Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

Pink Flamingo At Petals

Order flowers and gifts from Pink Flamingo At Petals located in New Smyrna Beach FL for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 201 Canal St, New Smyrna Beach Florida 32168 Zip. The phone number is (386) 423-5927. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Pink Flamingo At Petals in New Smyrna Beach FL. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Pink Flamingo At Petals delivers fresh flowers – order today.

Business name:
Pink Flamingo At Petals
201 Canal St
New Smyrna Beach
Zip Code:
Phone number:
(386) 423-5927
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Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

Find Pink Flamingo At Petals directions to 201 Canal St in New Smyrna Beach, FL (Zip 32168) on the Map. It's latitude and longitude coordinates are 29.024929, -80.922897 respectively.

Florists in New Smyrna Beach FL and Nearby Cities

643 N Dixie Fwy
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
(1.09 Miles from Pink Flamingo At Petals)
1141 N Dixie Fwy
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
(1.86 Miles from Pink Flamingo At Petals)
2120 S Ridgewood Ave Ste 2A
Edgewater, FL 32141
(4.07 Miles from Pink Flamingo At Petals)
5889 S Williamson Blvd Ste 216
Port Orange, FL 32128
(8.64 Miles from Pink Flamingo At Petals)
601 Herbert St
Port Orange, FL 32129
(9.62 Miles from Pink Flamingo At Petals)

Flowers and Gifts News

Oct 26, 2018

BEAUTIFUL BLOOMS: Pink vincas and angelonias for breast cancer fighters

These plants – vincas and angelonias – were sent in by Deb Hibdon of New Smyrna Beach as a way of remembering everyone who has fought or are fighting breast cancer. "I just wanted to share some pinks with you," Deb wrote. "These vincas and angelonias are so perky! I‘ve had these out in my front yard area for months. They are looking so lovely!" And perky pink potted flowers are perfect to lift up breast cancer survivors during their special month! Thanks for thinking of them, Deb! Ron Ceryak of Flagler Beach sent in the gorgeous yellow candelabra cassia bush, which can reach 5 to 8 feet tall and span a 3 to 4-foot width. "I got some seeds from a friend," Ron wrote, "and they turned into these beautiful plants." I know some gardeners who prefer height than sprawl, so they stake the plants upright, and watch them climb to nearly 12 feet tall. UF/IFAS Gardening Solutions calls them "a delight in the fall landscape because it is covered with cheerful yellow flowers when few other plants are blooming." If you're looking to attract butterflies, Gardening Solutions says cassia plants serve as larval hosts for three types of Florida butterflies – cloudless sulphur, sleepy orange and orange-barred sulphur. Finally, the meezoo bloom was sent in by Debbie Fugate of Port Orange. She says it's a succulent plant that requires very little water and can be placed in full or part sun. "It thrives in the heat and produces the sweetest little flowers," she said. "I have had this plant for a few years – just a little pruning and it continues to thrive." Beautifu...

Aug 17, 2018

BEAUTIFUL BLOOMS: Horsemint, curcuma and moonflowers

The spotted bee balm or horsemint, which is a wild perennial in Florida and a great pollinator, was sent in by Martha Ross of New Smyrna Beach. "I subscribe to the Darwinian Gardener (thanks, Mark Lane) principles of gardening: plant natives; don't water; and the fit will survive," she wrote. "My first horsemint came from a roadside. It is always an adventure to see where it will appear in my sandy beach yard the next year," Martha continued. "It grows sometimes four to five feet high. The flowers form towers along the stalk and are very showy. The leaves smell much like oregano and were used by early Floridians (Minorcans) as a seasoning." She noted that this year her horsemint plants are particularly prolific. Debbie Fugate of Port Orange, a regular Beautiful Blooms contributor, sent in the curcuma plant, writing, "I love these curcuma flowers. They are a bulb plant and a member of the ginger family. They bloom all summer long and come in several colors. The white ones tend to show off the little purple flowers that peek out the best." Carol Burdiss Miller of Edgewater shared with us one of the many moonflowers opening in her back yard on Riverside Drive. - To submit Beautiful Blooms, email Include your name, city and don't forget to tell us about your blooms. Photos must be high resolution (at least 1MB) and emailed as a .jpg attachment.

