Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.


Select from variety of flower arrangements with bright flowers and vibrant blossoms! Same Day Delivery Available!


Classically beautiful and elegant, assortment of roses is a timeless and thoughtful gift!

Florists in Algona, IA

Find local Algona, Iowa florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Algona and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.

Algona Flower Shops

Bloom Floral

308 E State St
Algona, IA 50511
(515) 395-6333

Buscher Florist & Antiques

109 East State Street
Algona, IA 50511
(515) 295-9483

Hy-Vee Floral Shop

1500 Hwy. 169 N
Algona, IA 50511
(515) 295-9348

Algona IA News

Feb 3, 2016

Friday's roundup: Southfield fends off Troy Athens

Branden Rucker added 10 points and seven rebounds for Southfield. Brendt Stephens scored 12, all on 3-pointers, for Athens. More boys Armada 50, Algonac 45: Adam Job and Fred Lawson both had 12 and Mitch Ruczynski had 10 for Armada (4-2). Mark Ruhlman had 11 for Algonac (1-6). Belleville 61, Dearborn Heights Crestwood 48: Daveon Williams had 22 points, Kelvin Blades had 12 points and eight rebounds for Belleville (4-2). Charles Demmings had 12 for Crestwood (2-3). Birmingham Seaholm 45, Birmingham Groves 42: Max Clark and Joe Wujciak each had 11 points for Seaholm (2-4). Johnnie Reece had 12 points for Groves (4-2). Bloomfield Hills 50, Troy 48: Josh Jones had 15 points and Justin Henry had 10 for Bloomfield Hills (5-3, 1-0 OAA White). Jason Dietz and Danny Sully each scored 17 for Troy (3-3, 0-1). Canton 57, Livonia Franklin 32: Logan Ryan and Obi Okoli each had 15 points for Canton (7-0). Jax Gasaway had 11 for Franklin (1-6). Dearborn Heights Robichaud 60, Dearborn 58: Jashawn Westley had 18 points and 10 rebounds, Jairus Grissom had 15 points and 11 rebounds and Jaylen Favor had 10 points and seven boards for Robichaud (4-2, 2-0). Shane Moran scored 15 points for Dearborn (1-6, 0-1). Detroit Allen Academy 73, Taylor Trillium 31: Drequan Bell had 20 points and five steals and Mark Watts added 12 points for Allen (4-2, 1-0). Taylor Trillium is 0-4, 0-2. Detroit Cass Tech 53, Detroit Western International 48: Michael Farmer had 15 points and Leonard Silas had 14 points and eight assists for Cass Tech (2-5). Brailen Neeley scored 14 for Western (6-2). Detroit CMA 62, Detroit Southeastern 47: John Phillips had 15 points and 10 rebounds, DaMonte Jones had 15 points and Dayshawn Brown had 10 points and 10 rebounds for CMA (4-1). Alante Coward had 16 points for Southeastern (2-5). Detroit Denby 67, Detroit Davis Aerospace 30: William Goodwin scored 15 points and Dakota Lewis had 13 for Denby (4-2, 2-0). Detroit Douglass 68, Detroit Central 54: James Smith III and Carlos Byars-Walker each had 15 points and Kelly Broadus scored 14 for Douglass (3-5). Darius Linum had 15 points for Central (4-2). Detroit East English Village 77, Detroit Henry Ford 71: Karmari Newman had 19 points and Tedrick Lattimore had 16 points and 14 rebounds for East English (5-2). James Towns scored 21 for Henry Ford (4-3). Detroit King 69, Detroit Cody 9: Jesse Scarber had 13 points and Maseceo McCadney had 11 for King (5-2). Cody is 2-4. Detroit Osborn 49, Detroit Mumford 40: Rashard Zimmermon had 17 points and eight rebounds and Kenneth Holloway had 10 points and 10 rebounds for Osborn (3-2, 1-1 PSL). Mumford is 4-2 (1-1). Detroit Renaissance 68, Detroit Pershing 53: Justin Turner led Renaissance (5-0, 2-0 PSL) with 22 points and seven rebounds, while Richard Talley added 13 points and 10 rebounds. David Syfax scored 30 for Pershing (3-3, 0-2). Detroit University Prep 73, Southfield Bradford Academy 60: Colyn Waldr... (The Detroit News)

Jan 8, 2016

Ira Township to focus on growth, development in 2016

W Program, Ira Township was awarded $996,930. Chesterfield Township is expected to receive roughly $1.8 million, according to the DEQ. New Baltimore, Algonac and Clay Township were not awarded a specific amount, but were placed on a list with several other applicants to be funded as monies become available.Township officials have also been working to enhance and expand the DNR access site near Palms Road. The project will include developing an area for kayaks and canoes, as well as installing an elevated boardwalk for wildlife viewing, McCoy said. Plans also include expanding the site to nearly double its current capacity and adding an emergency landing pad for helicopters.“I’m very excited for this project; it will be one of a kind,” said Geri McCann, director of the township’s parks and recreation department. “The residents will have more access to the water for different sports. The township will benefit by being recognized for the design and the team effort with the government.”McCoy said officials are also looking forward to continued expansion in residential building development in 2016.“As for future growth, we have approved two site plans that will bring two separate condominium projects into our community, as well,” he said.The Ira Township Parks and Recreation Department will also see a few changes in the New Year. The department’s office will move from the township hall on Meldrum Road to the department of public service building located just past the cell tower. Continued... McCoy said the move will allow for more space, as well as help the department enhance future projects and broaden community outreach in 2016.The parks and recreation department will now have office space that can be expanded as needed, as well as a conference room that can accommodate about 40 people for various programs offered by the department, McCann said.“The move is great,” she added. “The department will benefit by having space for small gatherings, extra room for conferences and meetings for the parks and recreatio... (New Baltimore Voice Newspapers)

Oct 12, 2015

Ambrose Rooney

City; 34 grandchildren; 32 great-grandchildren; sister, Ann Rooney of Rockwell; two brothers, Joe Rooney of Dougherty and John (Maxine) Rooney of Algona; sister-in-law, Darla Yeager of Bellevue; numerous nieces and nephews. Ambrose was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Elvira Rooney; daughter, Sue Eckenrod; son, Ronald Rooney; two sisters, Mary Bottolfson and Marjorie Grombka; four brothers-in-law; two sisters-in- law. Hogan-Bremer-Moore Colonial Chapels, 126 Third St. N.E., Mason City, IA: 641-423-2372. ... (Mason City Globe Gazette)