Florists in Beech Grove, IN
Find local Beech Grove, Indiana florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Beech Grove and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Beech Grove Flower Shops
1815 Albany Street
Beech Grove, IN 46107
(317) 781-5472
Beech Grove IN News
May 25, 2017Memorial Day services planned
Buy PhotoFlags decorate military graves across Beech Grove Cemetery for Memorial Day in this file photo.(Photo: Corey Ohlenkamp/The Star Press)Buy PhotoLocal cemeteries and organizations are planning special programs on or around Memorial Day.Monday, May 29Redkey Memorial Day ceremonies: 9 a.m. at Claycomb Cemetery; 10 a.m. at Redkey War Mothers Memorial Monument , and 11 a.m. at Hillcrest Cemetery.Memorial Day service at Vietnam Veterans Memorial for Delaware County, 9 a.m., Heekin Park. The program will include comments by Netha Wyman and "Taps" and rifle salute by the Delaware County Honor Guard.Bethel Church, 12110 W. Bethel, Memorial Day service at 10 a.m. May 29.Beech Grove Cemetery's 145th Annual Memorial Day Ceremony, 11 a.m. in the Veterans Section. Music by America’s Hometown Band, with prelude beginning at 10:45 a.m. Speaker will be Vietnam veteran Gary Turner. The ceremony also will include the reading of the 2017 veterans list and a rifle salute by the Delaware County Honor Guard.Here's how to submit your group's Memor... (Muncie Star Press)