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Washington DC Flowers News
Mar 29, 2019Eagle Mat & Floor Products Announces April Showers Spring May Flowers... - STL.News
About Eagle Mat & Floor Products Eagle Mat & Floor Products is one of the country’s premier flooring dealers located in the Washington DC Metro area. Providing sales and installation of commercial flooring products to many market segments for over 36 years, including but not limited to: Corporate, Education, Hospitality, Government and the Commercial Real Estate Community. Eagle Mat’s floor covering experts will guide you through the buying process from concept to design to installation. SOURCE: https://www.prweb.com/releases/eagle_mat_floor_products_announces_april_showers_spring_may_flowers_promotion/prweb16195017.htm Related...
Mar 9, 2017DC Cherry Blossom Peak Bloom Delayed By Cold: Here's The New Date
Image via National Park Service
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Dec 2, 2016On this day: Vietnam Veterans Memorial dedicated
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial has become one of the most visited memorials in Washington DC. A Smithsonian Institution director called it “a community of feelings, almost a sacred precinct,” and a veteran declared that “it’s the parade we never got.”
“The Wall,” as it is popularly known, has served to promote national healing after the divisive conflict’s end.
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Jun 22, 2016Widower and children of MP Jo Cox attend event to mark her birthday
Cox's home of Batley where her parents and sister were present and across the world including in Beirut, Brussels, Melbourne, Nairobi, New York, and Washington DC.Education campaigner Malala Yousafzai is among the guest speakers at an hour-long #MoreInCommon rally in London's Trafalgar Square, which the Labour politician's husband Brendan and their children - three-year-old daughter Lejla and son Cuillin, five, attended.The events in Trafalgar Square were preceded by a floating commemoration on the river Thames, which started from the houseboat community where Mrs Cox and her family lived. Mr Cox and the children were followed down the River Thames by the Yorkshire Rose - a boat filled with flowers in memory of the late Labour MP. Brendan Cox travels to central London by boat with their children Lejla, 3, and Cuillin, 5, to attend a special service in Trafalgar Square The Yorkshire Rose, a boat filled with flowers in memory of murdered Labour MP Mrs Cox is towed down the River Thames in London A fund created in Cox's memory by her friends and family has raised more than £1.25million for charities close to her heart The widower and children of the late MP Jo Cox (pictured left and right with husband Brendan) joined her friends, colleagues and high-profile campaigners today as countries around the world gather to celebrate what would have been her 42nd birthdayHosted by Mrs Cox's friend Mariella Frostrup, the event began with leaders of various faiths laying 42 white roses down to mark what would have been her birthday. The band that played at the couple's wedding, Diddley Dee, and a group of the MP's friends formed an honour guard dressed in suffragette-style sashes.Pop Singer Lily Allen also performed a rendition of 'Somewhere Only We Know' which was Mrs Cox and her family's favourite song, before Mr Cox took to the stage.
Pausing occasionally when his voice broke, Mr Cox told the crowd: 'Thank you for coming together to... (Daily Mail)
Jun 22, 2016Jo Cox birthday: MP remembered at world events
He said the event became a celebration of a remarkable life, with speakers calling it a "show of unity against evil".Hundreds also attended events in Washington DC, Dublin, Brussels, Oslo, Buenos Aires, Auckland and Beirut.
At Trafalgar Square - Lauren Turner BBC News"A beautiful event for a wonderful woman" - That was how one of the thousands of people who had gathered at Trafalgar Square to mark Jo Cox's 42nd birthday described the hour-long celebration which had seen smiles, laughter - and more than a few tears. Some of those listening to the speeches and performances had been close friends of Jo Cox. Others were friends of friends. Still more had worked alongside her or her husband Brendan. There were also those who had never met the MP - and still those who had not heard of her before her death last week. But what they had in common was they all wanted to join together in honour of Jo's life. And join together they did in a literal sense, holding hands with loved ones and strangers alike and raising them to the sky when asked to pledge out loud to "love like Jo", the salute reaching across the crowds who filled the square.
At Portobello Beach in Edinburgh, friends of Ms Cox gathered to celebrate her life.Her photo was placed on the sand next to 300 candles arranged into the words 'More In Common'. Kim Wallace, a friend and former colleague of Ms Cox and her husband, said: "Jo was fearless in standing up for her beliefs and was a force for good, bringing people together. "Jo was irreplaceable in many ways, but most especially to her children. "As a mother, my heart breaks that they now have to grow up without her."Brendan Cox tweeted: "Today would have been Jo's birthday. If you can, please join us this afternoon to celebrate her life & legacy."A candlelit vigil was held at a women's charity centre in Syria "in honour of her support for Syrian women", the Women Now For Development organisation said.
People gathered in Trafalgar Square for the London event, with another simultaneous service in the market square in Batley, West Yorkshire.During an emotional speech in London, Mr Cox said: "Thank you to Jo's amazing friends, and friends of friends, and even complete strangers who have managed, despite your own grief, to organise all of this in less than a week.
Thank you for the love that you have poured on our family since our world collapsed on ThursdayBrendan Cox
"As amazing and... (BBC News)