Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

Artistic Floral Designs By Sandy

Order flowers and gifts from Artistic Floral Designs By Sandy located in Ware MA for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 33 East Main, Ware Massachusetts 01082 Zip. The phone number is (413) 967-9900. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Artistic Floral Designs By Sandy in Ware MA. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Artistic Floral Designs By Sandy delivers fresh flowers – order today.

Business name:
Artistic Floral Designs By Sandy
33 East Main
Zip Code:
Phone number:
(413) 967-9900
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Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

Find Artistic Floral Designs By Sandy directions to 33 East Main in Ware, MA (Zip 01082) on the Map. It's latitude and longitude coordinates are 42.259143, -72.238051 respectively.

Florists in Ware MA and Nearby Cities

2 Vernon St
Ware, MA 01082
(0.68 Miles from Artistic Floral Designs By Sandy)
104 West Main Street
Ware, MA 01082
(0.79 Miles from Artistic Floral Designs By Sandy)
17 E Main St
West Brookfield, MA 01585
(5.16 Miles from Artistic Floral Designs By Sandy)
10 S Main St
Belchertown, MA 01007
(8.42 Miles from Artistic Floral Designs By Sandy)
381 Sturbridge Rd
Brimfield, MA 01010
(10.91 Miles from Artistic Floral Designs By Sandy)

Flowers and Gifts News

Jul 6, 2021

Christine Flowers: Free speech extends to students, too -

Christine Flowers is an attorney and a columnist for the Delaware County Daily Times, and can be reached at [email protected] Comments are not available on this story. « Previous Letter: In CMP corridor debate, Mainers deserve facts, not propaganda. Next » Commentary: What today’s GOP demonstrates about the dangers of partisan conformity filed under: Related Stories Latest Articles Adblock test (Why?)...

Apr 4, 2021

Flowers welcome first bees of the year - Mount Airy News

The heart shaped leaves of the American violets are now filled with royal purple flowers. Most gardeners are unaware that violets have a fragrant aroma and long stems. They can be picked and placed in a bud vase for an indoor bouquet. Bees are also finding the violets as well as the jasmines. Remember that you can dig up a clump of violets and transplant them to a container of finely textured potting medium on the deck or porch and it will become a long lasting perennial for many springs to come. Preparing for the soon arrival of the hummingbirds. April will soon be here, and that means the hummers cant be far behind. Buy a bottle of nectar or hummingbird food mixture, and clean out the feeders. As April begins, place a feeder half filled with nectar and keep an eye on it. When you see hummers visiting, fill up other feeders only half full to begin with. Fill completely when you see quite a few hummers coming to the feeders. The Judas trees are beginning to display their pink buds. As we get near to the first days of April, the beautiful Judas trees are showing their first hints of hot pink. They are a sign that dogwoods and Easter will soon be following as we move toward April. Dogwood buds are also showing up and their season is only weeks away. Most maples have buds and pollen is beginning to make its appearance as trees, weeds, and grasses are unloading the dusty, yellow stuff. Will March go out like a lion or a lamb? What kind of tricks does the month of March have in store for us in its last few days? Could it blow in a few surprises as it works its way out? Spring may be here as far as the calender is concerned, but we are still dealing with winter’s leftovers. March does have a split personality and it could just blow in a snowfall or even a few warm days as it winds its way down and out. If early spring soil forms a...

Apr 4, 2021

Flower sale underway in Ferry | News, Sports, Jobs - Martins Ferry Times Leader

SHELLEY HANSON STANLEY GDULA, Martins Ferry Knights of Columbus member, stands with a table full of Easter flowers on sale outside of the Ferry Hardware store, 6 S. Zane Highway. SHOW ARTICLE -- MARTINS FERRY — The Knights of Columbus annual Easter flower sale is underway outside of the Ferry Hardware store, 6 S. Zane Highway, Martins Ferry. K of C member Stanley Gdula, who has organized the sale for the past 15 years, said the sale is one of the organization’s biggest fundraisers, along with its fish frys. The flower sale did not happen last year because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but it is happening from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. The fish frys are expected to restart sometime in May. Sales from both the flower sale and fish frys help support the organization’s expenses and give it the cash needed to make donations to community groups. The Knights also give donations to St. Mary Church, which is located across the street from its headquarters on Fourth Street. “That’s where we all go,” K of C member Bruce Tratar said of attending church services. “This is a Catholic organization.” The K of C also annu...

Apr 4, 2021

Children in the garden | The Real Dirt - Chico Enterprise-Record

Activities that help children focus on their senses encourage self-awareness and strengthen qualities such as tolerance, empathy, kindness, and appreciation. Becoming mindful of their gardens and the physical world in general encourages children to become environment-conscious “green thinkers.” Children can participate in many gardening activities which foster curiosity, creativity, and mindful thinking. Here are a few suggestions: Mindful eating. Snack on something grown in the vegetable or flower garden. We tend to forget that many flowers such as dandelion (also known as a stubborn weed), nasturtium, pansy, and chamomile are edible. Snow peas, spinach, and lettuce are ready for the picking now. What does it look like? Talk about how it smells. Close your eyes and chew slowly. Discuss the taste. Bitter? Sweet? Pressed flowers. Gather fresh flowers. Place each flower (or, for larger flowers, the separated petals) between two pieces of parchment (or waxed) paper. Put between pages of a heavy book and add more weight with other books on top. Wait two to three days for flowers to dry. It’s fun to place the dried flowers in a picture frame to display in the house. The same method works beautifully for leaves and is especially effective with fall foliage. Butterfly feeder. A butterfly feeder is simple to make with a clean tin can and some twine. Poke holes in the tin can and thread the twine through the holes so you can hang the can from a tree branch. Add a bit of sponge soaked in sugar water and then fill the can with colorful stemmed flowers (like filling a vase with flowers). Butterflies are attracted to bright colors. Soon they’ll be visiting your feeder. Flower/Vegetable/Seed journal. Start with a blank journal. On the left side of each set of pages, have your young gardener paste an envelope for the seed package. Place the seed packet inside the envelope. On the right side, your gardener will write the date the seeds are planted and illustrate the different stages of growth of the seeds. Painted pots. Let your young gardener paint his or her containers. Pizza/Salsa gardens. These are great to plant in containers. What herbs are needed for pizza? Peppers and herbs are perfect container plantings. Plant a rainbow. You’ll only need a small plot (or large container) to plant flowers and vegetables that mimic the hues of...


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