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Americus Flower Shops
607 North Lee Street
Americus, GA 31709
(229) 928-0905
1600 E Forsyth St F
Americus, GA 31709
(229) 924-8171
304 W Lamar St
Americus, GA 31709
(229) 924-8126
1603 Crawford Street
Americus, GA 31709
(229) 924-1798
Americus GA News
Feb 3, 2016Turner County's Johnson-Green to speak at annual MLK breakfast
She graduated from Crisp County High School in June of 1983. While enrolled at Crisp County High School she also attended Georgia Southwestern in Americus.
Johnson-Green is a member of the Zion Hope Missionary Baptist Church. She serves in many capacities at the church, including church and pastor's secretary, young adults Sunday school teacher and youth usher leader, and she sings with the Young Adult Choir.
She is a past member of the Turner County Rotary Club, Ashburn-Turner County Chamber of Commerce Board, and Turner County Connections Board. She currently serves on the Executive Board of Ruth’s Cottage and The Patticake House, along with the Coastal Plains Area EOA and Head Start.
She was hired in the Turner County Clerk’s Office in 1984. She left the clerk’s office in 1992 to take a job with the Prosecuting Attorney’s Council in the Drug Prosecution Division where she worked for three years. In 1995 she became a legal assistant at the Law Office of the late Ken R. Hilyer. After Hilyer’s sudden death in November 2004, she was sworn in as the Clerk of the State Court of Turner County.
Johnson-Green is the first black elected official in Turner County and the first black Clerk of Superior Court. Currently, she is the Clerk of the Superior, State and Juvenile courts for Turner County. In 2009 she received dual certificates from the University of Georgia Carl Vinson Institute of Government as the Clerk of the Superior Court and Clerk of the State Court. This was the first time a clerk ever received both certificates at one time.
Her hobbies are reading, trekking through the woods with her grandchildren, working in her flowers, studying the scriptures and most of all helping others. She is married to Lester Carl Green; they have three children and five wonderful grandchildren.
Charleston Carter, committee chair, said, “The theme for the breakfast is 'Remember! Celebrate! ... (Tifton Gazette)
Feb 2, 2016Academically Speaking 02.01
Brunswick resident Charles McIlrath recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree in history from Georgia Southwestern State University in Americus.
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Brunswick resident Sara Thompson recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree in dramatic arts from Georgia Southwestern State University at Americus.
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Brunswick resident Cameron J. Reed was recently named to the fall Dean’s List at Charleston Southern University in Charleston, S.C.
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Brunswick resident Tomio C. Oda was recently named to the fall Dean’s List at Thomas University in Thomasville.
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The following local residents recently graduated from The Georgia institute of Technology in Atlanta.
From Brunswick: Kelsey Hollington.
From St. Marys: Charles Cardin and Alexander Tippens.
From Townsend: Kaitlyn Long.
From Woodbine: Abraham Marsen.
(Brunswick News)