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Braham MN News

Oct 26, 2018

Day of the Dead comes to life in Petaluma

Gallagher said. "It's healing for all of us."Co-coordinator Abraham Solar, director of Hispanic ministry for St. Vincent de Paul Church, has fond memories celebrating the Day of the Dead when he was growing up in Mexico City. Every year Solar and his family would gather at his grandmother's grave site where they would clean the area, put out fresh flowers, pray and, of course, eat. When a family member dies, they need assistance from those they leave behind so they can properly pass on, Solar said. By bringing food and praying each year, they honor their memory, allowing the dead to successfully navigate the afterlife. "They believed that after leaving the valley of life, you go to the valley of death, but it's always a long journey," Solar said. "You needed food, spiritual guidance and even also the (guide animal) … so you can cross safely without getting lost in the valley of just being forgotten."This year marks the 18th celebration of El Dia de los Muertos Petaluma, and the 2018 theme is "hope," spotlighting the feeling that comes with each new addition to the valley of the life, Solar said."The celebration in Petaluma is part of the community now," he said. "It doesn't belong to any ethnic group. It's a Petaluma festivity. Everybody who wants to honor and share the legacy of their loved ones, who have come before them, the celebration is there to share and build community."Throughout October, events are held to help bring different elements of the celebration to life.The IceHouse Gallery, which has become the unofficial hub for the holiday, has been hosting receptions to highlight the work of local Latino artists. EL DIA DE LOS MUERTOS CLOSING EVENTSaturday, Oct. 27 from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.The Day of the Dead candlelight procession begins at 3 p.m. at the IceHouse Gallery (405 E. D Street). The march will continue down E. D Street toward Payran Street, and will end inside the Petaluma Fairgrounds.Interested participants are encouraged to bring electric candles and photos to honor their loved ones.The Petaluma Fairgrounds (175 Fairgrounds Drive) will host El Dia de los Muertos Petaluma, featuring food, music and family-friendly activities and entertainment. The event is free, but donations are accepted. For more information, check out "El Dia de los Muertos Petaluma" on Facebook. ...

Feb 8, 2018

Will County Historical Museum discovered flowers from Lincoln's ...

The Will County Historical Museum and Research Center announced the recent discovery of a small box of flowers from the 1865 funeral of President Abraham Lincoln.LOCKPORT – The Will County Historical Museum and Research Center recently announced the discovery of a collection of flowers that were lain on the funeral bier of President Abraham Lincoln in Washington, D.C., in 1865.Will County Historical Museum and Research Center President Sandy Vasko was the one who found the box of flowers as she and some volunteers were going through some of their many items at the museum in December.Volunteer Al Smuskiewicz said that the box must have been lying around for about 50 years. He said it used to be at the Joliet Public Library and then somehow ended up at the museum, which has received thousands of donated historical items from all over the county throughout the years.“It’s fascinating how it’s been lying around for all these years and it’s never really been discovered by anybody at the historical society,” Smuskiewicz said.Smuskiewicz said the flowers were clipped off by a general related to the president’s wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, and then changed hands multiple times b... (Northwest Herald)

Feb 8, 2018

Dried Flower May Be Linked to President Lincoln

News Network reports that a dried rose discovered in a box of artifacts at the Will County Historical Society may have adorned the funeral bier of Abraham Lincoln in Washington, D.C., in April 1865. Sandy Vasko, director of the historical society, said she thinks the flower had been given to General Isham Haynie of Illinois, who was a friend of Lincoln’s and may have been by his bedside when he died of a gunshot wound. General Haynie is thought to have given the rose to Mrs. James G. Elwood, whose husband was mayor of Joliet, Illinois. Elwood’s possessions were given to the historical society and stored away after it moved to its current building in 1971. The delicate dried flower will be put on limited display. Vasko added that the only other known flowers from Lincoln’s funeral are held in the Library of Congress. For more, go to “A Bold Civil War Steamer.”...

Jan 12, 2018

Rare Lincoln funeral flower discovered at Will County Historical Museum, officials say

Civil War soldier and prominent Joliet citizen and former mayor.But how that old carton came to contain a flower believed to be from Abraham Lincoln's casket is an amazing mystery to Vasko, she said.Inside were many of Elwood's medals — a find in itself — along with some of his documents and papers, she said."I thought the medals were the best of the lot," she said.But she was drawn back to the slender rectangular box with the cellophane lid outlined in a gold ribbon that contained this single faded flower.The precious petals appear to be a light colored rose that had not fully bloomed, Vasko has suggested.The still intact flower and a sprig of now brown evergreen tied together with a lacy white ribbon were obviously painstakingly preserved by someone, who taped the box shut and tucked a note inside, under the flower. The words are only partially discernable.But turning the small white box over, Vasko found a handwritten message on the bottom of the box that revealed the contents:"Flowers from the bier of President Lincoln, while the remains were lying in State at the Capital in Washington, D. C. April 20, 1865. Presented by General J. S. Todd to General I. M. Haynie, and by him presented to Mrs. Jas. G. Elwood. (nee Pearce)""When I read that note, I put it down, walked out of the museum to get some fresh air. I could not believe what I read," said Vasko, who was working alone in the historical museum in downtown Lockport.But when she went back in and re-read it, "it did say what I thought it said," she recalled.She just knew it was authentic.Alone in the museum, on the Thursday... (Chicago Tribune)

Dec 29, 2017

The priceless moment a Swanley toddler refused to hand over flowers to the Princess Royal

L’Isle, the Lord-Lieutenant of Kent, the Mayor of Swanley, Councillor Laurence Ball and the chairman of Sevenoaks District Council Councillor Larry Abraham. (Kent Live)

Jun 2, 2017

Memorial Day: Events across Central PA to help remember veterans, sacrifices

Hundred Nights of Taps” will take place at the Soldiers’ National Monument within the cemetery – often believed to mark the location of President Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” in November 1863. Bugler and bugle historian Jari Villanueva has assembled a team of buglers for event. Among the buglers signed up to perform are military veterans, Civil War re-enactor buglers, community band members, high school and college students and music teachers. For more information or to sign up to perform, you can visit this site here.Myerstown Memorial Day Parade-  The Myerstown Memorial Day parade will begin at 10 a.m. at the Myerstown pool parking lot at 515 S. Railroad St. It will continue north on Railroad Street to Main Avenue, then west to the Myerstown VFW. A memorial service at the VFW will follow immediately after the parade, probably at about 11 a.m. The parade will begin forming at the pool at 9:30 a.m. Hershey Memorial Day Parade- A parade will start at 10 a.m. at the Hershey Recreation Center and progress north on Cocoa Avenue, west on Elm Avenue, north on Ridge Avenue, east on Chocolate Avenue, and south on Cocoa Avenue back to the Recreation Center. An 11:30 a.m. ceremony at the Recreation Center will feature music, a keynote speaker, and a reading of youth essays. Lebanon Memorial Day Parade-The annual parade will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the intersection of Eighth and Cumberland streets. It will continue east along Cumberland Street to Fourth Street, north to Lehman Street, and west back to Eighth Street. There will be a ceremony in Monument Park, N. Eighth and... (