Mar 2, 2017

News of Record for Friday, Feb. 3, 2017

Daytona Beach Shores; Michael T. Weis and Pek Kuan Liu, DeBary; Kelsey A. Robinson and Vernon E. Waters, Pierson; Janee R. Cohen and Webb E. Wright, New Smyrna Beach; Christopher M. West and LaShell C. McCloskey, Port Orange; Lindsey L. McCreary, South Daytona and Roma S. Davis, Elkton; Daniel A. Sprowl, Port Orange and Susan J. Bencsik, Ormond Beach; Lorraine K. Perkins and John Dutton Thoms, Port Orange; David R. McKeown and Cynthia E. Conley, Holly Hill; Elizabeth B. Dillman and Nathaniel J. Karr, Ormond Beach.MARRIAGE DISSOLUTIONS STARTED: Latwan Lonel v. Regina Davis Ferguson; Ruben v. Linda C Nazario; Douglas C. v. Sheila A. Cornell; Jessica R. v. Renardo v. Williams; Chante Nicole Nichols v. Robert Nichols Iii; Carlos R. v. Shawna R. Rivera; Jamie v. Moises Ocasio Ii.MARRIAGE DISSOLUTIONS GRANTED: Camacho Evidio And Moran Maria Del Carmendiaz;Evan And Teresa Lynn Levenson; Brady Veronica Lynn And Taylor Gregory Gene;Charles Edward And Joelle Elizabeth Harris; Linda T. And Robert Pelletier; Matthew And Shelly F. Cawood; Jermaine Andrew Bailey Dixon And Ashley Drane.BIRTHS:HOWLETT/COLLINS: Charles Coleman Howlett and Kyla Nicole COllins, Daytona Beach, are the parents of a son weighing 9 pounds, 2 ounces, born at 3:14 a.m. Jan. 25, 2017, at Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center.MINABERRY/MCFARRAN: Matthew Minaberry Jr. and Taylor McFarran, South Daytona, are the parents of a daughter weighing 9 pounds, 3 ounces, born at 12:54 a.m. Jan. 27, 2017.SCHWARZE: Ksenia and Thomas Schwarze, Edgewater, are the parents of a son weighing 5 pounds, 3 ounces, born at 9:32 a.m. on Jan. 25, 2017 at Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center, Daytona Beach. (Daytona Beach News-Journal)

Oct 27, 2016

Cabbage Patch owner Ron Luznar killed in head-on collision

FHP report states. Luznar made it about a quarter of a mile before he collided with a 2016 Ford pickup truck driven by Justin Richards, 28, of New Smyrna Beach. Richards was in critical condition Friday and was transported to Halifax Health Medical Center, the FHP report said. Friends of Richards have posted comments on Facebook stating that he is the father of three children, one of them 2 weeks old. None of his family members could be reached Friday. Luznar was not wearing a seat belt and a blood test taken at the scene is pending, the FHP report shows. Court records show that Luznar pleaded guilty in 2010 to reckless driving and DUI. He was adjudicated guilty on both. Sopotnick’s Cabbage Patch Bar’s longtime bartender Mary Ann Muir got the call early Friday morning that her friend, mentor and boss would not be sitting in his usual spot at the picnic table, reading the paper and doing his crossword puzzle. Muir has wiped down the counters at the bar for at least 16 years, but has known Luznar even longer. “He was like our papa bear,” she said, choking back tears. Muir, the other bartenders and several patrons gathered at the watering hole early Friday and reminisced about the man they knew and loved. Muir said Luznar inherited the nearly 91-year-old corner tavern from his  “Aunt Ollie” and made it what it is today — a bikers’ destination featuring the cabbage wrestling that some say put Samsula on the map. "Aunt Ollie" is Olga Sopotnick Weber, whose father, Joe Sopotnick, was one of the Slovenian co-founders of Samsula moving here in 1913. He built the two-story house where the bar stands in the mid 1920s. Weber began running the bar in 1967 and legend has it that she would drag race a motorcycle once a year. Illegal races became a problem for law enforcement into... (Daytona Beach News-Journal)

