Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

Paul Davis Flower Shop

Order flowers and gifts from Paul Davis Flower Shop located in Muncie IN for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 2215 S Madison St, Muncie Indiana 47302 Zip. The phone number is (765) 288-0269. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Paul Davis Flower Shop in Muncie IN. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Paul Davis Flower Shop delivers fresh flowers – order today.

Business name:
Paul Davis Flower Shop
2215 S Madison St
Zip Code:
Phone number:
(765) 288-0269
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Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

Find Paul Davis Flower Shop directions to 2215 S Madison St in Muncie, IN (Zip 47302) on the Map. It's latitude and longitude coordinates are 40.174568, -85.381638 respectively.

Florists in Muncie IN and Nearby Cities

120 South Walnut Street
Muncie, IN 47305
(0.28 Miles from Paul Davis Flower Shop)
705 East 5Th Street
Muncie, IN 47302
(0.69 Miles from Paul Davis Flower Shop)
2105 S Gharkey St
Muncie, IN 47302
(0.97 Miles from Paul Davis Flower Shop)
2401 West University Avenue
Muncie, IN 47303
(1.41 Miles from Paul Davis Flower Shop)
211 W Mcgalliard Rd
Muncie, IN 47303
(2.01 Miles from Paul Davis Flower Shop)

Flowers and Gifts News

Sep 7, 2020

Zoning board OK's U-pick flower farm with historic barn turned wedding venue - The Star Press

Seth Slabaugh Muncie Star PressPublished 7:00 AM EDT Sep 7, 2020OAKVILLE, Ind. — In 2016, Vick and Christa Conway were thinking about tearing down the 19th century horse barn behind their historic home in the country.Evidently built in 1863, the barn in southern Delaware County had fallen into disrepair and become a catchall for a variety of things.But their son Garrett wanted to save it and ended up doing a lot of the work to make it a suitable place for his high school graduation open house. It also became a hangout for him and other kids.Today, with the approval of a zoning variance by the Metropolitan Board of Zoning Appeals, the barn is being used as the retail store for the family's Barnside Bloom and Events business — a U-pick flower farm and rustic venue for weddings and other celebrations.Barnside Bloom is one of two variances authorized by the BZA this summer to allow event-venue businesses in barns. A variance for a third barn to become a wedding venue was denied; it was located in an are...

Feb 27, 2020

Muncie Origins: Normandy Flower Shop continues family florist tradition - Ball State Daily News

I was around 12 [doing simple little things],” Benken said. “When I started [delivering flowers] after school, I was 16.” After Benken moved from Muncie to Ohio with her husband, she said, she thought she had left the flower business behind her. However, once the holidays rolled around, Benken said, she found herself working for a flower shop in Ohio because she missed the “chaos and crazy” of the season. Although Benken and her husband started their family in Ohio, they wanted their children to grow up in Muncie. In 1982, the Normandy Flower Shop, which was established in downtown Muncie in the 1940s, came up for sale. The Benkens decided to make the shop their own. “It was the [floral] business that I knew,” Benken said. “I wasn’t making much of a living working for other people. It was [my husband’s] idea to buy the flower shop. I just wanted to come home.” At the time she opened Normandy Flower Shop, Benken said, downtown was “pretty dead” because there were only banks, law firms, jewelry stores and flower shops in the area. “My pocket book said to move up to McGalliard, but my heart said to stay [in downtown Muncie]. I followed my heart … I stuck with it,” Benken said. “I’ve been here ever since.” The shop offers arrangements for all holidays, celebrations and seasons. There is a team of six employees who help make arrangements, two of which are Benken’s adult children. Audrey Scott, Benken’s daughter, said she once left Muncie with her husband to move to San Diego. Scott made a career for herself working at a vet clinic but found herself missing Normandy Flower Shop. Now, she is her family's fourth generation of florists. “I delivered something to someone on [Ball State’s] campus one time, and she said, ‘It's so pretty, thank you,’” Scott said. “You could ...

