Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

Monteray Farm's Flowers & Gift

Order flowers and gifts from Monteray Farm's Flowers & Gift located in Trappe MD for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 31693 Clarks Wharf Road, Trappe Maryland 21673 Zip. The phone number is (410) 820-7575. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Monteray Farm's Flowers & Gift in Trappe MD. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Monteray Farm's Flowers & Gift delivers fresh flowers – order today.

Business name:
Monteray Farm's Flowers & Gift
31693 Clarks Wharf Road
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Phone number:
(410) 820-7575
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Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

Find Monteray Farm's Flowers & Gift directions to 31693 Clarks Wharf Road in Trappe, MD (Zip 21673) on the Map. It's latitude and longitude coordinates are 38.659373, -75.977771 respectively.

Florists in Trappe MD and Nearby Cities

43 Main St
East New Market, MD 21631
(7.62 Miles from Monteray Farm's Flowers & Gift)
8223 Elliott Road
Easton, MD 21601
(8.62 Miles from Monteray Farm's Flowers & Gift)
100 Bloomingdale Avenue
Federalsburg, MD 21632
(15.08 Miles from Monteray Farm's Flowers & Gift)
22561 Walkers Turn Rd
Mcdaniel, MD 21647
(16.88 Miles from Monteray Farm's Flowers & Gift)
577 Reliance
Federalsburg, MD 21632
(17.67 Miles from Monteray Farm's Flowers & Gift)

Flowers and Gifts News

Sep 7, 2020

Why a new citrus tree produces leaves and flowers but not fruit - Press-Enterprise

Code of Regulations, Title 14, § 465.5). If you trap a wild animal, you are supposed to either humanely kill it, or release it in the same place you trapped it (presumably after giving it a good talking-to). This applies to mice, rats, opossums, raccoons, ground squirrels and other small nuisance animals. Many pest animals are non-native species and relocating them can be harmful to native wildlife. The relocated animal can also be subject to attack if it’s placed in another animal’s territory. Q: We recently had a loquat tree planted by a professional gardening crew; it replaced one that had died possibly to some radical pruning. This one doesn’t have a single trunk and instead branches near the ground. The problem is that the leaves don’t seem to mature; they sprout well, grow a little, then die off. The tree looks very spindly. A few days ago, I moved the mulch away from the base of the tree thinking that it might be staying too wet. Any advice you can throw our way would certainly be appreciated. A: Mulch is great for trees because it protects shallow roots from overheating and allows water to reach deeper roots. It also prevents grass and weeds from competing for nutrients. When applying mulch, it’s especially important to keep it away from the trunk. If mulch has been in contact with the trunk, look for any sign of fungal disease such as mushrooms or mushroom-like structures. This can cause the tree to decline rapidly. Fungus can block nutrients from reaching the leaves, and this could be the cause of spindly growth and dying leaves. Q: What caused this unusual lemon? All the other lemons are normal. A: Your photo shows a lemon that is shaped like a hand that is making a disrespectful gesture. This kind of deformity is caused by citrus bud mites (Eriophyes sheldoni). If only one fruit is affected, I recommend simply removing it. If it becomes a more widespread problem, application of horticultural oil before fruit formation should take care of it. Have questions? Email Looking for more gardening tips? Here’s how to contact the Master Gardener program in your area. Los Angeles County; 62...

Aug 3, 2020

Howard Dungan - Obituary -

Jacqui, who recently saved him from a bad fall by warning Veronica that he had a leg cramp and was trapped on the steep slope next to a vertical embankment while weeding his yard.Both Howard and Anita supported good public education for everyone, and that would include a broad curriculum helping students understand history, society, and government so they can become good citizens. It must also provide a solid foundation for all students whether they aspire to vocational or to a college education. In lieu of flowers for services at Glen Abbey in Bonita and interment at Fort Rosecrans, please consider a contribution to Honor Flight, or your favorite charity or other group that could support the above educational goals. Published in San Diego Union-Tribune on Aug. 2, 2020.

May 1, 2020

Coronavirus hit California's cut-flower industry at the worst time - Los Angeles Times

