Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

Ramblin Rose

Order flowers and gifts from Ramblin Rose located in Osage City KS for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 629 Market St, Osage City Kansas 66451 Zip. The phone number is (785) 528-3337. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Ramblin Rose in Osage City KS. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Ramblin Rose delivers fresh flowers – order today.

Business name:
Ramblin Rose
629 Market St
Osage City
Zip Code:
Phone number:
(785) 528-3337
if this is your business: ( update info) (delete this listing)
Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

Find Ramblin Rose directions to 629 Market St in Osage City, KS (Zip 66451) on the Map. It's latitude and longitude coordinates are 38.634594976902, -95.8250579237938 respectively.

Florists in Osage City KS and Nearby Cities

623 Topeka
Lyndon, KS 66451
(0.24 Miles from Ramblin Rose)
520 Topeka Ave,Po Box 32
Lyndon, KS 66451
(0.29 Miles from Ramblin Rose)
520 Topeka Ave
Lyndon, KS 66451
(0.29 Miles from Ramblin Rose)
307 Maple
Overbrook, KS 66524
(13.18 Miles from Ramblin Rose)
105 Elm #9
Overbrook, KS 66524
(13.29 Miles from Ramblin Rose)

Flowers and Gifts News

Jan 8, 2016

Constance “Connie” Mardee (Miller) Palmer

She earned her Bachelor of Science in Business from Emporia Teachers State College in 1959. She taught one year in Osage City Kansas High School before moving to Redondo Beach, California, with her husband, Kermit Palmer. She taught in the business department at Redondo Union High School for four years. She received her Master's of Science in Education from University of Southern California in 1964. Daughter Monette was born in 1964. The family moved to Ashland in 1965 where son Jeffrey was born in 1967. Connie and children moved to Corvallis after her divorce. She taught in the business education department at Oregon State University for 18 years. She especially enjoyed teaching and supervising her student teachers. Many of her student teachers ended up teaching and retiring from the surrounding area. When the business education department was phased out at OSU, she taught in the computer office lab at Linn-Benton Community College and also substituted in the local high schools, often for her former students. Teaching was her life career and she loved it! She met Les Duckett, the love of her life and he loved to tell people that he courted her for 23 years before she finally accepted his proposal. They were married July 21, 1991, at “high noon” on the Ponderosa Ranch at Lake Tahoe. Summers were spent camping, fishing, traveling, going to the coast and working among the hundreds of flowers and roses in their yard. They also spent lots of time obtaining and organizing Connie’s rather unusual hobby of collecting swizz... (Corvallis Gazette Times)


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