Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

Mountain Flowers

Order flowers and gifts from Mountain Flowers located in Aspen CO for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 103 S Monarch St, Aspen Colorado 81611 Zip. The phone number is (970) 920-6912. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Mountain Flowers in Aspen CO. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Mountain Flowers delivers fresh flowers – order today.

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Mountain Flowers
103 S Monarch St
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(970) 920-6912
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Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

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Florists in Aspen CO and Nearby Cities

711 E Cooper Ave
Aspen, CO 81611
(0.29 Miles from Mountain Flowers)
250 E Valley Rd
El Jebel, CO 81623
(20.01 Miles from Mountain Flowers)

Flowers and Gifts News

Sep 7, 2020

Mountain Flowers of Aspen spreading joy through flowers - Aspen Daily News

To be considered for a profile, please contact interim editor Madeleine Osberger at madski@­aspendailynews.comAfter dissolving her wedding and events business, managing partner Keegan Amit joined Mountain Flowers of Aspen in May; she and founder Wendy Blakeslee joined forces to weather COVID-19 together. The premier boutique florist prides itself on designing beautiful pieces for every occasion, “spreading joy through flowers.”ADN: What do you love most about operating a business in Aspen?Managing Partner Keegan Amit: The sense of community; it’s just incredible. It’s just so wonderful to see how we band together, how we help and support one another. I love being part of that, and we have incredible opportunities; it’s not like being in a tiny town where you don’t get to see things. Community plus opportunity.ADN: How has business changed in the past couple of months?Managing Partner Wendy Blakeslee: I think that one of the things that we noticed is that people are a little bit wary of hosting a celebration. And so we’re seeing a lot more small events, so I think that’s how it’s changed the most right now. But there’s things that haven’t changed, and that is the fact that people still have birthdays and anniversaries...

Dec 18, 2019

Obituary: Storey Lynne Johnson Hart - Montclair Local

Montana where she and her husband built and manage Aspen Ridge Ranch. Her zest for life, her compassion for people and her love for her family and animals allowed her more years than she was given.Mrs. Hart is survived by Douglas Andrew Hart her loving husband of 33 years, daughter Savannah, and sons, Tucker and Gavin. She is predeceased by her parents, Theodore and Francis Johnson, and brother, Theodore D Johnson II.In celebration of her life, the family will be holding a service at 11 a.m. Saturday,Dec. 7, at Union Congregational Church in Upper Montclair.In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to cancer research led by Mrs. Hart’s primary oncologist, Armando Sardi, M.D., at Mercy Medical Foundation, Surgical Oncology Research Fund, 227 St. Paul Place, Baltimore, MD 21202.#mc_embed_signup{background:#fff;clear:left;font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;width:100%}...

Jul 26, 2019

Wilderness Wanderings: Hike now to enjoy Zirkel wildflowers - Steamboat Pilot & Today

They also found aspen sunflower, which is also called old-man-of-the-mountain. Tom Baer, Tom Schlicht and Dave Kinnear did not have much luck with flowers on Gilpin Trail, although they did see that columbine are just starting to bloom.“Flowers are going off late this year,” Baer said.Wildflowers were relatively sparse on the lesser hiked Three Island Lake and North Lake trails. However, saw crews on those two trails saw occasional wild roses with larger than normal blossoms. There was also wild mustard and an abundance of white blossomed thimbleberry. Heading out to a hike? Don’t forget to bring your wildflower book. Or even better, load a wildflower app on your smartphone to help identify the flowers. Yes, there’s an app for that, too.For up-to-date trail information call the U.S. Forest Service in Steamboat Springs at 970-870-2299 or in Yampa at 970-638-4516. Or check the Routt County Trail Conditions Group page on Facebook.Bob Korch is trail crew leader with Friends of Wilderness which assists the U.S. Forest Service in maintaining trails and educating the public about the Mount Zirkel, Sarvis Creek and Flat Tops Wilderness areas. For more information, go to

Jun 22, 2019

More than just a pretty petal: How flowers feed the world around us - Vernon Morning Star