Oct 13, 2016

Hurricane Matthew can't spoil couple's wedding dreams

Suzanne Hirt @suzsaysNJ “Welcome to the refugee camp,” Lola Gomez said Saturday as she led the way into her New Smyrna Beach townhouse where air mattresses and suitcases lined the floors and leaned upright against every open stretch of wall. If not for the empty vases and bundles of uncut flowers cluttering the kitchen counters, it could have been a scene from any Volusia or Flagler residence where people sheltered with loved ones through the deadly storm that skirted Florida’s east coast Friday. But this was no extended hurricane party — at least not initially. Six months ago, Lola, a News-Journal photographer, and her fiancé, Alfredo “A.J.” Lopez, declared Saturday, Oct. 8, their wedding day. Their families and childhood friends booked hotel accommodations and airline tickets from Venezuela, Lola and A.J.’s native country, and from Argentina, Spain and states around the U.S. No one invited Hurricane Matthew, but he showed up anyway. Typically, the days leading up to a wedding are filled with hair and nail appointments and fretting over last-minute details. But Lola and A.J., and wedding guests whose flights touched down Tuesday and Wednesday, found themselves making preparations of a different kind — for survival.  At first, Lola said, she thought the storm would pass and Saturday’s events would go ahe... (Daytona Beach News-Journal)

Sep 21, 2016

News of Record for Thursday, Sept. 1, 2016

Nowell, 34, Edgewater, grand theft of a motor vehicle; Israel Chabriel, 42, Deltona, habitual driving while license is revoked; Summer A. Roam, 24, New Smyrna Beach, court violation (2); Michele Lennaco, 27, Daytona Beach Shores, court violation (2); Richard Lee Darlin, 43, Holly Hill, grand theft from a posted construction site; Kevin Steven Andrel, 58, Daytona Beach, grand theft from a posted construction site; Emmanuel O. Garner, 25, Daytona Beach, sexual battery on a person between the age of 12 and 18 by a person over the age of 18; Richard J. Gould, 30, DeLeon Springs, battery, tampering with a witness; Antoine J. Adams, 26, DeLand, operating a motor vehicle while driver's license is revoked, possession of a controlled substance with the intent to sell, possession of paraphernalia; Shane D. Knox, 21, Daytona Beach, aggravated battery causing bodily harm, domestic battery by strangulation; Jennifer Leigh Quantrell, 32, South Daytona, grand theft of more than $300 but under $5,000; Coquette Heather Volk, 34, Lake Como, grand theft of more than $300 but under $5,000; Angela M. Lockhart, 43, Daytona Beach Shores, court violation (2); Joseph P. Riccobono, 36, Port Orange, possession of cocaine; Fritz G. Osirus, 32, Deltona, domestic battery by strangulation, aggravated battery, battery; Joseph Louis Raico, 50, Port Orange, failure to appear; John James Robertson III, 34, Port Orange, court violation (5). SUITS: Vivian Bray v. Emilio Gonzalo, auto negligence; Robert Bearden v. Moease A. Brooks, auto negligence; Wells Fargo Bank NA v. Jeremy S. Baker, real property; Fidelity National Title Insurance Co. v. Kevin D. Hawkinberry, real property; Wells Fargo Bank NA v. Martyn Rivera, real property; Oldsmar Retail Development LLC v. Superior Detail & Auto Center, in excess of $15,000; Bank of America NA v. any unknown parties of Gary L. Matthews, real property; James G. Holmes v. State of Florida, habeas corpus; Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. David L. Hollway, real property; William J. Logue III v. Kathleen S. Anderson, other circuit civil. MARRIAGES: Stephanie N. Bennett, Port Orange,... (Daytona Beach News-Journal)


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