Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

Pam's Final Touch

Order flowers and gifts from Pam's Final Touch located in West Bend IA for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 211 Broadway, West Bend Iowa 50597 Zip. The phone number is (515) 887-4762. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Pam's Final Touch in West Bend IA. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Pam's Final Touch delivers fresh flowers – order today.

Business name:
Pam's Final Touch
211 Broadway
West Bend
Zip Code:
Phone number:
(515) 887-4762
if this is your business: ( update info) (delete this listing)
Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

Find Pam's Final Touch directions to 211 Broadway in West Bend, IA (Zip 50597) on the Map. It's latitude and longitude coordinates are 42.958295, -94.44517 respectively.

Florists in West Bend IA and Nearby Cities

318 North Broadway Avenue
West Bend, IA 50597
(0.41 Miles from Pam's Final Touch)
109 East State Street
Algona, IA 50511
(12.75 Miles from Pam's Final Touch)
308 E State St
Algona, IA 50511
(12.85 Miles from Pam's Final Touch)
1500 Hwy. 169 N
Algona, IA 50511
(13.29 Miles from Pam's Final Touch)
2101-2199 19Th Street
Emmetsburg, IA 50597
(15.59 Miles from Pam's Final Touch)

Flowers and Gifts News

Aug 22, 2019

Visual Art: Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom - urbanmilwaukee

This year’s Members Exhibit, on display through September 8 at the MOWA, 205 Veterans Ave. in West Bend, features paintings, sculptures and mixed media works by 250 members of all skill levels, from hobbyists to professional artists. The exhibit “offers an invaluable look into the creative vision of contemporary Wisconsin art,” according to the MOWA website. Located in the museum’s State Gallery, the exhibit is divided into several media and subject categories, including sculpture, glassware and ceramics, landscapes, animals, figures and portraits, abstract art, fiber art and mixed media. From pre-kindergartners’ charming watercolors and colorful paper collage to a folk-art-inspired painting of a Wisconsin barn wedding to clay sculptures, Impressionist-influenced waterscapes and vibrant encaustic works, the community-minded Members show offers visitors a breadth of art not often seen in other exhibits. Barns, deer, polka bands, and Milwaukee Bucks MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo are Wisconsin-themed subjects highlighted in the Members’ Exhibit. Other motifs include African wildlife, realistic painted portraits and still life, as well as birds, boats and wintry landscapes. “This is truly a show where there is something for everyone,” said Graeme Reid, MOWA director of collections. This year marks the 17th Members’ Exh...

Jan 25, 2019

Day 7: Faces and Flowers – a look at the culture of El Salvador -

Jan. 25, 2019 – El Salvador – Nancy and David Slinde of West Bend are in the midst of a 10-day missionary trip to El Salvador. It’s the 30th time the couple have been to the Central American country to complete projects focusing on education, health, housing and business startup.Below is a photo gallery of some of the faces and flowers encountered during the trip.The grand dame of Mariscal Hotel in El SalvadorAt the street market outside the Mayan ruins of El SalvadorCommunity park in the mountains in El Salvador. Nancy Slinde and child from mission church in El Salvadorimg class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-71803" src="" alt width="300" height="400" srcset="

Jun 29, 2017

Getting back to her roots

Owner and Floral Artists Amanda Strassburg of West Bend holds a collection of roses as she poses for a portrait Tuesday afternoon at Consider the Lilies in West Bend. The floral shop opened in the new downtown location on South Main Street at the end of April.John Ehlke/Daily News Consider the Lilies has offered floral arrangements for about six and a half years, but just recently found a retail location in downtown West Bend at 136 S. Main St. Though it’s the first time the floral arrangement business will have a retail location, the experience isn’t new for owner Amanda Strassburg.“I would say my roots are in retail. ... I knew that I always wanted to return to it,” Strassburg said, adding, “I enjoy creating relationships and having a retail space.”The space is an opportunity for her to get to know her customers and learn what they do and don’t like. W... (Greater Milwaukee Today)


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