Florists in Cedar Lake, IN
Find local Cedar Lake, Indiana florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Cedar Lake and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Cedar Lake Flower Shops
8600 Lake Shore Dr
Cedar Lake, IN 46303
(219) 374-7532
8600 Lake Shore Drive
Cedar Lake, IN 46303
(219) 374-8600
Cedar Lake IN News
May 22, 2015Thanks to the many who helped annual plant sale
Donations from the following sponsors provided us with a variety of plants for our
customers: Blain’s Farm & Fleet, Buds & Blooms, Cedar Lake Garden, Connie’s Greenhouse, County Market, Decatur Ace Hardware, Decatur Park District, Earthern Pottery, Farmer’s Market, Harryland Market, Kenney’s Ace Hardware, Jordan’s Nursery, Airport Plaza Kroger, Fairview Plaza Kroger, Lowe’s, Mari-Mann Herb Co., Richland Community College, Rural King, Ryder’s Landscaping, Sam’s Club, SavMor Pharmacy, Secret Garden, Shirley’s Flower Shoppe, Svendsen Florist, The Garden Path, Walmart east, Walmart north and Wethington’s Fresh Flowers.
A special thanks again to our member, Betty Kline, who provided truckloads of
plants dug from her gardens.
A huge thank you to all of our sponsors, members and customers.
As always, the proceeds will be used to fund our many community projects and scholarships.
Fran Jones, Chairperson
Mount Zion
... (Herald & Review (blog))