Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

Ranchview Floral & Interiors Ii Llc

Order flowers and gifts from Ranchview Floral & Interiors Ii Llc located in Leawood KS for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 3885 W 95Th St, Leawood Kansas 66206 Zip. The phone number is (800) 648-7224. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Ranchview Floral & Interiors Ii Llc in Leawood KS. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Ranchview Floral & Interiors Ii Llc delivers fresh flowers – order today.

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Ranchview Floral & Interiors Ii Llc
3885 W 95Th St
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(800) 648-7224
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Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

Find Ranchview Floral & Interiors Ii Llc directions to 3885 W 95Th St in Leawood, KS (Zip 66206) on the Map. It's latitude and longitude coordinates are 38.95683, -94.630052 respectively.

Florists in Leawood KS and Nearby Cities

7572 W 119Th St
Overland Park, KS 66213
(1.00 Miles from Ranchview Floral & Interiors Ii Llc)
8900 Est 135Th St
Overland Park, KS 66221
(1.21 Miles from Ranchview Floral & Interiors Ii Llc)
6450 Sprint Pkwy Ste E-2
Overland Park, KS 66251
(1.60 Miles from Ranchview Floral & Interiors Ii Llc)
7214 College Blvd
Overland Park, KS 66210
(1.98 Miles from Ranchview Floral & Interiors Ii Llc)
4921 W 119Th St
Overland Park, KS 66209
(2.22 Miles from Ranchview Floral & Interiors Ii Llc)

Flowers and Gifts News

Apr 20, 2018

6-year-old 'officer' gives roses to nursing home residents, tickets for 'being too cute'

The first time Oliver delivered roses to a nursing home in 2017, he received an honorary police badge from the Leawood Police Department in Kansas, his mother said. Courtney O'Connor, the executive director of Westchester Village of Lenexa, said that along with roses, Oliver also handed out "violations" to the residents that read, "you have received a ticket for being too cute." "They loved it, it made their whole week," O'Connor told ABC News. "He was just as great with the independent living residents as well as the healthcare living residents, [who are] less able to take care of themselves... it didn't even phase him. He was very caring and compassionate and gave everyone a hug." Oliver hopes to continue delivering flowers for the remainder of the year. ABC News' Enjoli Francis contributed to this report. (ABC News)

Jun 8, 2017

Boy Scouts help plant flowers at KC park


Dec 2, 2016

This 5-year-old became a 'policeman.' His beat? Handing out flowers at nursing homes

When he clocks them going fast, he yells: “Slow down!” He rode his motorcycle to an open house at the Leawood police station where he met and posed alongside real officers with their real big motorcycles. Boy, was he excited. He has met Overland Park officers, too. He later got a letter from the Leawood officers thanking him for the cookies he gave them. “Does that letter say I’m a real policeman?” Oliver asked his mom. Recently he started talking about how police help people. “I want to help people,” he told his mom. So Oliver’s mom, Brandi Davis, came up with a plan for Oliver, in his full police regalia, to visit local nursing homes and hand out flowers to the residents. She’s been chronicling his visits on Facebook, earning him national attention. “He said it makes him real happy to pass out the flowers,” said Davis. “I think he loves showing off his bike. He loves doing tricks for them.” At the first place they visited, Oliver was nervous. He asked his mom if it was OK to hug people. Afterward, Oliver told his mom that “we have to do this again.” So far they’ve been to three local senior living places, including the assisted living home where his great-grandfather lives. He’s not shy anymore. He was at the grocery store with his mom the other day, riding in a kiddie grocery cart that looked like a firetruck. Of course, he was wearing his police blues. Of course, there had to be firemen there who noted the irony and walked up to talk to him. Of course, Oliver had to tell them that policemen are cooler than firemen. This year, all he wants for Christmas is one of those little radios officers wear on their shoulders. He has to have one, he insisted to his mom, “because I need to know what my jobs are.” Santa might have to bring him a new uniform, too. He’s worn out three so far. (The San Luis Obispo Tribune)

Nov 24, 2016

Five-year-old 'Officer Oliver' of Overland Park passes out flowers while patrolling hearts

