Portland Japanese Garden’s CEO will share insights and stories from his recent residency in Japan. $15 members, $20 nonmembers; Portland Japanese Garden, 611 S.W. Kingston Ave. japanesegarden.orgSATURDAY, JUNE 29Marquam Nature Park Restoration Work Party: 9 a.m.-noon. Join volunteers on a done-in-a-day project led by a Hands On volunteer leader. Address and directions provided after signup; handsonportland.org or 503-200-3355Portland Weird Homes Tour: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Visit eight to 10 one-of-a-kind houses on a self-guided tour that will treat you to some of Oregon’s most creative homes. $30; weirdhomestour.com or facebook.com/events/1000513290149375 Community Science & iNaturalist Workshop: 1-4 p.m. Learn how to use the iNaturalist app to find and record pollinators, birds and plants. $25 nonmembers, $20 members; Leach Botanical Garden, 6704 S.E. 122nd Ave. 503-823-1671 or leachgarden.orgSUNDAY, JUNE 30Working With Leafcutter Bees – Hands-on Workshop: Noon-2 p.m. Learn about creating bee-friendly habitat, lifecycles and nesting strategies of leafcutter bees. Cornelius Public Library, 1370 N. Adair St. Register at swcd.net or call 503-334-2288SATURDAY, JULY 6Creating Food Forests: 10:30 a.m.-noon. The Preservation Beekeeping Council (PBC) offers a free progra...
Apr 27, 2019Hillsboro FFA holding Spring Flower Sale - Hillsboro Times Gazette
The Hillsboro FFA greenhouse class is having a Spring Flower Sale now through May 10. Members have been working hard in the greenhouse growing flowers and vegetables since the beginning of January. The class started by planting seeds for bedding plants and vegetables, then the greenhouse class also purchased plugs from a local greenhouse for hanging pots and planters. The students are learning the practices of growing healthy plants and growing, planting, transplanting, fertilizing, pesticide, marketing and customer service. The class is selling petunias, marigolds, snapdragons, geraniums and more. If you are interested in buying, contact the greenhouse class at emcneal@hillsboro-indians.org or call 937-393-3485 ext. 1580. The Greenhouse at the Hillsboro City Schools will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday or an appointment can be scheduled outside of school hours. The address for the Hillsboro FFA Chapter Greenhouse is 550 U.S. Route 62 South, Hillsboro. Pictured, f...
Oct 12, 2018Deliverable "gift meals" from Instead of Flowers arrive in St. Petersburg
Unverferth was met with little resistance.The partners found a commercial kitchen along 94th Avenue North, and they now service Pinellas, Hillsborough, Sarasota, Manatee and Hernando with their wide array of made-to-order gift meals. Orders headed outside of the surrounding counties are sent through UPS state- and nationwide - meaning Instead of Flowers personally delivers the local requests that come in to each receipt's doorstep.Not sure how your pal who just had a baby likes filet mignon cooked? Or if your cousin is still on that vegan diet? Instead of Flowers offers the option of "Recipient's Choice." Here's how it works: Customers pay for the number of people they'd like to feed by ordering online. Next, a redemption code is sent to the email of the designated recipient, who then gets to choose what's on the menu.Gluten-free alternatives are available, as are selections for kids. Each meal arrives 90 percent cooked, and handy heating instructions are listed on the company's website.Those looking for guidance from a seasoned vet can simply give the St. Pete kitchen a ring."Customers are able to call the 727 number to get all questions answered and even put in an order [with office manager Renee Johnson]... All they have to do is the heatin' and eatin'," said Serwitz, as if he's explained it a million times.In the near future, Serwitz plans to acquire a third kitchen in the Midwest to ship orders to recipients on the West Coast at a more reasonable price. Expanding to the Northeast is also a possibility, but for now, Tampa Bay residents can reap the benefits of having Instead of Flowers in their own backyard.
May 24, 2018HG calendar May 5-13: celebrate mom with flowers
Demonstration Garden at Washington County Fair Complex, 882 N.E. 28th Ave, Hillsboro
Wednesday Morning Honey Bee Hikes: 10-11 a.m. Look for wildlife, listen to the wind and creek, water the Children's Discovery Garden, read a story and craft something fun. Seasonal themes. 2-5 years accompanied by adult; $3 per child, nonwalkers and adults free. Leach Botanical Garden, 6704 S.E. 122nd Ave. 503-823-1671 or leachgarden.org
Gresham Plant Sale: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Trees, shrubs, bushes, hydrangeas, lilacs and onsite plant specialists. East Hill Church, 701 N. Main Ave. 503-661-8972, ext. 414
Crystal Springs Mother's Day Rhododendron Show & Sale: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat and Sun, May 12-13; show opens at noon Saturday. Judged flower show in the Exhibit Hall. View the garden at peak bloom time. Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden, 5801 S.E. 28th Ave. www.rhodies.org or 503 771-8386
Oak Grove Garden Club Spring Plant Sale: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. More than 1,000 plants, garden decor, refreshments and more. Risley Landing Gardens, 16195 S.E. River Forest Place, Oak Grove (Milwaukie). www.OakGroveGardenClub.com or 503-970-9701
Tigard Garden Club Plant Sale: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Vegetables, herbs, flowering and garden specimens. Bull Mountain Farmers Market at Canterbury Square, 15000 S.W. Pacific Highway
Vancouver Chrysanthemum Society Plant Sale: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat and 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sun, May 12-13. Rooted cuttings, hardy varieties and exhibition specialties. 78th Street Heritage Farm, 1919 N.E. 78th St. 360-936-7650 or mums.org
Wilsonville Garden Club Annual Plant Sale: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Sun and shade planters as well as blooming annuals. Also will be cuttings and divisions of perennials from member gardens, plus lightly used garden art and containers. Wilsonville Campus of Clackamas Community College, 29353 Town Center Loop E. 503-781-8516
Camas Plant & Garden Fair: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Explore the offerings of local nurseries, growers and garden artists. Find a large assortment of trees, plants, flowers, garden art and furniture, planters, veggie starts, birdhouses and feeders, pottery, metal art, flowering hanging baskets and more. Downtown Camas. www.cwplantfair.org or www.fb.com/CamasPlantAndGardenFair
Master Gardener Foundation Mother's Day Weekend Plant Sale: 9 a.m.-4pm Sat and 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sun, May 12-13. Perennials, annuals, vegetables, trees, shrubs, herbs, houseplants, hanging baskets and flower bowls. Master Gardeners on hand to answer questions. 78th Street Heritage Farm, 1919 N.E. 78th St., Vancouver. www.mgfcc.com
Attracting Pollinators to the Urban Garden Workshop: 9-11:30 a.m. Learn about the pollinators that might be living in your garden, discover a plant palette to help attract and support pollinators, and go beyond the bloom to consider ways to provide shelter, water, nesting and overwintering sites. Central Northeast Neighborhoods Coalition Office, 4415 N.E. 87th Ave. Register at emswcd.org
Yamhill County Master Gardeners Plant Sale: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat and 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sun, May 12-13. Plant help clinic, plant information, free soil pH testing, specialty vendor booths, plant selection assistance. Yamhill County Fairgrounds, 2070 N.E. Lafayette Ave., McMinnville. ycmga.org or 503-434-7517
Villa Garden Club Plant Sale: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Big selection of perennials. Parkrose Community United Church of Christ, 12505 N.E. Halsey St. 503-252-7423
Milwaukie Garden Club Plant Sale: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Perennials, an...
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