Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.


Order flowers and gifts from Florist located in Trenton MI for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 3000 Van Horn Road, Trenton Michigan 48183 Zip. The phone number is (734) 675-0487. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Florist in Trenton MI. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Florist delivers fresh flowers – order today.

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3000 Van Horn Road
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(734) 675-0487
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Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

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Florists in Trenton MI and Nearby Cities

3254 West Rd
Trenton, MI 48183
(0.99 Miles from Florist)
21051 Allen Rd
Woodhaven, MI 48183
(1.75 Miles from Florist)
8590 Macomb Street
Grosse Ile, MI 48138
(3.46 Miles from Florist)
31820 W Jefferson Ave
Brownstown Township, MI 48173
(3.78 Miles from Florist)
31820 W Jefferson Ave
Rockwood, MI 48173
(3.79 Miles from Florist)

Flowers and Gifts News

Feb 27, 2020

Frosty flowers? Early bloomers need a blanket this weekend - The Intelligencer

Patrick O’Hara at the National Weather Service in Westampton, New Jersey. Temperatures for the month of February so far as measured at Trenton, the closest measuring station for Bucks County, are 9.4 degrees above normal.“That’s a significant amount, pretty warm,” he said. And that’s on top of an average of 5.7 degrees warmer than normal for the month of January. “The whole area is experiencing this kind of warmth,” he said.But at least the plants have been getting plenty of water to drink. The precipitation total for February at Trenton amounted to 2 inches so far.After two cold days Friday and Saturday, the temperatures should rebound on Sunday into the 40s. The weather service predicts they will head back above normal for the next eight to 10 days.Despite the balmy weather predicted for most of this month, Kinley said early bloomers won’t have it easy this year. Not only do they face the possibility of a cold snap, but the plants “are still not getting the light and sun where it should be. ... Anything that blooms early is going to be at risk,” she said. ...

Feb 1, 2020

Science, creativity meet at St. Michael School's flower show -

Florence Viola, who has been teaching for 41 years. Thome, along with volunteer judges from the West Trenton Garden Club, awarded ribbons and placed encouraging notes on each horticultural project that lined St. Michael’s school gymnasium. Two students were awarded “Best of Show” and will have their projects displayed at the 2020 Philadelphia Flower Show. “What we’re looking for here is really both the creativity and ideas of the students, as well as the care and attention that they gave to the plants … but we really just want to help support and encourage all these students to continue to do this in the future,” said Thome. The Junior Flower Show has become a bright tradition at St. Michael School, with one fourth-grade student enthusiastically listing it among her favorite things about the school. And her schoolmates could enjoy the exhibit all day after it was set up for judging in the morning and remained on display for the evening open house. Students were not shy about expressing their love of St. Michael the Archangel school and Catholic education. Multiple hands raised at once when the eighth grade class was asked why students should come to Catholic school. “I think it’s a really good way to build good morals and good habits in terms of respect and kindness,” Cresbo said. “What you learn in Catholic school is to take your faith and to use that in the world around you.” Student Tyler Scalley referenced the faculty as his favorite part of St. Michael School, saying, “They want to make sure all the students get the best education.” Shirley Orlowski, mother of second grader Alicja and a school volunteer, said that after looking at five other schools, the family atmosphere at the Levittown parochial school made all the difference and was the right school for her family. “It seems like everyone has known each other for years, and that’s why we chose it here,” she said. St. Michael the Archangel is recognized in Bucks County as a school of excellence. In 2019 it was voted “Best Private School Bucks County” by Bucks Happening and voted “Best Catholic School” by Best of Bucks by the Bucks County Courier Times. In addition, the school was selected as the best Catholic school in Levittown by the Levittown Business Association. It has been nominated again this year for “Best Private School” by Bucks Happening. Vote for St. Michael the Archangel in the contest here. Voting ends on Feb. 17. Students of St. Michael the Archangel School, Levittown, show their projects at the school’s Junior Flower Show exhibit Jan. 31. (Maria Pisano) ...

Oct 10, 2019

Obituary: Angelo M. Gabriele, 72, Of Morrisville -

J. Allen Hooper Funeral ChapelAngelo M. Gabriele, age 72 of Morrisville, PA, passed away peacefully on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2019 at his home. Born in Trenton, NJ, Angelo had been a lifelong Morrisville resident.Mr. Gabriele was a graduate of Morrisville High School, Class of 1965. Prior to his retirement, he had been employed as a postal worker with the U.S. Post Office in the Yardley Branch for 41 years. Angelo was a proud Veteran of the United States Army, and was a member of the Knowles-Doyle American Legion Post # 317 in Yardley.Son of the late Leonard and Mildred (Taylor) Gabriele, and husband of the late Joyce (Cobb) Gabriele, he is survived by his brother and sister-in-law Leonard L. and Susan Gabriele of Morrisville, a stepdaughter Rebecca Farner of Falls Township, PA, and a nephew Michael L. (Ashley) Gabriele.Relatives and friends are invited to attend the Celebration of his Life on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2019 at 11:30 AM at the Knowles-Doyle American Legion Post # 317, 215 S. Main St., Yardley, PA 19067. A Legion Service will follow at 12:15 PM. His committal service will be held at 1 PM at Washington Crossing National Cemetery, 830 Highla...