Growers could switch crops or hedge their bets, as some of the financially strapped greenhouse operations did by leasing space for cannabis cultivation when that crop was added to the California agricultural portfolio in 2016.Cut flowers are a $1.3-billion industry nationwide, though most of that revenue comes from the sale of imported flowers, predominantly from Colombia, according to the UC Davis Agricultural Issues Center. Domestic growers account for about 27% of national sales, down from 37% roughly a decade ago. California-grown flowers account for three-quarters of the national domestic sales, according to the UC Davis researchers. Advertisement Trade deals that favored Andean nations in South America as part of the war on drugs are largely responsible for the decline of California’s flower industry. While Colombia and Ecuador dominate the market for bouquet mainstays such as carnations, chrysanthemums, gerbera and roses, California growers shifted to species that can’t be grown in the cool upland valleys of the Andes.Longtime California growers switched to Continental’s specialty — the “supporting cast” of greenery in traditional bouquets including ferns, eucalyptus and Israeli ruscus, as well as Christmas trees and holly. That stock can be sustained through the shutdown. Eufloria’s roses, likewise, can survive. But they all have to be nourished, pruned and protected from weather and insects.“As long as we irrigate and we do pest control, they’re still in good shape for sales when this opens up,” Mellano said. “Probably 35% of our crop mix are annual crops, and those have to be picked when they’re ready, within days, or else they’re lost.”Among the victims are the ranunculus that carpet the Flower Fields near the San Diego Freeway in Carlsbad — a working farm that also is an important agritourism destination. It closed on March 17, two weeks into its season. Advertisement “We are absolutely dependent on the partnership between both tourists and cut flowers in order to make that work,” Mellano said of the Carlsbad farm. “And this year, all of our orders for the ranunculus got canceled by the supermarkets. And the tourism was shut down due to social distancing requirements.”Only a small portion of the fields will survive in hopes that social distancing rules will relax before summer. Then, people might again be able...

Aug 17, 2018

Liz Cooper & The Stampede Debut Album 'Window Flowers' Receiving Rave Reviews

Lord Huron, Deer Tick, Rayland Baxter, Ron Gallo and Blitzen Trapper. See below for full tour details. Recorded at Welcome to 1979 in Nashville with co-production from TJ Elias, Window Flowers is the culmination of a yearlong dedication in which Cooper pushed herself to spend every single day creating in at least one medium and saying "yes" to everything she was asked to do. Of the recording, Cooper reflects, "Our first time working with an outside producer and our first time in a proper recording studio was when we recorded Window Flowers. TJ Elias' mad scientist ideas, an abundance of hot dogs, and lack of sunlight pushed us outside of our comfort zones to work more cohesively as a unit than we ever had before." Joined in the studio by bassist Grant Prettyman and special guests Leah Blevins, Will Brown, Steve Dawson, Emily Kohavi, Michael and Ben Ford and Gianni Gibso, the new album follows Cooper's earlier self-released EPs-Monsters (2014) and Live at the Silent Planet (2016). Alongside Cooper, "The Stampede" consists of Prettyman and drummer Ryan Usher. Photo credit: Shervin Lainez Already known in Nashville for their electric live shows, Liz Cooper & The Stampede experienced their first breakthrough in 2016 with the release of their Audiotree Live session, which has attracted over 220,000 views on YouTube, and over 1,000,000 streams on Spotify. Additionally, the band placed as one of NPR Music's runners-up during their 2016 Tiny Desk Contest. Of the submission, NPR Music's Benjamin Naddaff-Hafrey hailed, "‘Mountain Man' is a catchy, simple love song written with the clarity of a good cut of Nashville country. Liz Cooper guides the song with her percussive, fingerpicked guitar and her crackling voice…a seamless balance of muted rhythmic sounds and propulsive drive that feels so good…It sounds like a car whirring past a field of trees, the light shining through." Cooper grew up in Baltimore, MD later attending T...

Dec 8, 2017

Local shop owners take Small Business Saturday to heart

If you didn't get a chance to come out here, or they did a lot of Black Friday shopping and they’re strapped for cash now, it's available for them,” said Vasquez.It's not just on pet products, but on flowers, food, books and more.“I think small businesses are the heart of the community,” said Lara Harrison, owner of Under Charlie’s Covers in Bernalillo. “I just hope that everyone will continue to be aware that we need to have these types of places in our community.”While small shops make up a huge part of the state, customers in Nob Hill say they will continue to shop local.“In Nob Hill we do a good job taking care of each other,” said Jeremy Holder, who works in the area. “I think that's important that we're out there focused on us as a whole."... (KOB 4)

Aug 25, 2017

Pitts School Road gets back-to-school garden

Greenhouses gathered in the courtyard area to create a pollinator garden, a weather station, raised beds and a root observation box while teachers strapped on their safety glasses and grabbed drills to build eight 4-ft x 12-ft raised garden beds.All of this began when first-grade teacher Erika Currin assembled a nine-person garden team committed to enhancing students’ learning experience through the addition of a school garden. The group submitted a grant application to the N.C. State Extensions’ Plants for Human Health Institute at the N.C. Research Campus in Kannapolis, and was selected for the project because of its comprehensive garden plan.“N.C. State sent out letters to all school administrators throughout Cabarrus County and if they wanted to be considered for this project they had to send in a plan. Pitts School Road had the best plan, the most comprehensive plan with long-term sustainability,” Billy Carol, store manager of the Lowe’s Home Improvement in Concord, said. “They had the best plan as to how teachers were going to use the classroom spaces.”So representatives from the institute and Lowe’s Heroes teamed up to make the garden a reality.Lowe’s Heroes is a company-wide volunteer initiative that offers Lowe’s employees the opportunity to work on a project in their own neighborhood, helping to make their communities better places to live, work and play.“Every store in our county is off... (Independent Tribune)


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