Furthermore, in some cases the extrafloral nectaries are only produced after some herbivore damage has occurred. In cottonwoods and their relatives (aspens), expression of these nectaries is reportedly both heritable and inducible. Elderberry shrubs have them too; they are the little stalks near the axils of the fresh leaves in the accompanying photo; nectar is borne at the top of the stalks. However, so far, we have no observations of insect visitors to these nectaries. [Wild Shots: Photos of Mother Nature in Alaska] The most-studied extrafloral nectaries in non-tropical plants may be those found on bracken fern, a cosmopolitan species that grows in Southeast. (Ferns do not have flowers, so the nectaries are necessarily extrafloral, but the term is used for convenience of comparison with the truly extrafloral nectaries of flowering plants.) The nectaries on bracken are produced on very young, developing fronds, before the leaves expand, in late spring and early summer. They are dark blobs at the junctions of the major pinnae or leaflets, and small ones may occur along the midribs of each pinna. A study in Britain showed that the size of bracken nectaries varied with habitat: they were larger in open habitats than in woodland. The numerous studies of bracken nectaries have produced highly variable results: some showed that ants defend the young fern particularly against sucking insects, or only insect herbivores in the act of egg-laying, or just the eggs of the herbivores, or only leaf-chewing herbivores, while others showed no effect of the ants attracted to the nectaries. Presumably, habitat effects on nectary size are likely to be reflected in ant activity, and furthermore, the deterrent effect of ants depends on what species of ants come to the nectaries and the density of the ants. It also matters just what herbivores are involved: some insect herbivores are very well defended against ant attack and are impervious to their assaults. A lesson in ecological complexity! I have the untested impression that extrafloral nectaries on our local plants are not very well developed. For instance, on cottonwoods, although I find yellow, sticky exudates, probably a resin that might deter leaf-eating insects, on young stems near where new leaves attach, I do not see nectar-secreting g...

Aug 17, 2018

America in Bloom judges see flowers, historic sites, more

Alta Greenhouse employee, talked about urban forestry with the judges. Maurer said 13 new hawthornes and Swedish aspens were planted in the fall of 2017 in the city. "I just think it's amazing how it brings the community together," he said of beautification efforts. Maurer was busy Thursday preparing the floral centerpieces at the Carriage House at Kingwood Center Gardens for the community dinner with judges Thursday night. "The theme is pink and gold," said Maurer. Judges are looking at dozens of projects, not just flowers, including the Mansfield Blockhouse, Mansfield Memorial Museum's Daisy Thomas House and the Third Street murals at Crowe's Shoes - and that's just for starters. It is the second year Mansfield has been involved with the America in Bloom project. Judges will visit some unusual sites, including The Ohio State University Mansfield's microfarm, the sunflower garden at Fifth and Main streets, the Mechanics Bank Courtyard and the Nature Park at the Richland County Fairgrounds. Mansfield joins Saratoga. California; St. Charles, Illinois; and Henderson County, North Carolina in America in Bloom's 25,001-50,000 population category, according to the organization. More Mansfield news: • Entertainment: Mansfield Children's Festival is Saturday • As part of museum renovation, Mansfield UMADAOP seeks oral interviews • Newsies 'a dream come true' for young actor Versaw said groups and organizations have been doing a lot of things over the last six to eight years and now want to bump it up and do more. "Everybody has been doing their part," he said. Judges will be looking at seven categories: flowers, landscaped areas, urban forestry, celebrating heritage, environmental efforts, community vitality and overall impression, he said. Woodard, who lives in West Jefferson outside Columbus, said she has been involved in America in Bloom for the past three years. "I just love what plants can do to a community," Woodard said. "It creates a lot of pride and the beautification efforts brings together a lot of people in the community. It's very rewarding," she said. Waller of Arroyo Grande, California, said as an America in Bloom judge she loves seeing the transformation of cities and towns all over the United States becoming the best thing they can be. To date, more than 250 communities from 45 states have participated in the program and more than 22 million people have been touched by it. Awards will be announced on Sept. 27-29 at AIB's National Symposium & Awards Celebration, held this year in Lexington, Kentucky, according to America in Bloom's news release. 4190521-7223 Twitter: @LWhitmir ...

Jun 14, 2018

Molly Sims is ready to party as she carries flowers and balloons into festive event in Los Angeles

Barely Famous, a sitcom starring two of David Foster's daughters as themselves.Before taking up with Molly, Scott married actress Rachel Nichols in Aspen in 2008 - but they wound up getting separated within a year of the wedding.The couple, who will ring in their seventh wedding anniversary in September, have three children - daughter Scarlett, three, and sons Brooks, five, and Grey, one. Happy: The couple, who will ring in their seventh wedding anniversary in September, have three children - daughter Scarlett, three, and sons Brooks, five, and Grey, one; seen on Sunday div class="adHold...


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