Jul 26, 2019

Retired Circuit Judge Clarence Johnson Jr. dies at age 89, left legacy in court system - Florida Today

Jay Johnson said, developing his love of fishing and the outdoors in general, growing up in the rural Florida communities of Trenton and Alachua. The late judge's daughter, Jan Hulse of Vermont, recalled that, throughout her father's life, "he just loved being on the water with his family and friends," especially fishing for trout and bass. Their father liked to tell the story of arguing his first legal case at age 6, when he came to the defense of a ice delivery man he knew whom he felt was wrongly jailed for being drunk. More: Possible tropical depression a rainmaker for Florida as models shift west WeatherTiger "I immediately went down and told the sheriff, whom I knew, that my friend did not deserve to be in jail, that he was a good man, had made a mistake, and that I knew he'd never do it again," Clarence Johnson wrote in his memoirs. "The sheriff released him." Johnson became a Florida House of Representatives page at age 13, after he went to Tallahassee to lobby legislators, asking them to select him from among 35 candidates for eight page positions. He became a messenger in the sergeant-at-arms office at age 15. Johnson was a four-sport athlete in high school (football, basketball, softball and track). He then attended the University of Florida, where he received a bachelor's degree in business administration in 1955 and a law degree in 1958. His undergraduate work was interrupted by four years of service in the Air Force during the Korean War era. More: Arrest of ex-Palm Bay official Isnardi could have political implications in city, county government Following law school, Johnson began work as a lawyer for a West Palm Beach law firm. In 1961, he opened a branch office of that firm in Rockledge. Jay Johnson said his father sought to become a judge not for the prestige of the post or the pay (especially since lawyers typically earned more than judges at the time), but because he would be able to spend more time with his family, since judges had more predictable hours than lawyers did. "My dad did not talk about cases at home," Jay Johnson said. "When he was home, he was full-time dad," focusing on his family. Clarence Johnson would talk about what was going on at his children's schools, as well as church and sports — especially UF Gators football and the sports activities in which his children were involved. Clarence and Shirley Johnson were married for 62 years, raising three sons and a daughter on Merritt Island. They also have nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. "My dad's main focus was to make my mom happy, and her main focus was to make my dad happy," Hulse said. "It was a great partnership and a great friendship. He was Type A, and she balanced him very well." Hulse remember her father as "a very down-to-earth guy. He was a man of his word. He was very fair." But she joked that, for the children in the Johnson household who got into trouble, "imagine getting punished as a kid when your dad is a judge." It usually meant being sent to your room, sweating things out, while mom and dad had deliberations over what the punishment should be. Dale Johnson of Merritt Island — one of the judge's three sons, along with Jay Johnson of North Carolina and Doug Johnson of Texas — said his father was "a good storyteller, and also told a lot of good jokes." ...

Jul 26, 2019

10 stunning flower farms you can visit this summer across Canada -

There are seasonal workshops, and a bulb and perennial sale in the fall. Dahlia May Flower Farm, Trenton, ON The dreamy Dahlia May Flower Farm Instagram account boasts 71K followers, and you can find Melanie Harrington's fragrant, heirloom blooms — grown without chemicals — at the company's charming farm stand in Trenton, and at the Codrington Farmers' Market. There are floral-arranging workshops and, according to the farm's website, you are welcome to ask for tours from August–September. Seafoam Lavender, Seafoam, NS At this boutique lavender farm in Nova Scotia, you can visit the fragrant gardens from mid-May through mid-October. The farm shop offers a plethora of all-natural, handmade lavender beauty and food products. Truc Nguyen is a Toronto-based writer, editor and stylist. Follow her at @trucnguyen.

Sep 10, 2018

GREENFILE COLUMN: “Farmer-Florists” Fresh, Local Cut Flowers

In Canada, Melanie Harrington established Dahlia May Flower Farms on her family farm in Trenton, Ontario after reading Benzakein's book and deciding to take a workshop on Floret Farm in Washington. With over 60,000 Instagram followers (@dahliamayflowerfarm), Harrington has no problem marketing her sustainably grown, unique and often heirloom varieties from her roadside stand to local florists. The beauty of flowers, of course, is that they sell themselves. "A lot of trends from the local-food movement are definitely spilling over", Melanie told Ben when he dropped by the farm where she now produces row upon row of colourful flowers for cutting. "A handful of commercial greenhouses in the Niagara area have also been switched over to marijuana production, which puts a crunch on supply of greenhouse space. There's a lot of trends coming together, but I'm just happy to focus on what I enjoy doing – being creative and growing beautiful flowers." Located in Thornhill Ontario, Antonio Valente is a perfect example of how the farmer-florist trend is taking hold even in more urban environments. Valente was a substitute teacher with a passion for flowers when he started selling cut flowers from the beds he kept in his parent's backyard. Also marketing himself through Instagram, where he posts rich photography from his garden as well as how-to videos at @antonionvalenteflowers, he recently took over his parent's half-acre property and still can't grow enough to meet demand. "I'm competing with larger growers who are producing acres of flowers, so I grow varieties that a florist wouldn't typically find from a wholesaler, heirlooms such as dahlias, Gerrie Hoek and Pam Howden, and foxglove Sutton's apricot. This allows me to differentiate myself and compete with the big guys." Florist Rebecca De Oliveira, of Blush & Bloom Flower Studio, is buying more of her fresh cut flowers from these farmer-florists as the trend continues. De Oliveira's enthu...


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