Dec 18, 2019

The story behind a local Muncie flower shop - Ball State Daily News

Normandy Flower Shop owner Judy Benken thought she would grow up and find out what she wanted to do. Benken’s family owned a flower shop in Muncie. Benken spent a lot of time helping her family's business. “I grew up in the flower business,” Benken said. “My parents owned a flower shop here in town, but not this one.” As a young child, Benken would often lick stamps and help with statements. As she got older, she was able to help the family business even more. “When I was 16 I would deliver flowers after school and learned to do wedding work and I delivered those too,” said Benken. Benken ended up going off to college. Then after college, she moved to Ohio where she lived for four years. While being away from her family’s flower shop business, Benken tried multiple jobs. “I thought ‘this is my chance to get out of the flower business’ and I looked for a job and I ended up at a veterinarian,” said Benken. “But I missed the flower business. The holidays rolled around and it just wasn’t the same.” Benken was shocked at h...

Jul 5, 2019

Area roundup: Learn about 'Flowers, Ferns and Dinosaurs' at Rinard Greenhouse - Muncie Star Press

Published 12:59 PM EDT Jun 7, 2019 MUNCIE — The Dr. Joe and Alice Rinard Orchid Greenhouse in Christy Woods on the Ball State University campus will offer a program on "Flowers, Ferns and Dinosaurs" 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, June 8. No registration is required for this free, family-friendly program. Parking will be available near Christy Woods on the Ball State University campus. Whitely Council to discuss summer reading program MUNCIE — The Whitely Community Council will have its monthly community meeting 6-7 p.m. Monday, June 10, at the Muncie Area Career Center, 2500 N. Elgin St. A small meal and refreshments will be served 5:30-6 p.m. This meeting is open to all Muncie citizens. This month this Education and Health Committee will present information about the summer reading program, “Yes We Care, Reading Everywhere," a program designed to influence a culture of reading in the city of Muncie. The committee will be bringing books and magazines to distr...

Jun 14, 2018

Area roundup: Minnetrista Garden Fair blooms on Saturday

MUNCIE - Minnetrista will have its annual Garden Fair 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, June 2. The event is one day only this year, and the Farmers Market will be open the same hours that Saturday. Vendors will sell plants, flowers, herbs, compost, garden art, bird feeders and more. Information: or 765-282-4848. Wear Orange Walk to oppose gun violence MUNCIE - Muncie's Wear Orange Walk, a gun violence awareness event, will be the afternoon of Saturday, June 2. Participants are invited to wear orange and gather at 2 p.m. at Tuhey Park to walk to City Hall, joined by survivors and other advocates. To join the fourth annual National Gun Violence Awareness Day and Wear Orange, visit or email Wes-Del to serve lunches over summer GASTON - Wes-Del Community Schools will offer summer food service during June and July. Free meals will be available to all children age 18 and younger and to persons older than 18 who are enrolled in a a state-approved educational program for the mentally or physically disabled, according to a release. Lunch will be ser...

Mar 23, 2018

Area roundup: Photograph flowers at Rinard Greenhouse

ET Feb. 28, 2018 Orchids bloom at the Rinard Orchid Greenhouse on the campus of Ball State University.(Photo: Photo provided)MUNCIE — The Rinard Orchid Greenhouse at Ball State University is calling all local photographers for a special photo shoot with nature on Saturday, March 3.Professional photographers and amateur camera enthusiasts are invited to take advantage of the early morning light and dew to practice capturing the greenhouse's orchids and other tropical plants in all their beauty.This event is free and no registration is required. Photographers should take their own photography equipment (camera, tripods, etc.).The Rinard Orchid Greenhouse is located in Christy Woods on the southwest side of the Ball State University campus. Parking is free on Saturdays and can be accessed from University Avenue. Information: for Barth on SundayMUNCIE — Bowlers will be raising money for Barth syndrome research by "Hey-Hey Henry Bowling for Barth" starting at 1 p.m. Sunday, March 4, at Clancy's Village Bowl.Bowling costs $10 for children and $13 for adults. Proceeds will benefit Grzegorz Nalepa's research for a cure at ... (Muncie Star Press)


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