When he clocks them going fast, he yells: “Slow down!” He rode his motorcycle to an open house at the Leawood police station where he met and posed alongside real officers with their real big motorcycles. Boy, was he excited. He has met Overland Park officers, too. He later got a letter from the Leawood officers thanking him for the cookies he gave them. “Does that letter say I’m a real policeman?” Oliver asked his mom. Recently he started talking about how police help people. “I want to help people,” he told his mom. So Oliver’s mom, Brandi Davis, came up with a plan for Oliver, in his full police regalia, to visit local nursing homes and hand out flowers to the residents. She’s been chronicling his visits on Facebook, earning him national attention. “He said it makes him real happy to pass out the flowers,” said Davis. “I think he loves showing off his bike. He loves doing tricks for them.” At the first place they visited, Oliver was nervous. He asked his mom if it was OK to hug people. Afterward, Oliver told his mom that “we have to do this again.” So far they’ve been to three local senior living places, including the assisted living home where his great-grandfather lives. He’s not shy anymore. He was at the grocery store with his mom the other day, riding in a kiddie grocery cart that looked like a firetruck. Of course, he was wearing his police blues. Of course, there had to be firemen there who noted the irony and walked up to talk to him. Of course, Oliver had to tell them that policemen are cooler than firemen. This year, all he wants for Christmas is one of those little radios officers wear on their shoulders. He has to have one, he insisted to his mom, “because I need to know what my jobs are.” Santa might have to bring him a new uniform, too. He’s worn out three so far. (Kansas City Star)

Apr 22, 2016

Mathilda Prusa 1923-2016

Joe, Leoti; Donna Harris and husband Kenny, Blue Springs, Mo.; Debora Bauck and husband Dennis, Leoti; and Nancy Cowing and husband Mark, Leawood; 16 grandchildren; 14 great grandchildren; and a sister, Marilyn Degenhardt and husband LeRoy.Mathilda was preceded in death by Joe, her husband of 60 years, and her siblings Martin, Mary Agnes and Margaret.A Mass of Christian Burial was held Monday, April 18 at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Salina. with Fr. Keith Weber as the celebrant. Graveside service was held April 18 at St. Catherine Catholic Cemetery, Dubuque.Visitation was held April 17 that included a vigil at Ryan Mortuary, Salina.In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Dubuque Heritage Fund for St. Catherine’s Cemetery or Sunflower Adult Day Services and are in care of Ryan Mortuary 137 North Eighth Salina, KS, 67401.For online condolences and more information please visit www.ryanmortuary.comFuneral arrangements provided byRyan Mortuary *137 North Eighth StreetSalina, KS, 67401Great Bend (Kan.) Tribune, April 21, 2016 ... (Great Bend Tribune)

Oct 12, 2015

The Conversation: KC's Luther Florist has spent more than a century serving ...

Q: What percentage of your business is walk-in? A: Very little. Most people nowadays place orders by phone and we deliver. Q: You live in Leawood. Have you ever considered selling the shop or moving it closer to your home? A: Never. I feel very at home here. I don’t remember ever not being in here. As a young girl I came in every Saturday with my dad, and I would go play with friends in the neighborhood. Not a week goes by — and this sounds like an exaggeration but it’s not — that two or three people don’t walk in here and tell me they are so glad I haven’t left, because everybody else has. I take that to heart, and I believe this is where I’m supposed to be. Q: How has the neighborhood changed since you were a little girl? A: It went from being mixed with white families and some black families, to being mostly black families and some elderly white people that refused to move when most of the whites left. And it was very stable being mostly black until the drug houses moved in and the homes became rentals. That caused a decline. I think now with the construction of the new (East Patrol) police campus (at 27th Street and Prospect), the neighborhood might be in for positive change. That brings in development and jobs and new people. I’ve never had any problems here. My staff and I have never felt threatened or in any danger. I think when people perceive that the neighborhood is dangerous it comes from ignorance. They often have never been here. Q: What are some things you have learned about flowers that would surprise people? A: Guys come in and always buy roses for women, and you might think it’s because roses are women’s favorite flower. They aren’t. They are men’s favorite flower. Whenever gals come in and say they want to send something to their boyfriend and they don’t know what, I always tell them to send red roses. Men buy them because they love them. Q: So men prefer roses, but how have trends changed in what women order? A: “Airy” used to be a big trend. That involved a tall vase and some longer stemmed flowers, maybe some daisies and some baby’s breath in a loose arrangement, kind of ... (Kansas City Star)


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