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Dec 30, 2015Brewologist | Craft Beer 101
Ian Cardwell pours some beer at the Phoenix Brewing Company in Mansfield. The brewery offers 16 taps, including several from other Ohio breweries.(Photo: Mitchell Pe Masilun/News Journal)
Either way, check out a craft brewery lager and see how it compares to whatever mass-produced beer you've been drinking. If you like it better, you are ready to move on.
The next step
You've found out now that some lagers are better than others. It's time to expand your horizons with a different style.
My recommendation at this early stage in your development would be a bock or a wheat beer. They are decidedly different from basic American lager, but it's not like diving headfirst into a bourbon barrel-aged barleywine. You'll be taking a small step on your journey.
Let's take bock first.
A bock is a lager, but with attitude. A bock is a malty, clean beer that emphasizes grains over hops. This generally means it is not particularly bitter. It might be golden, brownish or coppery. A traditional bock will generally have 6 to 7 percent alcohol by volume, compared to a standard American lager's 4 to 5 percent ABV. It definitely will have a stronger aroma, and a bolder flavor, than your Miller Lite.
Brewologist: Craft Beer Reviews
If you want something milder, you could go the other route and opt for a wheat beer. It might be called a weizen, or a wit, or a hefeweizen or simply a wheat beer. There are subtle differences between those. The basic thing to remember, though, is that these beers are typically gentle and mild. And refreshing. Don't forget refreshing.
Most wheat brews are low in alcohol, typically 4 to 5.5 percent alcohol by volume. They... (Chillicothe Gazette)