Florists in Chenoa, IL
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Chenoa Flower Shops
133 Veto Street
Chenoa, IL 61726
(309) 319-3514
Chenoa IL News
Dec 30, 2015Two More NAG's for Michael Andrew Highlight Jr's West Friday Prelim
Kovac was fifth (4:16.38,) and Evie Pfeifer (UN-CSP) was sixth at 4:16.67. DART claimed the last two positions with large improvements from both Chenoa Devine (4:16.77) and Kinsey Halladay (4:18.57.)BOYS 400 IM PRELIMNitro’s Sean Grieshop was just shy of his seed time but easily held his top spot in the 400 IM prelim, touching almost six seconds ahead of the rest of the field with 3:44.93. Behind him, Jeffco Hurricane’s Michael Zarian was second with a three second improvement to 3:50.27. JH landed a second swimmer into the big heat with a 3:54.45 for sixth out of Keegan Foulke. PASA also claimed two spots in the A-final with a third place 3:52.04 out of Joe Molinari and seventh from Alex Liang’s 3:54.60. Edina’s Jonthomas Larson will be the number four seed tonight at 3:52.29, another three second improvement. The biggest surprises though were from 23 seed Carter Grimes from Sandpipers of Nevada and 14 year old 32 seed Jarod Arroyo from Wasatch Front Fish Market. Grimes cut nearly six seconds to land fifth in the prelim at 3:53.69. Arroyo’s improvement was even crazier as he was entered as the second highest LCM time, and the fastest SCY time he has in the system is a 4:04.56 from late March this year. That means that he cut 8.9 seconds to steal the 8th place position and earn a spot in tonight’s show. GIRLS 100 FLY PRELIMLonghorn Aquatics’ Victoria Edwards turned in the lone 52 second prelim swim for the 100 fly prelim at 52.92. Alexis Margett from Brea Aquatics was second in 53.28, followed by Tevyn Waddell from Mitchell, South Dakota at 53.51 for third. Last night’s showstopper, Ozaukee’s Katie Drabot came out of nowhere in the prelim, dropping 1.29 from her 24th place seed to take the fourth position in the final for tonight. KC Swim Academy’s Cailey Grunhard who moved up from 28th seeded 55.01 to take fifth at 53.81. Rounding out the rest of the top eight were Covina’s Catherine Sanchez (53.82,) Crow Canyon’s Maddie Murphy (53.84,) and Royal Swim Team’s Amy Okada (53.98.)BOYS 100 FLY PRELIMAfter Thursday’s results it would be hard to not get excited about tonight’s 100 fly matchup between Michael Andrew and Ryan Hoffer. Michael nearly scratched the 200 IM final after brea...